7. A little get to know

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You followed behind the turtle quietly as you were both just walking in silence, you let out a quiet puff by the stench of the sewer hitting your nose as he noticed. "You'll get used to the smell eventually." Leo told you as you shrugged it off "It's still disgusting tho." You mumbled which he chuckled before silence filled the journey up once again, not knowing what to say.

"So, uh," He stammered, trying to think of a conversation. "Where are you from?" He finally thought of one as you answered, walking by his side now. "I'm from Japan, Tokyo region." You answered as he looked at you surprised. "Oh? Why'd you move here?" He tilted his head as you shrugged. "Just to clear my mind off some stuff, maybe a new beginning." You told him which made him even more curious. "Why? What's your past like if you don't mind me asking." He wondered as you halted for a bit, making him stop his tracks to look at you. Standing there as you tried to make a summary of your life you opened your mouth to speak.

"Well, I was born in Japan one day with my parents before they left off somewhere I don't know. I had a sister, at the age of 6 named (sister name) turning seven supposedly this year tho she passed away 2 years ago from cancer. My sensei was the one who took care of me fully and trained me while my uncle was there from time to time in case my sensei needed help. After a while, I decided to go here to NYC to continue my study and take a break from Japan for a while." You explained to him your life as he looked at you with sympathy, realizing what you've been through. You looked at his reaction as you waved your hands in front, smiling nervously. "But h-hey! It's fine really. I'm happy to meet them at least, I've learned to accept it for a long time ago." You added in, in hopes it'd make him less worried.

"I shouldn't have brought it up.. Sorry" he looked away, his imaginary brows furrowing up from regret as you went near him and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Its fine, guess you know a little about me at least." You stated, beginning to walk again as Leo caught up behind you. "Enough about me, how bout you guys?" You changed the conversation about him and his brothers. "Oh, sure. Hold on, let me think" he stated, putting one of his hands over his chin while the other hand acted as a support to the other arm he used. You sighed, letting him get distracted at least as he knew what to tell now from the looks of it.

"Me and my brothers were just small tots really, master splinter taught us all the things we needed to learn like read, write, training and more. We basically stayed here for our entire lives until the shredder incident and stuff from the foot clan." He told you, waving his hand around when he told the story. His eyes looked happy and bright, letting his ocean blue eyes shine while he suddenly went off the side and told you some stories about when they were young. You joined in the laugh as his smile seems to be infectious, his teeth iridescent as his voice sounded so calming. You shook your head at his witty remark, making time fly so fast, you both finally made it near the entrance.

"Well, looks like it's time to go" he stated, looking at you as you looked at him nodding. He went up first to remove the manhole cover as he lend his hand out to you as you accepted it, noticing how soft it is as he pulled you up.

"Ah, fresh wind.." You mumbled, inhaling the air as he smiled watching you. "Oh, um, (Y/N)?" You looked at him confused on why he suddenly called out your name. "Can I burrow your phone for a second?" He asked as you checked your pockets, letting your phone out as you gave it to him, wondering what he would do. After a few seconds, he gave it back to you as you saw his contacts as well inside your list with a captain space boy pfp. "Call me when you need me, I'll keep in touch." Leo stated, giving you a wink and a smirk as you giggled underneath your breath. "Alright alright, I'll see you guys soon Leo." You mumbled as he smiled back. "See you soon!" He stated cheerfully as you watch him quickly go in the manhole and shut it close. Now you stand alone in a bright alley way, the location not as bad as it was secluded. You decided to leave the place, noticing how near you are in your apartment and went home cause man. Was it a day...


This was supposedly part of chapter 6 but I realized how long it would be if I added it all in so here's chapter 7 for you.

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