Chapter 1: Towards a New Beginning

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(Great Tomb of Nazarick, 9th Floor, Round Table)

Sitting alone at a large table, with 40 empty chairs, the guild master of Ainz Ooal Gown, Momonga, let out a depress sigh. A while ago he had sent a message to his other guild members. As this was the last day until YGGDRASIL shut down for good, he had hoped that he and his friends, whom he had gone on so many adventures with, would spend one last time together in the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

However, it seemed that would not happen. No one had arrived and there was at least half an hour left before the shutdown. Momonga was about to give up when he heard a ping from his guild list. Soon several more pings followed. The sound made Momonga's heart leap as he opened his list to see who came on. The list included Herohero, Amanomahitsu, Tabula Smaragdina, Peroroncino, Ulbert Alain Odle, Touch Me, Bukubukuchagama, Warrior Takemikazuchi, Nishikienrai, Yamaiko, Punitto Moe and Bellriver. Momonga couldn't believe it! So many of them were logging in after so long.

The doors to the meeting room opened. Coming through were several individuals. Two of them were slimes. One was pinkish flesh-like slime while the other was a member of one of the strongest slime races; Elder Black Ooze Behind them was a Birdman wearing golden armor. The fourth was dressed as what could only be described as a ninja. The last person was a Nephilim.

Momonga greeted them with enthusiasm, calling their names in the order they entered. "Bukubukuchagma-san! Herehero-san! Peroroncino-san! Nishikienrai-san! Yamaiko-san! It's been to long!"

The Elder Black Ooze, Herohero, laughed joyfully. "Yeah, it has Momonga-san. When I heard that YGGDRASIL was going to be shutdown I was devastated you know!" He exclaimed.

"Right? All our hard work on this place and now it's going to be gone soon." Yamaiko added.

"After hearing that and seeing your message, how could we possible not come and spend the game's last few moments together here in Nazarick?" Nishikienrai stated.

The joy in Momonga increased as he heard his friends' words. What had seemed like a lonely farewell party was now one filled with old memories and joyful laughter. He then frowned mentally when he realized that some people were missing. "Wait. What about the others? I saw them on my guild list logging on."

It was Bukubukuchagama who answered. "We just got messages from them. It seems like when they logged in they appeared in locations further away from Nazarick."

"Damn shitty devs. Even when the game is about to end they still screw with us." Peroroncino muttered before reassuring Momonga. "They said they will be here shortly, though."

Fifteen minutes later, with only thirty minutes left before the shutdown, the rest had arrived. Touch Me, Ulbert Alain Odle, Warrior Takemikazuchi, Punitto Moe, Amanomahitsu, Tabula Smaragdina and Bellriver all sat at the round table with the rest of their friends. All of them were laughing as they talked about the fun they had when playing YGGDRASIL.

"But, oh man! It was really luck today. I was supposed to drive off to work for a meeting, but it got cancelled because some of the staff came down with the flu." Bellriver said.

"Wow, that is lucky." Punitto Moe commented. The Death Vine looked at Yamaiko and Touch Me. "And what about you two? How are things going with your families?"

"Pretty good. Akemi-chan is also on but she wanted to spend the last few moments in Alfheim since she liked the view there the most." Yamaiko explained about her little sister's status.

However, at the mention of family, the World Champion made a small flinch, but it was largely unnoticed. "Oh, everything is fine. I'm just taking a break from work, so I thought I visit." Touch Me replied.

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