Chapter 3: Battle of Carne Village

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(Great Tomb of Nazarick. 9th Floor, Momonga's office)

It had been a day since the tomb had arrived in this new world. Since then, the guild members had worked to better adjust themselves in their new forms, as well as see what else had changed or were still the same. They planned on checking the rest of the tomb to ensure they had a full grasp on the mechanisms that might've changed in the transportation to this world. However, currently the guild members were in Momonga's office, trying out to the Reviewing Mirror. With them was Sebas, the butler standing a respectful distance as well as Cixous, one of the 41 Homunculi Maids and another personal creation of Herohero. Beside them were several tray carts, filled of various foods and beverages.

Momonga was currently using the Mirror of Remote Viewing. "Okay I can now move the image with a wave of the hand." Momonga said.

"That's good, at least we won't look at the same spot." Commented Warrior Takemikazuchi, who sounded rather bored.

Tabula spoke up. "Momonga-san, how about waving your hands? Try and see if that will expand it." He suggested.

Momonga nodded and did just that. "Oh! It worked! Good thinking Tabula-san!" The Overlord said as he continued to explore.

"Well at least we now have a convenient way of surveying the surroundings." Nishikienrai commented. He was holding an empty cup. "Ah, could I have some more tea, please?" The half-golem asked the butler and maid.

"Of course, Nishikienrai-sama." Sebas said as Cixous came forward with a pot of tea.

"By the way, Punitto-san. What's with the stacks of paper?" Ulbert asked the Death Vine sitting beside him.

"I've been writing down what we need to look over. Now I'm just trying to organize them from highest priority to the lowest ones." Punitto Moe explained. "Its essential for us to know what changes have been made to the Tomb since we came here."

[Momonga: Back in YGGDRASIL, there were a lot of updates to the game. I had to add them in to keep playing.]

[Bukubukuchagama: Oh yeah, we had to go through a bunch of updates, so we could log in. What kind of updates were added to the Tomb?]

[Momonga: Nothing big, mostly additions to the POPs, defenses, effects of spells, items and paying for the base.]

[Punitto Moe: In that case I'll add those to the top of the list. Could you also fill me in on the updates and patches later, Momonga-san?]

[Momonga: Of course]

Momonga kept skimming through the mirror when suddenly Peroroncino's sharp eyes caught something. "Hey Momonga-san, I'm seeing smoke coming from the left side." The birdman said.

The others gathered around as Momonga zooms in. They see a small village, with several houses on fire. It also appeared that everyone was running, being chased by knights. "It that a festival?" Momonga asked.

"That doesn't look like a festival." Herohero commented.

"It appears that the knights are killing those defenseless villagers for some reason." Ulbert answered. His tone was one not of shock but of uncaring. In fact, many of them did not seem phase by the sight of death. Another result of their new bodies.

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