Chapter Three

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Enchanted stories

My eyes opened to a ray of sunlight pouring out of my window. The heat that radiated out of it warmed my cheeks as my mind began to fill with the day's previous events. Things were true yesterday that I would've never thought possible. One I am a vampire of a great prophecy. The other my father was alive. Out of both, my mind couldn't grasp my father still being here. The other things were strange and bizarre, but the last hurt my heart in many ways.

How could a man leave his family to become an unknown? He left for a year and when I start to transition into becoming this unknown beast he comes back, out of thin air. Closing my eyes again I turned over in my bed. The frustration was overtaking me. I needed to cool off in some shape or form, but it was just eating at me.

My skin became uncomfortable; it felt tight on my muscles. It was that feeling when I got when I was too angry to control myself. Bitter anger was coursing through my veins; I just wanted to scream. Most people would feel overjoyed that their father that they loved came back for them, but I wasn't I was irritated. Livid might I add.

I kept my eyes closed, just to keep the insane part of me unaware of my surroundings. I knew that if they were open, I would go to him and hurt him. They were irrational feelings, but I would act on them, nonetheless. Turning in my bed I let out a scream. Loud and monstrous sound waves left out of my vocal cords in rage. I could feel them rub against each other, but it didn't make my voice crack. It made it louder.

My hands began to tremble, and my body twitched across the bed willing me to get up. I stayed in though. I could not and would not go and harm someone I cared about.

Even through puberty I never experienced such emotional outbreaks before. Maybe a tantrum here and there, but nothing like the emotional battle that was going on inside of me right now. It was a war, a war that I was not prepared for.

Cool small hands met my cheeks anxiously with worry, "What is wrong? Alexander," her voice was like wind chimes in my ear, delightful. It calmed me, but I did not open my eyes. I did not want her to read the rage that was in them. I shook my head making her hands drop from my face. As soon as her touch was gone, I could feel the urgent hate rise into my system again. My body started to shake again. "Alexander! Alex, open your eyes!" She screamed almost crying. She was frightened that I could tell. I didn't want her to be scared. She should never be scared around me, so I did as she asked. My eyelids pulled open into small slits, but I could see her.

Her hands found my face again and one ran through my hair, then her body collapsed on top of mine in a sob. She acted as if we were a couple and she's known me for years not merely twenty-four hours. I wrapped my arms around her tenderly, but not with force. She was still injured. "What is wrong, don't cry Val," I mumbled as one of my hands rubbed her back.

"I thought something was wrong. You were shaking, and your body temperature was so hot," she whispered as if she were defeated. Looking into my eyes she gave me a shy smile. "I should have let my father come. I should not have insisted." Silent tears fell down her face; taking a thumb I brushed some of them away.

I tilted my head to the side and folded my hands behind my head. "What do you mean you insisted?"

She gave me a look of pure innocence and smiled sweetly at me. "This will sound crazy I know, but in the last twenty-four hours anything could be possible right?" I gave her a simple nod to continue.

"Well, okay. In this prophecy that the oracle had spoken of long ago, it was a thousand years ago. He had said that the guard's one and only daughter would be the child's mate. They would rule the people out of the dark ages and set the lands of the vampire world in order. They would bring all the kingdoms together. All creatures will live in harmony. The werewolves, dragons, fairies, sirens, demons, angels, all of us will live in one accord."

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