The Interwar Period Part 1 1919-1925

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Bolded Word: Most Important Event of the Year

Underlined Words: Significant Events

Bolded, Underlined and Italic Words: Important Declaration of Wars

Italic and Underlined: End of a War between nations

Bolded and Underlined: Important events of a War, Battles/Occupation of key cities.

Bolded and Italic: Founding of an international governmental organization or Treaties by international governmental organizations or events by said organization.

1919: HMS Hood is launched to much fanfare after numerous delays, she becomes the world's very first Fast Battleship. The White Star Line's Olympic class returned to Belfast for a retrofit, which would give them double hulls, upgraded hydraulics and engines, 30 more lifeboats and 20 liferafts. The German Workers' Party is founded. The Funeral of Theodore Roosevelt is held at Christ Church Oyster Bay, Long Island; Roosevelt died in his sleep at the age of 60, two days earlier. The Red Army defeats the Don White Army (Russian Civil War). The Eighteenth Amendment, which authorised Prohibition is passed in the USA. The London Peace Conference opens. (Great War) Female suffrage is introduced in Germany. The League of Nations is founded in London, with the founding members being the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, the German Empire, the United States of America, the Empire of Japan, the Kingdom of Italy, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Tsardom of Bulgaria, the Republic of Ukraine and the Republic of Finland. The March 1st Movement, which opposes Japanese colonial rule in Korea is formed. The Communist International, better known as the Comintern is formed. The Rowlatt Act is passed by Imperial Legislative Council in London. The Commonwealth of the Philippines is formed. Amanullah Khan, the ruler of Afganistan attacks the British Government in India. The Third Anglo-Afghan War starts. A US Navy Curtiss NC-4 makes the first Trans-Atlantic flight. British Foreign Office officials St John Philby and T. E. Lawrence arrive in Cairo for discussions about Arab unrest in Egypt, having been flown by Canadian pilot Harry Yates in a Handley Page bomber which set off from England on June 21. The Treaty of London is signed formally ending the Great War, the contents are in the Treaty of London page. The International Astronomical Union is formed in Berlin. The Anglo-Afghan Treaty of 1919 is signed, ending the Anglo-Afghan war. Ethnic Poles are repatriated from Germany. Pskov is captured by the Red Army from White Russian forces(Russian Civil War). The American Communist Party is established. Croatia and Bosnia are combined into a single crown state in Austria-Hungary as the Slavic crown, this caused tensions between the Hungarians and Austria with the former demanding compensation for their loss of Croatia. Woodrow Wilson suffers a stroke, rendering him an invalid for the rest of his life. The Dutch airline KLM is founded. The Convention relating to the Regulation of Aerial Navigation is signed in Geneva. Heinrich Himmler gives his first speech to the German Worker's Party. The Volstead Act is passed in the USA. King George V institutes the Two Minutes of Silence, which will be observed annually on the 11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Month. The North Western army of the White Army is destroyed by Red Army forces (Russian Civil War). The very first Remembrance Day is observed in the United Kingdom and her Commonwealth nations. The Removal of Sex Disqualification Act is passed in the UK. The design of the M1919 Browning Machinegun is finalized by John Browning.

1920: The Treaty of London comes into effect. The Royal South African Airforce is founded. Construction on the Nicaraguan Canal starts. Switzerland joins the League of Nations. The German war hero Adolf Pölzl (he changed his last name in honour of his late Mother) publishes his memoir, Mein Kampf: Die Erinnerungen eines Soldaten (My Fight: A Soldier's Memoirs), and it becomes a best seller in the German Empire. Heinrich Himmler renames the German Worker's Party as the National Socialist German's Workers Party. The Pearl River Commonwealth is founded by the British government in Hong Kong, with Hong Kong becoming the capital. The 1920 Palm Sunday Tornado Outbreak hits the Great Lakes region and the Deep South. Sir William Roberts is promoted to Field Marshal. The Spanish Flu epidemic ends. An attempted assassination attempt against General Mannerheim fails in Finland. The former Tsar, Alexander II is crowned the new Tsar of the Vladivostok Tsardom. Germany and the USSR exchange POWs. Jeanne d'Arc is canonized. The first KLM flight takes place between Amsterdam and London. Essad Pasha Toptani, the nominal ruler of Albania is assassinated in Paris. The US Post Office Department rules children may not be mailed through the postal service. HMS Hood is commissioned, becoming the most powerful warship in the Royal Navy and the new flagship of the Home Fleet. The Olympic class oceanliners return to service after over a year of overhauls and upgrades in Belfast. Estonia adopts their first constitution. the Republic of China joins the League of Nations. Construction on the Link River Dam started. British socialists agree to form The Communist Party of Great Britain at the Cannon Street Hotel. The 1920 Summer Olympics open in Antwerp, Belgium. The 19th Amendment passes in the USA, giving Women suffrage. Bukhara Operation commences, and Red Army forces and Young Bukharans overthrow the Emirate of Bukhara (Russian Civil War). Mahatama Ghandhi launches the Non-Cooperation Movement in India. The first commercially available radio comes to stores in the USA, with a Westinghouse Radio costing $10 each. Dr Frederick Banting of Canada first records his insight on how to isolate insulin for the treatment of diabetes. Warren G. Harding becomes the 29th President of the United States. The Austro-Hungarian Empire enters into crisis, as the Slavic portion of the Empire threatens to secede from the Empire. The Meiji Shrine is constructed in Tokyo, Japan. The Cenotaph is unveiled, while the Unknown Soldier is buried at West Minister Abby. The First Assembly of the League of Nations is held in Geneva.  A referendum on the restoration of the monarchy in Greece barely succeeded, causing heightened tensions between the Left and the Right. The Congress of Soviets of the Russian SFSR adopts the GOELRO plan for economic recovery.

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