Chapter Nine

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The seven Avengers look up to see more Leviathans and chitauri soldiers coming out the portal "Guys

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The seven Avengers look up to see more Leviathans and chitauri soldiers coming out the portal "Guys..." Natasha trails off. "gówno (shit in polish)." Stiles mutters. "Call it, Cap." Tony tells Steve. "Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal up there, we're gonna use containment. Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or your turn it to ash." Steve starts. "Wanna give me a lift?" Clint asks Tony. "Right. Better clench up, Legolas." Tony tells him, flying into the sky and dropping Clint off on the roof. "Thor, you've gotta try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You've got the lightning. Light them up. Silas, Natasha, you and me, we stay here on the ground, keep the fighting here. And Hulk. Smash." Steve finishes. Hulk smiles before leaping into the air, crashing onto a building and taking of chitauri soldiers. Stiles lets his wings go back in, unsheathing his katana as he does "Going to town on them?" Natasha asks. "They shot at me, im allowed to." Stiles responds, his eyes glowing as he starts fighting the chitari once again.

Stiles runs over and starts fighting along side Natasha as she uses one of the chitauri energy rifles, they both turn to see Steve rejoin them "Captain, none of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal." Natasha tells him. "Our biggest guns couldn't touch it." Steve tells her. "Well, maybe it's not about guns." Natasha says. "You wanna get up there, you're gonna need a ride." Steve responds. "I got a ride." Natasha smile, looking at Stiles who playfully rolls his eyes. Stiles lets his wings out and lifts Natasha "Hold on tight Nat." he smiles, taking off. Natasha shoots at any chitauri who try to attack them, Stiles soon landing on the roof of Stark tower "You alright if I go?" he asks. "Go, I got it." Natasha smiles, kissing his cheek and jumping out his arms. Stiles smiles and takes off once again, flying over to Tony to help him with one of the Leviathans "Think your spark can get through the metal?" Tony asks. "One away to find out." Stiles smirks, his eyes glowing as he enhances his katana with his spark. Using the Katana Stiles cuts through the metal, giving Tony enough space to shoot a small rocket into the head of the beast. The Leviathan's head explodes, Tony and Stiles looking at each other "Which one next?" Stiles asks. "Stark, Agent.M, you hearing me? We have a missile headed straight for the city." Nick suddenly tells them over comms. "How long?" Stiles asks. "Three minutes, at best. Stay low and wipe out the missile." Nick responds.

Stiles and Tony fly alongside each other, heading towards the missile "I can close it! Can anybody copy? I can shut the portal down!" Natasha tells them over comms. "Do it!" Steve responds. "No, wait!" Tony tells her. "Stark, these things are still coming!" Steve tells him. "Yeah? We got a nuke coming in, it's gonna blow in less than a minute." Stiles retorts, grabbing the front of the missile as Tony grabs the back of it. "And we know just where to put it." Tony adds as they steer the rocket off course. "Stiles, don't." Clint tells him. Stiles ignores him, continuing to steer the missile towards the portal. "Stiles!" Natasha exclaims. Tony and Stiles shoot up the side of the tower and through the portal, letting go of the missile so it flies into the mothership. Stiles smiles lightly, closing his eyes as the ship explodes. Tony and Stiles fall backwards towards the portal as it begins to close, making it through just as it shuts. Stiles plummets towards the city alongside Tony, drifting towards the the tower. Natasha runs to the edge of the tower and tackles him onto the lower level of the tower "Stiles? Stiles!" she shouts rolling him onto his back and shaking him, trying to ignore the blue tinge to his lips and how cold he is. "Natasha, did you get Stiles?" Clint asks over comms. "Yes but he's unresponsive, I've got a pulse though." Natasha responds, checking Stiles over for any injuries. "We're on our way up." Clint tells her. "Come on Stiles, wake up." Natasha tells him, gently tapping his face.

Clint runs over and kneels the other side of Stiles "He's freezing, we need to get him warm." he says. "Agent Romanoff, Agent Barton, Agent.M, come in." Nick tells them. "Stiles is down Nick, we need medical here." Clint tells him. "They're on their way." Nick responds. Natasha unzips Stiles' jacket, revealing his white undershirt going red from his chest "Shit. Nick, he's been hit. They need to hurry." she says, putting pressure on Stiles' chest. "You idiot Stiles, you should have told us." Clint growls, pulling the small med kit out of Stiles' side pocket. Opening it he pulls out the scissors and gauze, moving Natasha's hands so he can cuts Stiles' shirt open. Natasha takes the gauze and puts it on Stiles' chest, putting on again. Tony soon leads the med team over, stopping when he sees the state Stiles is in. The med team move Natasha and Clint away, Natasha shakily looking at the blood on her hands "Hey, he's going to be fine. He heals fast and it's worse than it look. You and I both know he's going to be up and annoying us in a matter of hours." Clint tells her. "Yeah, I know. He just hasn't been hurt like that in a while, just shook me slightly." Natasha responds. "Me too, but he's going to be fine." Clint smiles.

"How are you two so calm about this?" Tony asks. "It takes a lot to get Stiles down because of his enhancements, he also heals fast. He's been hurt worse than this and been on his feet by the next day." Clint explains. "He's probably out because of it being the anniversary today, he just need sleep." Natasha sighs. "Anniversary?" Tony asks. "That's for him to tell you." Clint tells him. Natasha and Clint walk along side the medics as they take Stiles inside "When did he get hurt?" Natasha frowns. "Could've been when he got blasted and told us he was winded." Clint tells her. Natasha nods "He's an idiot for not telling us." she huffs. "He never tells anyone when he's hurt. Remember when we were in Germany?" Clint reminds her. "Don't remind me. He's still an idiot." Natasha responds. "That I'm not disagreeing on." he chuckles. "Rock, paper, scissors on who gets to ring Noah and tell him Stiles got hurt?" Natasha asks. "Or we could let Nick do it." Clint tells her. "Good idea." Natasha nods with a slight smile on her face.

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