Chapter Seven

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There's a sudden explosion making Natasha and Bruce fly out the window to the engine room below, Stiles being blasted into the wall and knocked out "Stiles?" Nick asks going over and tapping his face, trying to wake him up

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There's a sudden explosion making Natasha and Bruce fly out the window to the engine room below, Stiles being blasted into the wall and knocked out "Stiles?" Nick asks going over and tapping his face, trying to wake him up. Stiles groans and sits up "Easy Stiles, that was a big hit on the head." Nick tells him. "'M fine, I'm going to find Nat." Stiles retorts, getting up and running out of the lab. Stiles runs down and tackles Natasha out the way as Hulk chases her, Thor tackling Hulk through the wall into the next room "Nat, hey, are you okay?" Stiles asks. "I'm okay, I'm okay." Natasha tells him. Stiles nods and groans, his head thumping "Stiles?" Natasha asks in concern. "I..." Stiles cuts off, crying out in pain. Natasha immediately holds him up "Come on, we need to get you to the med bay." she tells him. "Nat, I'm okay..." Stiles trails off with another groan. "Stiles, something is wrong and you know it. Now come on." she tells him. "Nat, it's the anniversary." Stiles tells her. Natasha freezes "It's never this bad." she tells him. "It's because of all the shit going on." he explains. "Okay, well, lets just figure this out logically." Natasha decides.

The two of them lean against the wall as Stiles tries to ground himself "It's Barton. He took out our systems. He's headed for the detention level. Does anybody copy?" Nick asks over comms. Stiles and Natasha look at each other "This is Agent Romanoff and Agent.M. We copy." Natasha tells him, both of them running off after Clint. They get to a catwalk and find Clint walking along it, the two of them swinging up and starting to fight him. Clint soon enough drops his bow and starts fighting them with a knife "Clint, come on man." Stiles complains, dodging a swipe. Natasha kicks Clint in the face, making him take a swing at her. She twists it making him writhe in pain, swapping the knife to his other hand as Stiles kicks his legs out from under him. Stiles manages to disarm Clint, giving Natasha a chance to wrap her legs around his neck and flip him over. Stiles slams Clint's head down on the rail "Natasha... Stiles..." he trails off. Natasha fully knock him out, making stiles lift him up and over his shoulder "Let's get him to the med bay." he tells Natasha.

Stiles sits on the floor, leaning back against Natasha's legs "Agent Coulson is down." Nick tells everyone over comms. "Paramedics are on their way." Maria tells him. "They're here. They called it." he responds. Stiles lets out a broken noise, Natasha moving to pull him into a hug from behind "I got you Sti." she tells him, knowing how close he and Phil had got. Stiles lets some tears fall, wiping them away "'M fine." he mumbles. "Sure you are." Natasah tells him, putting her face in his neck. Clint soon wakes up, making the two of them look over to him  "Clint, you're gonna be alright." Natasha tells him as he tries to shake Loki's mind control off. "You know that? Is that what you know? I got...I gotta go in though. I gotta flush him out." Clint responds. "We don't have that long, it's gonna take time." Natasha says. "I don't understand. Have you ever had someone take your brain and play? Pull you out and send something else in? Do you know what it's like to be unmade?" Clint asks. "You know that I do. We both do." Natasha responds. Clint finally shakes off the mind control "Why am I back? How did you get him out?" Clint asks. "Cognitive recalibration. We hit you really hard in the head." Stiles explains, Natasha undoing Clint's restraints.

"Thanks. Sti, Tasha, how many agents?" Clint asks. "Don't. Don't do that to yourself, Clint. It doesn't help, trust me." Stiles tells him. "This is Loki." Natasha adds. "Loki, he got away?" Clint asks. "Yeah. I don't suppose you know where?" Natasha asks. "I didn't need to know. I didn't ask. He's gonna make his play soon though. Today." Clint responds. "We gotta stop him." Natasha sighs. "Yeah? Who's we?" Clint asks. "I don't know. Whoever's left." Natasha tells him. "Well, if I put an arrow in Loki's eyesocket, I'd sleep better I suppose." Clint tells them. "Now you sound like you." Stiles tells him, moving onto the chair as Natasha moves to sit next to Clint. "But you don't. You're a spy, not a soldier. Now you want to wade into a war. Why? What did Loki do to you?" Clint asks Natasha. "He didn't, I just..." she trails off. "Natasha." Clint says, taking her hand. "I've been compromised. I got red in my ledger. I'd like to wipe it out." Natasha explains. "You and me both." Stiles tells her, rubbing his temples. "You alright?" Clint asks. "Yeah, I had some herbs when we got you here. I'm fine." Stiles smiles weakly.

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