~Dad Please1/2~ Katsuki 5~

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Katsuki POV
I dragged y/n to class today, she wasn't in uniform though, I tried to get her to put it on, but she only pouted. "What're gonna wear?" I asked, hoping that would convince her to put on her uniform, but unfortunately her stubbornness pulled through. She grabbed a black Arctic Monkeys Sweatshirt and ripped jeans out of her drawer, "hand me my converses" she demanded. "Please?" I looked at her at her expectingly "Please" she said with a fake smile. When we walked into class, four eyes ran up waving his arms as he does "Where have you been?! You've skipped way too many classes, it is obvio-" His rant was cut off by Y/N, "move" she demanded, Four Eyes isn't used to her snappy attitude so he stood there shocked with wide eyes, She maneuvered passed him and sat down next to me.

In the Middle of Training
As a punishment for missing classes with no excuse Y/n had to train with Aizawa.
I was training with Shitty Hair when I look out of the corner of my eye, to see Y/N fall to her knees, Aizawa went for the attack, "Sh!t" I muttered. I made two explosions, one heading towards Shi!tty Hair and the other for Aizawa, I blasted my way over to Y/N, "Are you ok?" I questioned her, "I'm fine." To be honest it didn't look like it but I gave her the benefit of the doubt. "Bakugou, you know better than to interfere with other training." Mr. Aizawa warned me, he must have assumed that I was afraid, but I only snickered, picking up my gf bridal style, and walked off.

2 hours later

I sat outside the nurse's office, She didn't want to go of course, but I forced her to, just to make sure she and our baby was okay. "Bakubro?" the two extras ran up, "What?" I said in annoyance, "Are you okay?!" they looked worried for some reason, "Uh yeah? What do you extras want?" I questioned them, "We came to check on you and Y/LN (Last Name)." Sh!tty Hair conveyed. "Are you coming back to class bro?" Dunce faced sat on the floor next to where I was standing. "No."
"Why not?" The two idiots said in unison.
"Because-" I was cut off by Recovery Girl, "Bakugou, Katsuki? Can you come in here please?" I walked past Sh!tty Hair into the room and closed the door behind me. "Yeah?" I looked at Y/N who seemed to be annoyed, "I told you this was a bad idea," she said in annoyance. Technically she didn't say that, but I just when along with what she said, "What's wrong?"
"You have to tell your Sensi about your current situation." Recovery Girl demanded.
"I don't want any special treatment, so no," Y/N answered before I could respond. "No one said you would, but Mr. Aizawa needs to know, I said that from the beginning, you being in the Hero Couse is all the more reason to do so." I did my best to convince her, but once again, her stubbornness pulled through, "I'm not listening." I sighed and leaned against the wall. "If you don't I will, I'll give you two weeks." Recovery Girl gave us an ultimatum, making her pout.

3 Days Later

Some way somehow Y/N summoned up enough courage to visit her parents, I wasn't present at the time, I was training and had no idea she had gone to her parent's house.
Deku and I had just finished training when he threw me a towel. "Izuku? I gotta tell you something, I said hoping up on a stack of yoga mats, he hovered up next to me (shorty).
"What's up, Kacchan?"

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