Chapter 2 - Useless Facts About Patrick Stump

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Warnings: Cursing

Rating: PG to PG-13

A/N: And here's where I try to awkwardly drive the story into a different direction, but hey atleast I'm trying. Also I may or may not have made a shitty Teen Wolf reference because Dylan O'Brien


The parking lot was nearly empty, not to Thomas' suprise. Whoever wanted to stay after school this late willingly was probably insane. Or dead. Thomas glanced over at Minho, who was texting with a rather devious smirk. Probably girls. Minho let out a little scoff, as his thumbs sped up their pace.

Definitely girls.

The two walked over to Minho's car, an expensive looking Mercedes with a nice big scratch on the side, from Freshmen year when Thomas angered the Lacrosse team and put them under the impression (on accident, of course) that this nice silver car was in fact his. Thomas had never cherished Minho as a friend more, considering he isn't dead or hanging off of the science buildings. Thomas always believed he remained his friend after that because he's planning something much, much worse after graduation. Thomas shuddered.

"Who's this shank?"

Thomas was busy staring off into nothing to notice the other student that Minho had pointed out. He was yards away from them, leaned up against an old black car, a real lemon from the looks of it. He was talking on the phone, with his arms tightly crossed over his chest, but Thomas was too far to notice any real distingushible features about him. The boy hung up and swung around to hop into his car. Thomas quickly noticed a trait that mightve been overlooked if you weren't looking at the right time.

The boy had a limp.

"Why do you think he's here?"

Minho's voice suddenly jumped back into Thomas' ears, making him flinch slightly. He sighed before moving to hop into the passenger's seat of Minho's car.

"Don't really see why it matters. Probably some delinquent shuck-face here for detention." Thomas said, with a rather bored expression on his face. Minho narrowed his eyes at the stranger's car, before climbing into the car next to Thomas. He started the car, before checking his phone again. Thonas rolled his eyes, and pushed Minho's phone down.

"Hey Minos, I don't care if some chick is currently naked on your front lawn and is sending you pictures of herself with your plastic flamingos- you're driving. How many more texting/driving presentations have you seen at this point?" Thomas sarcastically mused. Minho groaned and looked at Thomas.

"I'm not texting any girls- directly. I'm trying to see if Alby knows anyone for you to go with next Friday."

Thomas' eyes widened a bit before letting out an exasperated sigh and throwing his head into the headrest. Minho stared at him, annoyed, before putting his hands on the wheel and veering out of the parking lot.

"I don't need a fucking date, Minho."

"Look, I know you don't need one, but wouldn't you like one? Unless you want to be like loner limp back there in the parking lot." Minho replied, not taking his eyes off the road.

Thomas thought for a second, before answering. "I don't know, sure. I mean who are you going with?"

"Eliz-" before Minho could finish his sentence, Thomas cut him off with a sharp "wait."

"...You saw he had a limp?"

Minho turned to look at Thomas, raising an eyebrow. His eyes looked confused, and a little aggravated.

"Yeah...? Why is that important?"

Thomas immediately regretted his question. He sunk back into his chair, watching the nearly empty road in front of them. Thomas didn't really understand why he cared, but he did. He had known almost every single person in the entire school, every Freshmen Sophmore Junior and Senior inside and out, yet he didn't recall a single one who drove a black beat up car and had a limp. It bothered him a little, like some sort of weird mystery. Did he just see a ghost or maybe even a teacher he didn't know? Now he was being ridiculous. But he didn't care.

He flicked the radio on, trying to drown out any weird creepy thoughts about the stranger in the parking lot. The sound of Sugar, We're Going Down suddenly filled the car. Thomas smiled a bit, before humming along cheerily. Minho rolled his eyes. He never really liked Thomas' music.

"Did you know Patrick Stump was born in Illinois?" Thomas chimed.

Minho looked at him, gasping sarcastically. "No!? Really? Oh man Thomas, now you can wow the ladies with your knowledge of colors AND Patrick Stump!"

Thomas groaned, and threw his arms up. "Some people care. I'm sure someone cares about green and navy and the lead singer of Fall Out Boy."

Minho laughed, turning into his driveway. He put his arm onto the car door and faced Thomas. "That would be you buddy. And if it isn't you, then it's probably the guy that invented green or Patrick Stump."

"Noone invented green, slinthead."

"It's a joke, Dieson, kinda like your music tastes."

Thomas jumped out of the car, and followed Minho inside. His head was still swirling with thoughts and confusion. Mostly of the upcoming event and his lack of a female partner for said event, and now he had the stranger with a limp in the back of his mind. He couldn't explain why, but he felt like he should find him. Ask why he was there so late after hours. Why he has a limp.

Thomas quickly pushed these out of his head and flopped onto Minho's couch, kicking his shoes off and rolling onto his stomach.

"What happened to exciting Friday night?" Thomas asked. He rolled onto his back and stretched his arms out, like he expected Minho to high five him or something.

"What did you have in mind?"

"We could go grab some dinner."

"Damn that's exciting. A little too exciting." Minho grabbed his chest and faked a little heart attack. Thomas was used to his sarcasm at this point, knowing someone for almost five years makes you a little bit resistant to it. Yet it still managed to earn a little annoyed sigh or roll of the eyes from him.

Thomas rolled back onto his stomach, groaning into the pillow. "Just shut up and get ready, I'm starving."

Limp - Newmas High School!AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon