Chapter Seventeen

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Bomani led the way to the arena in the woods that Arianna previously beat my ass in. All I could do was shake my head at the memory in embarrassment. I'd have to have a rematch soon to redeem myself. We all came to a stop once we met the middle of the area.

My mother was cuddled in the side of Mark's body. His arm was tightly around her shielding her from the splitting winds. I was thrilled to see both as they were. The way he held her reminded me back when I was just a child, and we'd go on all these adventures they'd sit in the background as I played holding each other. Looking over me lovingly. This chapter of my life was still hard to wrap around. My entire life I had before me a week ago simply perished as if it didn't mean a thing.

Kleitos walked to the center of the group and his eyes met mine then darted to Mark's. With a warm expression he shouted over the heavy winds that were beginning to pick up. " Now Mark, I will go easy on you. I'm just curious to see what abilities you do have."

Valentina was by her side with her arm around my waist looking up at me cautiously. Her other arm rested on my torso enclosing me in her. "I am quite curious as well. What do you think he's going to do?"

"I have no idea honestly," I shrugged then asked, "Why are powers something you gain because of something you know how to do in your past?" Mark in his past life wasn't that extraordinary. He was a welder at a warehouse for many years. He could make something amazing out of metal other than that he was a regular Joe.

"Many elguto don't come into this life with powers because it is more of an accident, they were created than purposeful. The ones that usually acquire some they had a will become the unknown. It allowed them to be more susceptible to whatever the unknown is." She said whispering into my ear.

"That is fascinating," I whispered back to her.

Both of my father's looked each other in the eye squaring each other up for size. Mark made his way away from my mother and looked back with a wink in his eye, "You don't have to go too easy mate. I can hold myself quite well. I've been training for the last year."

Arianna chuckled she wasn't too far off from me and Valentina. She had been a bit behind. Making her way to Bomani she patted his side gently. Without hesitation Bomani started intensely vibrating as he did before on my first night here. His human form violently ripped through his animistic body. When he was done Arianna reached into her satchel on her waist and provided him a pair of pants. However, he remained bare chested and barefoot.

My mother and father were the only ones to react in sheer awe to him. I was still a bit mystified by it myself, but their faces were in utter disbelief.

"Woah," my mother shouted in excitement as she watched Bomani lug on the pants Arianna just provided him, "What are you?" she questioned with excitement in her voice. She started to approach him.

"Martha," my father had shouted to her, "don't go too close!" That gained a few stares from the others, but Mark didn't care. "Don't want to get yourself hurt now." He said moving forward toward her. Before he could take a proper step Kleitos pulled his hood on the back of his cloak.

"Ah, where are you going? I'm sure your wife will be fine. I want you to show me what you're about," Kleitos smiled wittedly. Mark tried to escape his grasp on his hood but was no match. His expression was priceless as he felt the defeat creep in.

"GET OFF ME," he yelled squirming under Kleitos ' touch. "You don't tell me what I can and cannot do." It surprised me how outspoken he was with him. He was usually a timid man. From the two times I've seen him he's changed. He tried shaking his grasp, but he didn't let it go.

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