6. Morning sunshine

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You woke up tiredly, sitting up and rubbing your eyes as you looked around to see yourself in the same place, knowing what happened wasn't a dream. You looked at your watch to realize it was 5am. You've only gotten 4 hours of rest. Probably the longest you'd have since moving here as you stretched upwards. You got up the couch, fixing the blankets and pillows as you looked around to find yourself in the kitchen.

You went into the fridge to find it bare with items but manageable enough to already have some recipes in mind on what to cook. You grabbed some eggs, some bacon, milk, flour, sugar, butter, syrup and some oil as you began measuring the ingredients, separating the wet and dry as you mix. You already began cooking some of the eggs and bacon to speed up the process, flipping the pan for the eggs and bacon to cook the other side as you then incorporated the wet ingredients to the dry, mixing them all together now. "What you doing?" A voice behind you asked, making you jump slightly, forgetting this isn't your place as you saw Leo looking at you with a sheepish smile.

"Breakfast." You answered, giving him an unamused look as he chuckled at your reaction. You placed the cooked eggs and bacon on a place as you poured in the batter of the pancake, making identical circles to each time you drop the batter in. "Smells nice" Leo commented as you nodded. In a bit, you cooked some pancakes as you placed it on a plate, butter on top with some bacon and eggs to the side as you gave it to Leo, pushing in the maple syrup with it.

"Add as much as you like." You told him as he looked at the food, in awe at how quick and simple you made it look yet appetizing enough to eat. He poured in some of the syrup as he took a bite of the food before giving you a big smile of how some kids looked at you back in Japan. "It tastes so good!" Leo stated, continuing to eat the food as you chuckled at how messy he ate. "Thank you, and slow down or you might—" with that note, he began coughing before you could finish your sentence. "choke on your food.."

A sigh left your mouth as you poured him a glass of water and handed it to him, thanking you before drinking the water. You grabbed yourself a napkin as you made your way over him properly, when he sat down his drink, you grabbed his cheek which widened his eyes, seeing you holding him like that as you carefully wiped his mouth due to how messy of an eater he was. Leo's face was red to say the least, your sudden action took him off guard as you finished wiping his mouth. You looked up to his eyes to see his reaction which made you widen your eyes too as you didn't realize how sudden your action was. You pulled away, looking away as you cleared your throat quietly, giving him the napkin.

"You just had some food on your lips that's all. Here, you might need it again." You stated as he coughed on his fist while also looking away. "Thanks..." He mumbled, cooling his face down while he grabbed the napkin off your hands.

You nodded as you finished plating the rest of the food for the others. You then decided to wash the dishes to give you less work later, gently scrubbing off the excess batter. Once you finished, you wiped your head and as if on cue they were on their way on the table. "I smell something cooking!" Mikey yelled out with energy as Donnie rubbed his eyes from behind. "Don't tell me Leo burnt the kitchen again..." He mumbled tiredly while Ralph was yawning behind them. Master splinter was there too as he was walking by their side, up and ready, perhaps he's just a morning person. "Hey!" Leo looked at Donnie as you chuckled, placing down their food on the table while they sat down as they looked at the food happily.

"Yooww!! Pancakes with some eggzzabacon!" Mikey commented as you plopped down the extra eggs and bacon in the middle while you ate at least one pancake. They ate the food, hearing them satisfied as splinter looked at you. "Thank you (Y/N), you didn't have to." He told you as you shook his head. "Is the least I can do for your sons saving me and letting me stay here." You told him as he nodded. "We should let (Y/N) here all the time, at least we'd get something good to eat." Ralph stated before getting hit on the head by Leo. "Ow!", "Hey! Isn't my cooking good!?" Mikey pouted as Donnie chuckled. "It's good Mikey" Donnie reassured. You finished your food, as it was only 1 pancake anyways, slowly placing it down the sink. You fixed your hair, tying it properly as the rest continued eating their meal.

You watch them eat, placing one of your elbows on the counter and your head shifting its weight onto it. Normally you'd get a coffee by now on how early it is, after drinking too much black tea, it didn't really have an effect on you anymore. Your sensei gave you some suggestions to try out some Camelia sinensis, matcha, rooibos tea and more though, it didn't last long either. Your eyes closed gently, waiting for them to finish as you felt tapping on your shoulders, making you open your eyes to see Donnie finished, splinter leaving the scene since he also finished as well.

"You alright there?" He asked you as you just gave him a nod. "Yeah, I'm fine." You muttered which he nodded before looking back at his coffee machine and back at you. "Eh— want some?" He looked at you awkwardly, his diastema showing when he let out a sheepish smile as you could just give him a faint chuckle for his efforts. "Please, I'd love too." You answered his question. Donnie nodded, wasting no time as he went to make some coffee for the both of you. You sat in your position, watching him do so before Mikey nudged your shoulder. "Hey dude" he whispered which got your attention, noticing the boy getting near your ear, his hand covering his lips to the others.

"Do you have a phone or something?" He asked, as you nodded, confused why he whispered this. "Give it to me bro" he gestured to his hand underneath the table which you did so. "What are you two doing??" Leo asked, finishing his meal as Ralph finished his also. "Uhhhh, secret bro stuff??" Mikey gave out a dorky smile which you can see from the corner of your eye as he looked down to the phone and started typing something in your contacts before handing it back to you underneath. "Uhuh, sure." Ralph stated, standing up and grabbing his plate as you grabbed your phone looking at what Mikey did to see a new list in your contacts.

You looked at your contacts to see Mikey inside with a strange ice cream fusion of a cat as their profile picture. You smiled looking at it before a warm cup of Joe was placed on the table by a 3 fingered mutant as you look up to see Donnie sipping his. "I didn't knew what kind you like so I just made a latte." He smiled, his eyes giving you a sorry dude look as you nodded. "It's fine Donnie, thank you for the drink at least." You stated as he nodded, waving as you watched him walk back to his lab. You felt eyes staring at you as you looked behind you to see Leo there drying his hands.

"What? Can't a man dry his hands?" He joked, finishing cleaning up the dishes as you shook your head with a smile before continuing to sip your coffee. An awkward silence filled the kitchen as he walked out of the room, gesturing he'll be in the living room for a bit. You nodded as you took your time drinking the coffee. You gazed at your reflection from the liquid inside the mug as you can see your throat bruised a bit, Leo said the wounds on your body would take a week or 2 to heal but your throat wasn't that severe of a bruise compared to your body. You got yourself out of your thoughts as you finished the drink before standing up to wash the cup, looking at the time afterwards. '6:45am' the watch showed as you thought it's about time to head back to your place, considering how bright it is normally during this time. You walked over to the living room, fixing yourself as you saw Ralph and Mikey watching something on the TV while Leo read his comics.

Slowly making your way to what presumably is the exit, you heard a small clearing off the throat as you look behind you to see them looking.  "And where you going?" Donnie asked, Ralph raising his non existent eyebrows as you shrugged. "Uhh, just going home?" You answered him while scratching your head.

"I think it's best if I follow you, you might get lost on your way out." Leo stated, putting his comics down as he stood up, walking in your direction. "Good point." You mumbled. Before you could leave, Donnie went to his room quickly, looking like he was grabbing something before he rushed to go back to you. "Hey hey, before you leave. Make sure to drink these every 4-6 hours so you won't feel much pain like earlier ago." Donnie told you as you nodded. "Thank you very much Donnie, this means a lot." You bowed slightly as Mikey and Ralph waved a goodbye, Mikey giving you the call me hand sign for who knows what antics he'd drag you in if you do as you left the scene.

I have no idea what to type here than have chapter 6 and a cheeky Leo messing with you. Hope you like it so far since I'm just messing around here.

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