Chapter One

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Stiles sits tied to a chair, his pater Frankie sat and tied in the chair opposite him "This mission was a bust." Frankie tells him. "Really? I think it's going great!" Stiles grins. The blonde opposite rolls his eyes "You ever not going to be sarcastic?" he asks. "Nah, I'm good." Stiles responds, Frankie chuckling. A man on a black suit walks in, a black mask covering his face "Oh, is it Halloween already? Blimey, had us tied up for three months?" Stiles smirks, the man punching him in the face. Stiles spits some bloody saliva on the floor "Think I hit a nerve." he tells Frankie. "You're going to give me the names of the agents on the Dragmore task force." the man tells them. "No, I don't think we will." Stiles responds. "You don't I'm killing your partner." the man says, pulling out a gun and holding it against Frankie's head. "Don't tell him anything!" Frankie tells Stiles. "You have till I've counted down from five." the man glares. "No don't!" Stiles exclaims. "Five. Four." the man starts. "Don't tell him!" Frankie tells his partner. "Three." the man smirks. Stiles starts feeling his shoulder blades shifting, his eyes burning "Two." the man continues. "Enough!" Stiles shouts, his voice reverberating as black, red and blue wings tear out his back.

Frankie's mouth drops as he watches Stiles tear through his bonds, his eyes black as he grabs the man by the throat "You really think you'd be able to beat me?" Stiles asks in the same voice, lifting the man up. Stiles throws the man across the room and into a wall, rushing over to Frankie and untying him "Are you okay?" he asks, his eyes going back to normal. "Y-You have wings." Frankie says in shock. "Yeah, I-I do..." Stiles trails off. "Wh-What are you?" Frankie asks. "It's uh... It's kinda a long story, I'm technically three different creatures." Stiles responds, helping his partner up as his wings fold back into his back. Stiles groans slightly and winces "You alright?" Frankie asks. "Yeah, I'm used to it." Stiles tells him. The two of them go over to the man and pull of his mask "Jarten, Dragmore's right hand man." Frankie says, Stiles nodding. "I'll go find our stuff, too stay and here and keep and eye on dickhead here." Stiles tells his friend, getting a nod in confirmation.

Four months later

Stiles sits in a room being questioned "What happened when you left the room?" Agent Hangen asks. "You've read the file, you know what happened." Stiles retorts. "I'd like to hear it from you." Hangen tells him. Stiles crosses his arms and doesn't respond, Hangen going to say something but being cut off when Agent McCall walks in "That's enough Hangen." he tells the younger agent, making him leave the room "You alright?" McCall asks Stiles. "Never better, can I go?" Stiles asks. "Yeah, your dad called while you were here. Wants you to call him back when you're free." McCall responds. Stiles nods "Thanks." he says, walking out. "Stiles, I'm sorry." McCall tells him, making Stiles stop for a minute before carrying on his way. Walking out the building, Stiles pulls his phone out and calls his dad "Hey Dad." he says, connecting his phone to his car as he climbs in. "Stiles, you finished work for the day?" Noah asks his son. "Yeah, just on my way back to my apartment. Why? What's wrong?" Stiles asks. "Got a case that I think is up your alley." Noah tells him. "Dad... I can't come back to Beacon Hills right now... Not after everything." Stiles tells his dad sadly. Noah sighs "Just think about it. I miss you son, so does the pack." he says. "I miss you too dad, just... give me time." Stiles responds. "Okay, stay safe son. I love you." Noah tells him. "Love you too dad." Stiles responds, hanging up.

Walking into his apartment, Stiles throws his keys on the table before taking off his gun holster "Took us a while to track you down Agent Stilinski." a voice says. Stiles spins round, pointing his gun at a man in an eye patch who is good in his kitchen "Who are you? What do you want?" he asks. "I'm Direct Nick Fury of the S.H.I.E.L.D, I want you to come and join us at S.H.I.E.L.D." the man responds. "What's S.H.I.E.L.D?" Stiles asks, lowering his gun but keeping it in his hand just incase. "S..H.I.E.L.D stands for Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division. We' re an espionage and security organization that defends Earth and its people from groups that pose advanced technological, and sometimes supernatural or extraterrestrial, threats. It's how I found out about you." Nick tells him. Stiles frowns "Why do you want me?" he asks. "Because I know who and what you are, you would make a good addition to S.H.I.E.L.D. With your knowledge and your skill, we'd be able to help more people and stop threats even faster." Nick explains. "Why me?" Stiles frowns. "We have a mutual friend." Nick tells him. "Who?" Stiles asks. "Your father, I met him when he was in the army." Nick responds. Stiles hesitates "How do I know everything that you're telling me is true?" he asks, still unsure. "Meet me by the Washington Monument tomorrow at noon, I'll give you any proof you want then." Nick says, walking to the door. Stiles watches the man leave before sitting down at the table, his head in his hands as he thinks everything through.

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