Chapter 1: Disaster

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Ch. 1) Disaster
"My little sister Maggie and I were playing in a wide green grass field, just beside our village. We always played in that field. The grass was always so green and soft," Arlo looked up to the sky and smiled, then looked down in sorrow. "That is until it turned to what that is," He pointed at the ashy dirt and dead grass with the point of his wing. There were wood scraps everywhere and half-burnt-down houses. "After we were playing for a bit our dad called us home... He never called us home, it was always our mom."

"Why was it only your mom who called you home..?" Akita asked in confusion.
"I'll get to that in a second," Arlo replied.
"So we ran back home. As we were running home we heard a loud noise. It kind of sounded like a huge bomb that set something on fire, and then we heard crackling and sizzling and immediately stopped running. We looked behind us and the whole village was up in flames... Our expression went from worried to completely terrified within seconds. The fire was so huge already that we could feel the scorching heat in the field. We started running back home to see if our Mother was ok."
"Why just her?" Akita asked.
"Because my father never treated us nicely... He never loved us." Arlo told her.
"Then why didn't he leave?" She asked.
"Honestly, I have no idea. Now, as I was saying."

"When we got there, the house was engulfed in flames. I started running into the house to see if our mother was inside,"
"I heard faintly then immediately stopped. I looked behind me to see my little sister shivering and crying in fear... I walked up to her, bent down to her level, and told her."
"Hey it's ok I'll be right back, don't you worry, alright?"
I hugged her tight, then looked at her again. "Be strong for me, ok?" I'll be right back."
"I told her, my voice was trembling, but I had to see if Mom was okay. Then I ran into the flaming house. I couldn't see a thing! The house was full of smoke and ashes. After a bit, I still couldn't find her but my body started to shake and it was starting to get hard to breathe. I decided to bend down to the floor more, so I was not so much in the smoke. Luckily I found her but my vision was starting to get blurry. I found her underneath a huge burning log in the kitchen."

"MOM!" I yelled out to her.
I ran over to her to try and pull her out but all she said was,
"Run... Run and never look back," She told me while her eyes were filled with tears.
"No buts! You have to get out of here before it's too late! Your sister needs you, Arlo!"
She smiled at me with tears in her eyes.
"It will be ok,"
she told me in a soft voice. I started to run. Just like she said then, I heard a faint "wai-..." but when I turned around, I couldn't see her. I turned back around to find a burning log falling right in front of me, blocking my way. There was no way out. My lungs started to fill up with more smoke and I couldn't breathe. I was trying to look around when I saw a small entrance on the roof. I tried to get up to fly out of there, but the small entrance started folding in. I was flying as fast as I could with smoke in my lungs and eyes. I almost didn't make it, but luckily I did.

I flew up past the house and immediately went down to my little sister. My sister started running toward me and then jumped up on me and hugged me tightly.
"See, I told you I'd be ok." I managed to rasp out. "Come on though, we can't stay here, it's too dangerous. Come on, let's go to the forest, I know a place,"
So we both started running.
"Please say this will be a safe place for us," I mumbled to myself.
As we were running I heard a weird noise that kept getting louder, and I also felt a huge heat wave hit us. "MEGGIE FLY!" I yelled out.
A huge fireball was coming straight for us. We were trying to fly out of the way, but it hit the ground behind us and sent us both flying forward. It launched me into a huge tree, then landed into a bush under it. I hit my head on a large rock. I was panicking so much. My vision was blurry, I was dizzy, and my lungs were full of smoke. I was looking around through the bush I was in to see where my little sister landed, but I couldn't find her. Just when I was looking, I saw her on the ground in the field. I was trying to get up to get to her but I couldn't get up.

I started to try dragging myself to her but I was starting to black out from all the smoke in my lungs and from hitting my head on the rock. In the mites when I was starting to blackout, I saw a long black figure, with four beige legs, and a white-looking mask with two hands on the side and a symbol. It used magic and lifted my sister in the air and then started to burn her alive. She was burned so badly that I could see her flesh and bones... Then he threw what was left of her on the ground to rot.... It was awful to just lay there and watch her die. Without being able to do anything... and after that, that was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.

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