Chapter Two: A Succubus In The Host Club

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Chapter Text

Remember when I said that I had a good feeling about today in the last chapter? Take that back please. I had had managed to get lost on the way to every single one of my classes, I got homework straight away and those twins from this morning is in all of my classes. But worst of all is that this school is pink. Pink everywhere. Who paints their schools pink? First the ugly uniform and now an ugly school? What next?

I wish I was back with Quinn.

No, scratch that: I'll take getting lost, homework, twins, pink and ugly uniforms than Quinn.


Thank God.

I pack up my things and decide to find a library to do my homework in. After looking into five different libraries - who needs five libraries anyway? - I find myself tuning out as I walk around the pink school.

On the third floor, at the end of the North Hallway. Music Room 3.

Oh yes, an abandoned music room! Awesome! I put my hand on the door and push the door open -

-only to be bombarded by red Rose petals. Is there a Vixen in here or something? Only a Vixen can move things with their minds.


When I finally get the rose petals out of my eyes I gasp at the sight before me. There are girls everywhere, some talking to a boy and others blushing like crazy. I see six boys and one girl (I'll explain how I can tell she's a girl later) dressed in Ancient Egypt cosplay. The blonde from this morning is dressed as a pharoah whilst the others are dressed as peasant. The girl doesn't look happy. The room goes silent as everyone turns to stare at me.

Holy crap, the sexual energy in this room is strong.

"Hello princess, it's so good to see you again," the pharoah says, standing up and walking over to me. "You've never been here before, so what's your type?"


"Do you like the Little Boy Lolita?" he asks, pointing to a boy who looks like he should be in Elementary School with blonde hair and blue eyes, clutching a pink stuffed rabbit to his chest.

"Hello! I'm Honey!" the boy says in an Elementary School boy's voice, jumping at me. "What's your name."

"I'm Athena Me-Sutton," I correct myself, almost saying my actual name.

"How about the Silent Type?" the pharoah goes on, pointing at a tall boy with brown eyes and hair.

"That's Mori!" Honey exclaims, jumping onto Mori.

"The Cool Type?" the pharoah goes on, pointing at another boy with black hair and eyes with glasses who looks like an actual demon. "That Kyouya. Or the Little Devil Type?" The twins. "Or the Natural Rookie?" The pharaoh points to the only girl in the group. A sudden dreamy look passes over the pharoah's face. What's going on? "That's my Haruri!" Oh. "Or how about me? I'm Tamaki, the Princely Type." He puts two fingers on my chin and forces me to look at him.

"Princely Type?" I asked. "If you're a Princely Type than why are you dressed as a Pharoah? I mean, isn't a Pharoah a King?"

Tamaki blinks and suddenly disappears. I look around, confused, and spot him sitting against a wall, a dark aura surrounding him. What did I say.

"Oh wow, I'm liking this girl already," Hikaru says as he and Koaru appear behind me. "Even though you called Kaoru a sex demon."

"Hey Hikaru, do I really look like an Incubus?" Kaoru suddenly asks, a fake blush spreading across his cheeks. Wha?

"Of course, you are just as cute as one," Hikaru says, pulling Kaoru into an embrace as girls scream, bursting my eardrums.


What have I walked into?


"Hey, can I speak to you?" I hear Kaoru's voice ask. I look up at him and shrug as I follow him out of the music room.

"Why did you call me an Incubus?" he asked.

"'Cause I felt it when you first touched me," I admit.

"What do you mean you felt it?" Kaoru asked. "Are you telling me you are an Incubus? No wait, a female equivalent is a Succubus."

"Yeah, I'm a Succubus," I answered.

"Prove it."

I nodded and leaned my lips up to his.

Succubus Ties #1 (Ouran High School Host Club)Where stories live. Discover now