Chapter Eight

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Stiles leans against the wall as he and Natasha wait for Clint to finish in the bathroom, Steve walking in and looking at them "Time to go

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Stiles leans against the wall as he and Natasha wait for Clint to finish in the bathroom, Steve walking in and looking at them "Time to go." he tells them. "Go where?" Natasha asks. "I'll tell you on the way. Can you fly one of those jets?" Steve asks. Clint walks out the bathroom "I can." he tells the Captain. Steve looks at Stiles and Natasha who nod "You got a suit?" he asks Clint. "Yeah." Clint responds. "Then suit up." Steve tells him, walking out. The three remaining look at each other "Guess it's time to kiss ass." Stiles smirks, flashing his bright blue eyes. "Don't do that, it's freaky." Clint jokes, playfully shoving Stiles' shoulder as they walk out. "I know, that's why I do it." Stiles grins. Natasha shakes her head as she chuckles in amusement "Meanie." Clint chuckles as they head to their room. "You love me really." Stiles grins. "Mhm." Clint responds, grabbing his gear. "You had enough tea to power up?" Natasha asks Stiles. "Yep." Stiles smiles reassuringly.

The three of them meet up with Steve, who has suited up properly himself, and head to the Quinjets. They walk over to one, a young pilot walking out "You are not authorized to be here..." he starts. "Son... just don't." Steve tells him, walking onto the jet with the other three following. "I still don't see why I couldn't have flown ahead with Tony." Stiles says, strapping in. "Because we need you at full throttle when we get there. Besides, what if you lost control and Nat and I aren't there?" Clint asks, taking off and beginning to fly in the direction of New York. "Fair point." Stiles sighs, pouting as he leans back. "We'll get you curly fries later." Natasha smiles, turning to look at him. "Okay, I'm good now." Stiles grins as she turns back, thinking about the fried potato treat. Steve looks at them in confusion "Curly fries?" he asks. "Yeah, just the best thing ever!" Stiles sighs happily. "The best?" Clint and Natasha ask, turning to look at him. "Okay, third best." Stiles grins at them. Steve shakes his head "I'm not gonna ask." he decides.

The Quinjet arrives in New York, Stiles looking out the window in shock "Stark, we're heading north east." Natasha tells Tony. "What, did you stop for drive-thru? Swing up Park, I'm gonna lay 'em out for you." Tony tells them. Tony flies up, lining up the Chitari for Natasha to shoot. "Clint, open the door." Stiles says, letting his wings out. Clint nods "Be careful." he tells him. "Always am." Stiles smiles. "Liar." Natasha tells him. Stiles chuckles and jumps out the Quinjet, using his wings to fly over the city and slash at the chitari with his katana. Turning he sees the Quinjet crash onto the streets, making him fly over and put his wings away as he runs over "You guys alright?" Stiles asks. "We're alright." Natasha assures him. There's suddenly an almighty oar, making the four of them look up at the portal "no kurwa (well fuck in polish)." Stiles mutters as a giant chitari leviathan comes out of the portal. As it flies over head, hundreds of chitari propel from its sides "Stark, are you seeing this?" Steve asks. "I'm seeing, still working on believing. Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?" Tony responds. "Banner?" Steve asks in confusion. "Just keep me posted. Jarvis, find me a soft spot." Tony says, going after the leviathan.

Stiles follows Steve behind some upturned taxis, Clint and Natasha following as they watch Loki and a group of chitari shoot at civilians "Those people need assistance down there." Steve says. A group of chitari land near them and begin firing, Stiles feels his eyes change as he starts shooting a them "We got this. It's good. Go!" Natasha tells Steve. "You think you can hold them off?" Steve asks Clint. "Captain. It would be my genuine pleasure." Clint responds, pressing a button to get an explosive arrow selected. Stiles lets out a growl, throwing one of his daggers into a chitari's head. Clint shoot the arrow into a chitari, giving Steve the chance to jump over the edge of the bridge. Natasha and Stiles cover Clint as he goes over and helps people get out of a bus, pulling the door open jerkily. People run out and go for cover as Clint runs over and helps Stiles and Natasha with the Chitari "Just like Budapest all over again!" Natasha tells Clint. "You and I remember Budapest very differently." he tells her. "I've seen the footage, I'm with Clint on this one Nat." Stiles tells her, throwing another dagger. Steve soon rejoins them as Stiles gets blasted into a taxi "Sti!" Natasha exclaims, shooting the chitari before running over and helping him up. "You alright?" Clint asks, jogging over. "Yeah, just winded." Stiles nods rolling his shoulders.

Suddenly, lightning strikes down from the sky, and fires electricity at the chitari around them. The chitari are blasted back in a massive shockwave, dropping to the ground dead. Thor touches down next to them "What's the story upstairs?" Steve asks him. "The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable." Thor responds. "Thor is right. We gotta deal with these guys." Tony tells them over comms. "How do we do this?" Natasha asks. "As a team." Steve responds. "I have unfinished business with Loki." Thor tells them. "Yeah, get in line." Clint tells him, Stiles smirking slightly as he pulls his daggers out of the chitari he killed. "Save it. Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without him these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us-" Steve starts, stopping when Bruce pulls up on a small motorbike.

Getting off, he looks round "So, this all seems horrible." he tells them. "I've seen worse." Natasha tells him. "Sorry." he tells her sheepishly. "No. We could use a little worse." Natasha says. "Tony, Bruce is here." Stiles says into comms. "Then tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you." Tony responds, coming out from behind a building with the Leviathan following. "I... I don't see how that's a party..." Natasha trails off. Tony flies down so he's level with them, the Leviathan copying "Dr. Banner. Now might be a really good time for you to get angry." Steve tells Bruce, who starts walking towards the Leviathan. "That's my secret, Captain. I'm always angry." Bruce tells him, turning green before growing into the Hulk. The Hulk punches the Leviathan making it flip over 360 degrees. Tony shoot a rocket into the soft spot, the Leviathan blowing up. Stiles spreads his wings, using them to protect himself, Natasha and Clint from the falling Leviathan pieces.

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