Chapter Twenty-One

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Breaking Dawn

As my body was pushed through his portal the scenery started to morph before my eyes. We had been transported back into a nursery and it had a weird familiar feeling to it. The room was colored bright pink and gold. The crib was in the center and up against two tall windows, the length of the room and the curtains hung above were cream and had a family crest engraved in it. There was a flower blooming in the middle with a crown in gold. It was inside of a reef circle that a triangle went through. It also extended at the bottom into a V-shape that had other flowers and vines that went through it. Under the image read Eari. There were beautiful flowers in the room on the dressers and beside the crib.

That is when it clicked, I was back in the King and Queens Castle, I had looked at the mist and he was next to the door waiting. He was motionless. I had gone to walk toward him, and he put his hand out extending for me to wait. And I obeyed. Something about this being felt like he was somehow an extension of myself. Maybe it was?

It wasn't even moments later when Eliza burst into the room with a baby in hand and Victor following right behind her. They both looked overjoyed with happiness it showed as it spread across their faces reaching the iris of their eyes.

My mother was the first to speak, "Leave us be with our child I shall call you back in when I am to retire," She ordered to her servants, and she closed the room behind her and Victor. Eliza gracefully walked to the rocking chair and sat down rocking her child. "She is so beautiful," She continued.

Victor came to her side holding onto her shoulders with both of his hands and kissing the side of her cheek agreeing, "Yes, she is so. Maybe this shall heal your heart a bit about Stavros," he said still loving kissing her cheek and then her shoulder.

She looked to him with heat in her eyes and was not of pleasure... it was of fury, "I will never forget the injustices someone has inflicted upon us. Upon me just me it seems you keep wanting me to forget I will never! Rosalie is only a part of my heart, and I love her dearly, but one child cannot heal what has been broken. Maybe ease the pain for the moment but my heart will always be broken until our son is returned." She said playing with Rosalie's soft hair was coy like our mothers. Even on a small infant, her hair is thick and healthy. She resembled my mother beautifully. The only stark difference is her hair was ashy brown like her father's and not deep brown like my mother and me.

"Well, you cannot be pursued and any more kingdoms! You must rest I'll have my guard to go portal the kingdom of Bailiwick tonight you must stay to rest you still have just only given birth a few weeks ago." HE ordered at her.

"You will not tell me where I cannot go, Like I said to our wet nurse I will have her come in and a guard in here so no one will harm our daughter. But I will be going I was the one to make the arrangement and you will be in attendance as well husband, "she said with an almost slick tone to it. "Unless you have information about our son's disappearance we are going," she said icily. 

Victor narrowed his eyes in a way that was defeated but angry, "How are you still quaking with revenge when you have another child here in your arms to nurse, love, and care for? I know if our son... was still around he wouldn't want to be in a place with the King and Queen's hand ruled in iron than love."

Eliza got up from her position and placed Rosalie in her crib and then turned to Victor gracefully. With the coldest of tones, she said, "I don't get why you think one child could replace the other... Each day that passes I wonder..." Then her eyes trailed off, looking to the floor and then back to him with regained confidence. "If you think I will not find the kidnapper I will... If you think I care that the people are afraid of me, they should have been when they robbed me of my child. My first born... the only son I have ever known. So, no Rosalie doesn't replace the ache in my heart. She only fuels my rage if someone ever took her from me this whole Kingdom will burn be damned anyone who stops me. You are either with me, my love, ruling in this rage, or you are not."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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