Chapter 5: Life of an Adventure

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(Great Tomb of Nazarick, Round Table Room)

"And this concludes the report from information specialist Neuronist." Albedo said to the gathered Supreme Beings.

It had been about three days since the battle of Carne Village. Nazarick had been plenty busy during those days. Such tasks included completing the camouflage of the tomb, as well as the defenses overseen by Punitto Moe and Demiurge. Others were checking on the traps and systems of the Tomb. During the time an unfortunate discovery made was that they still had to pay for the tomb. However, since funding only increased greatly when a guild base was being attack, they were okay for the moment. More fortunate, Tabula and Punitto discovered that they could buy gold too. However, that part was an update from the gacha machine, so the guild decided to let Yamaiko handle that. For the time being at the least that problem was solved, though investigation into the matter would still have to be done. Presently, the guild members were meeting to go over the intel gained by the Sunlight Scripture unit.

"Umu, excellent work Albedo. Let Neuronist know that we are pleased." Momonga said to the succubus.

"Your words honor me, Momonga-sama!" Albedo said as she did a quick bow to her masters. She then excused herself, leaving the players to themselves.

The members of Ainz Ooal Gown let out a collective sigh. Once they had gotten that out of their system, they focused at the task at hand. "Okay, we shall now begin with our plan to spread Ainz Ooal Gown in hopes of finding our comrades, Akemi and Touch-san's son. Anyone got good ideas?" Momonga asked, starting the meeting.

"According to that Nigun fellow and from the village chief, a job career called adventurer exists here." Nishikienrai. "Perhaps we should become adventurers ourselves and gather information." There were collective 'oohs' at the suggestion, many of them liking the idea.

"Indeed, that does like an effective way to gain intel at the moment. Plus, we will be able to move around a bit freely as adventurers." Touch Me said.

"Oh! Oh! I want to go!" Peroroncino cried excitedly.

His sister snorted. "Please! You just want to hit on whatever girls you can find, you damn pervert." Bukubukuchagama said to him.

"Shut up! I bet you would want to go disguised as some loli adventure!" Her brother fired back.

"At least I wouldn't be arrested for public molesting!" The pink slime shouted.

"Enough!" Yamaiko yelled, hitting both on the head. "Quit acting like a bunch of children and focus back to the subject at hand!"

"Yes, Yamaiko-sensei." The siblings moaned as they rubbed their heads.

Momonga cleared his nonexistent throat. "We'll get back to the matter of adventurers later. Peroroncino-san, show us what you found back at the field."

"Ah, right." The birdman said as he pulled out a small brown sack from his Item Box. He then emptied its contents onto the table. It was shown to be several glowing crystals the size of a person's palm.

"Data Crystals." Touch Me said in surprise.

Data crystals were one of the fundamental necessities in YGGDRASIL. The crystals were what made the flexible system of customization in YGGDRASIL possible. With them, players could use them customization for all parts of the game, such as changing the qualities of locations, crafting NPCs, designing personal weapons and altering player appearances. Even the Great Tomb of Nazaricks could be altered through the use of data crystals.

"I found them after the battle. I gathered them after we had those idiots taken to Nazarick." The birdman explained.

"Fascinating." Punitto Moe murmured as he picked one up. "To be honest I didn't think they would exist in this world."

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