Chapter 7 - New Beginings

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Warnings: n/a

Rating: PG



"Oh! Oh! I got it! The Breakfast Club!"


Jorge and Brenda laughed as the two were in a very heated game of charades, with Brenda beating Jorge by a landslide. The snowstorm had calmed down enough so that the foggy road was barely visible outside the garage windows. Thomas stuck by Minho's side, slightly off put by the new and strange people around him. His head still spun every once and awhile, making the room seem even more hectic than it already was. But then there was Newt, huddled in a warm chair, headphones in, eyes closed, his breathing slow and rythmic. Thomas felt a sort of odd aura in the room. He had never spoken to any of these people for more than a few sentences, yet they seemed more real than any friends he had prior, Minho excluded of course.

Minho pulled Thomas aside, looking suspiciously around the small room. He pulled Thomas' ear to his lips, before whispering harshly, causing Thomas to cringe.

"The storm better lighten up soon. We should be leaving. It's almost 6. PM." Thomas rolled his eyes, pushing Minho away from him.

"Yeah Minho, I know it's PM. It's not like we're here at 4 in the morning. And what, you don't like spending some quality time with some strangers?" Thomas hissed back.

"No-it's not that. I just, I don't know. Everyone seems all outcast buddy-buddy, then there's us."

Thomas raised an eyebrow, scanning the room to make sure noone was paying attention. Jorge and Brenda were occupied watching some cat video on Brenda's phone, and Newt was still zoning out in the corner.

"What's wrong with us? And don't call them... outcasts." Thomas stretched his words out uncomfortably long, wrinking his eyebrows at the word outcast. It made him feel uneasy, like he was using a really offensive slur, yet it's not like he felt Minho was...wrong. He suddenly wanted to hit himself for thinking that.

"Thomas, I'm not saying they aren't nice people, but they aren't on our spectrum. We have our zone, and they have theirs." Minho glanced at Newt, examining him, like he was mapping out his every detail. Not in the way Thomas did it though, Minho did it with cold curiosity. Like he wanted to say that he was staring at Newt strictly for science. Convienently, Newt had opened a sleepy orange eye at that moment to notice Minho sending him a calculating glare. He stared back for a few seconds while the two exchanged some awkward eye contact, while Thomas rested his face in his hands.

Thomas considered trying to make conversation with someone other than Minho, yet he couldn't find the strength to actually initiate conversation, and instead found himself pretending to be in conversations with the others, trying to think of things they'd find interesting, until he looked up and found himself face to face with the blonde kid again, for what? The third time?

Thomas flinched again, throwing his back into the sofa. Newt laughed, and took a seat rather close to Thomas. Thomas cleared his throat, trying not to draw attention to himself, feeling like if he says something wrong Newt would hate him forever- even though he didn't really seem like that kind of guy.

"Sorry, I should probably announce my presence before sneaking up on people like that." The older boy smiled. Thomas cracked a nervous grin before diverting his attention to Minho, who was arguing with Brenda over the lore of Halo 1-3. Including DLC.

"So Tommy, your friend and Brenda are getting along well." Newt mused, his arms behind his head. Thomas laughed a little, to his suprise. Yet, it was strange hearing Newt calling him "Tommy." Newt was practically a stranger, yet he felt an odd homely sense around him.

"They're both giant nerds I suppose." Thomas smirked, folding his arms. Newt chuckled and smiled at Thomas, before reaching for Thomas' phone. Thomas was taken aback a little bit, but for some strange reason, he allowed Newt to remove his phone from his lap and watched as he tapped and typed. He placed it back onto Thomas' leg, and walked towards the window, before stating that the storm was clear enough for them to go.

Everyone said their goodbyes, and the two guests packed up their car and headed home. Thomas flicked through his phone, before recieving a new message from a new number. The name was under Limpy Outcast.


Wonderful. Now the blonde from the parking lot had slowly worked his way into Thomas' life. And he felt like it wasn't going to be easy to get him out.

Not that he wanted him out, of course.

Limp - Newmas High School!AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon