Chapter Thirteen

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My uncle was going to have a hard time finding me due to the potion Arianna and Val had inquired for me. When I had left out the bath you could physically see purple mist rolling off my body like steam. My skin felt tighter, and I could feel the slight tingle the air had caused. I didn't feel the sensation for long because as soon as I put clothes on everything started to calm down.

Valentina had made sure the passage for me to take to her father's office was clear. No creatures were in sight. The potion had taken because Valentina had advised I smelt potent of the earth. She said it reminded her of the Lyoraxe that lived in the forest. Even though I was cloaked we couldn't have anyone seeing my face. Not just my scent was hidden. I walked through the halls with a black cloak that had a hood covering my entire face.

Head Maiden Elaine stood at my side with one arm around mine and Valentina at my other walking me through the haunted hallways. When we reached our destination, I uncloaked my hood. It wasn't the same room that I first saw. We were now in a room that was brick and in the shade of black. There were no windows in the room. The room it smelt damp.

There was small light coming from candles that lit up the wall but not much else. Lord Draco was in a similar cloak that I was in with his hood down. Next to him was another figure but the hood had remained up.

As soon as we arrived the Val and Head maiden left immediately without giving me time to question. The door that shut behind me was thunderous and made the earth shift beneath us.

Lord Draco had walked over to me, and I kept my head forward looking to the figure who had moved.

"Good evening, Prince Alexander," he said approaching me throwing his arms over my shoulder.

"Good evening, Lord Draco and Friend," I quickly said getting to the chase while I continued to eye the mysterious figure.

"We have to go a safe distance," He said eyeballing the direction I was looking at, "But before we get into the person that shares the same hood as us Prince Alex we have to go."

"Okay go on," I urged to him.

He didn't speak at first. He just looked at me with a blank expression as if he had no idea what his next move was. The silence even though it was quickly made my chest burn. "What is It you want to do? I was not dragged from my life for blank stares Lord Draco," I urged.

"Impatience, young one, is not of virtue," He chuckled. "Wait one moment," He advised going to the end of the room. He moved a brick that was in the middle of the wall. Within the hole contained a lever and when he pulled it down the floor started to shift near the end of the room. It pulled around and revealed a staircase leading under the ground. Lord Draco grabbed the candlestick that was on the wall and handed it to the hooded figure. He then looked to my direction with one hand extended to the stairs, "Don't be afraid, come, come," he beckoned.

I followed the hand across the room to the stairs and they followed behind me. "What is this place," I wondered aloud as I followed down the path that was created. The walls were of brick, and it led down in a spiral. And they were heads of stuff creatures with some candles stick lowly dimming the scene.

"We're headed to the undercroft of the castle it is charmed for private discussions. No other immortal ear can penetrate through it. It is better secured than my office Prince Alex. Understand that even though my staff are devoted to me they are loyal to their king."

I nodded understanding his position. Once we reached the end of the stairs, I let him lead. He continued with making a sudden left into a hall the lead into a dead end in a square room like area. On each wall contained a door and he chose the one in the direct middle to enter. When we went in that room there was nothing in it but a carpet in the center.

Lord Draco went to the center of the room with the hooded figure. He took the hood person hand from underneath its cloth. And he reached into his cloak and took out a small black dagger. He then sliced palm of the person's hand. It was deep enough for masses amounts of blood to spew out. Whoever it was underneath the cloak didn't make a sound. He then squeezed their hand tightly allowing their blood to purposely drip onto the carpet.

I just was watching silently in the background of them. I was curious about his process.

After he turned the knife on himself, he did the same. He deeply sliced his palm as well not winching. He kept a still face through it all. He then squeezed his hand into a tight fist dripping in the same spot. He then turned to me once he finished, "Come on," He motioned.

I was skeptical at first, but something from deep within urged me forward to not show weakness. I walked forth to Lord Draco extending my hand out to him. I hardened my face to not show any reaction, "What does this do?" I asked with curiosity sweeping through my voice.

"This allows us access into the room; the only way is to do a blood transfer. If you try to enter without the sacrifice the entrance will turn to flames burning the intruder to ashes." He said his last sentence while looking me in my eyes and sinking the blade deep into my flesh. I could feel my skin split and breaking apart softly even the muscles underneath like butter. The pain was fleeting but when it was there it did sting.

I squeezed my hand allowing the blood to ooze out my palm dripping it on the rug.

He then kicked the carpet to the side exposing a hidden wooden door on the floor. Opening the door, he beckons me again to go first. I could see when I investigated the passage there was a blue shallow haze glowing above it. I went inside of the whole latching on to the latter attached to the wall going down.

Once I got down there, I was a room with weapons of arrows, swords, and a mixture of modern-day guns. I also saw a metal steel table in the far center of the room in front of a shelve full of machetes.

"Wartime is here," I yelled out to the top.

I got no reply until they were both down the latch and the door was closed.

"Yes, Prince Alex it is," he said as he stood next to the hooded person. He put his arms around its shoulder and said, "I would like you to meet someone Alex. He's been waiting as long as your mother to see you again."

The man then lifted the hood from his head, and it dropped down to his shoulders. He had thick curly hair down to his shoulders like mine with pale skin. He also had a distinctive red burn on his eye. His hair was a platinum blond contrast to mine, but he had the same stature as me. Almost even looked like me.

"It is nice to meet you, my child. We have a lot of catching up to do."

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