Chapter 9 - Down

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Warnings: Cursing, alcohol (mentioned), sexual themes (mentioned), homophobia, homophobic slurs, bullying

Rating: 13+ (T)

a/n - HOLY SHIT MY OLD WRITING WAS TERRIBLE U ALL DESERVE MEDALS FOR PUTTING UP W THIS SHIT ALSO I saw Scorch Trials twice soon as the movie ended I saw the very next showing. It was amazing. *^* Creative liberties aside. It inspired me to write more of this, so. ??? enjoy idk

yes the title is a Blink-182 reference how about u stop judging me you shallow bastard (im kidding i love you)


"Oh fuck."

Thomas might've not realized it, but the words slipped from his mouth a lot faster than he anticipated. He gazed over his shoulder, anxiously looking for Teresa, or Minho, or any sort of social krutch. Unfortunately, the two more social of the three had abandoned Thomas to converse and enjoy their night, not wanting to have a pessimist like Thomas around them, restricting their fun.

He felt his face heat up, his phone slowly slipping from his grip. He caught it as it fell between his fingers, making his embarassment even more apparent. Thomas swallowed, continuing to look over his shoulder as if someone was going to stab him at a High School dance. Newt simply stood there, cocking his head in amusement as he watched as Thomas became more and more of a mess.

It felt like Thomas' legs started moving on their own, instinctively making a beeline towards the source of his flushed face and unstable hands. He walked up to Newt, pulling at the edges of his dress jacket, looking solemnly at the polished floor, giving him a chance to see his cluttered reflection.

"Are you okay? You look like someone just killed your puppy." Newt laughed. His 'a's rolled perfectly off of his accent, his smile warm and inviting, yet Thomas couldn't help feeling like someone had dumped ice water over him. A part of him wished he was washed over with ice water. It would've atleast justified his bizarre behavior.

"N-no, I'm just..I'm just nervous, I suppose." Thomas forced out a smile, still avoiding looking Newt directly in the eyes. "Sorry if this comes off as rude but...why are you here?"

Newt smirked and pulled his hands out of his pocket, placing two fingers over the large bruise over Thomas' forehead.  The bruise was pretty old now, but was still sore to any sort of pressure. Thomas flinched at the sudden touch, but eventually stood there awkwardly for the few seconds while Newt simply smiled at him, like he knew something he didn't.

"Well, for one, I wanted to make sure you didn't get any permanent brain damage from your little meeting with the lamppost, but judging by the fact you aren't falling over your own feet I'd say you're fine there." Newt mused, moving his hands back into his pockets. "Also, does me being at a school dance seriously suprise you that much? Or am I just too weird and too lonely for that sort of thing." Newt responded, his friendly smile spreading across his face again. Thomas widened his eyes, suddenly feeling remorseful about his words.

"No! That's not what I meant, I mean- I just sorta thought this wasn't really your scene, I mean-" Newt cut him off with a chuckle.

"Tommy. I'm kidding." The blonde laughed, placing a hand on Thomas' shoulder. He jumped a bit, again not being prepared for any sort of touch from the near stranger. He wanted to tell him that he'd been on his mind for days now, not in a creepy sort of way, but in a sense of curiosity and intriguing nature. Or...maybe it was creepy. Thomas wasn't really sure of the difference anymore.

Limp - Newmas High School!AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon