Chapter Four: The Poltergiest

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Kaoru and I went back into the host room where everyone was still tending to their guests. Tamaki was cupping a girl's cheek as he spoke to her in a seductive voice. Honey was doing something cute as the girls around him screamed. Mori was silent. Haruhi was talking to the girls around her without the stupid techniques the boys were using. That was just proof that girls were better than boys. Oh, the reason that I could tell she was a girl even though she is dressed as a boy is because of her sexual aura: girls have a pink one (not a stereotype of girls loving pink, it's just the way it is) and boys have blue ones. All the girls and Haruhi have pink sexual auras and the boys have blue ones. Now that I look harder at him I can see that Kaoru's aura was mixed with the luminous blue of an Incubus.

Everyone looks up as we walk into the music room, and Tamaki suddenly appears in front of us.

"Where have you been?" he asks Kaoru, who blinks, trying to think of something.

"Uh ..."


I flinch at the loud noise and look over Tamaki's shoulder to see a girl standing up, covered in tea and screaming her head off while jumping up and down. As if sensing that their fellow girl is in trouble the other girls (except for Haruhi and me) also begin screaming while jumping up and down.

"What is going on?" Hikaru asks, clutching his head as the girls screaming got to a crescendo. The girls were louder than a Siren.

I looked around and spotted the cause of the mayhem. A teacup was lifting itself off a table by an invisible hand, making its way over to an oblivious (screaming) girl. The teacup tips over and brown liquid falls onto her head, and her screaming intensifies. Psychotic laughter fills the air as more things lift off the ground, and I immediately knew what it was.

"A Poltergeist," I told them, narrowing my eyes. "There's only one way to kill them."

"Kill them? Why do you want to kill-OH MY GOD!" Kaoru is interrupted when a cake knife is thrown at him. Honey catches it before it could hit him, his usually happy brown eyes having a dark look to them. What the fuck?

"Something wants to hurt my friends," he says, throwing the knife at the far wall. "I will not let that happen."

"Honey-Sempai do you even know where it is or what it is?" Kaoru asks, unfazed despite the fact he had had a knife thrown at him. "Let me go Hikaru." Hikaru on the other hand was fazed by the fact that his brother had had a knife thrown at him and had pulled him into a protective embrace as if knives were still flying towards him. That had the girls screaming even louder, if that was even possible.

"Can someone please explain what is going on?" Haruhi asked, completely confused on what was going on.

"Haruhi! There's nothing wrong here! Even if there was, Daddy will protect you," Tamaki suddenly says, wrapping Haruhi in a hug that she did not look impressed about.

"Huh? Daddy?" I ask, forgetting about the Poltergeist for a moment.

"Less questions and more getting rid of this Poltergeist thing," Kaoru says, practically throwing me towards where a chair was floating. I crash into whatever was holding it, and I fall to the ground on top of something.

"Owie," a childish voice says, and with a faint "pop" a man appears. He is looked like a completely bold Chinese man, wearing a tunic and no shoes. His pupils were slit like a cat's and red instead of black, showing that he was Dark. Well, Poltergeists feed on the annoyance of humans by causing mayhem so they're naturally Dark. Looking down at the Poltergeist I instantly recognise him.

"Philipe? What the hell are you doing here?" I ask, annoyed.

"Bonjour Mme Succubus . Je suis venu ici simplement pour nourrir." (Hello Ms. Succubus. I simply came here to feed)

"Huh. Ms Succubus? Came here to feed?" Tamaki asked.

I looked at Tamaki, surprised. "You speak French?"

"Of course, I was born and raised in France," Tamaki said. He walked over to Philipe and said, "Qui êtes-vous?" (Who are you?) _"Je suis Philipe . Je suis un Poltergiest . Qui êtes-vous?" (I'm Philipe. I'm a Poltergeist. Who are you?) _"Tamaki Souh. Que voulez-vous dire que vous êtes un Poltergiest?" (What do you mean you are a Poltergeist?)

I roll my eyes, pushing Tamaki out of the way. "This is getting boring. There is only one way to stop a Poltergeist from causing Mayhem. And it's by kissing a Succubus."

"What do you mean by kissing a ... I know what you're on about," Kaoru says as I kiss Philipe, my eyes turning to the luminous blue they turn into when I feed. Philipe begins to moan in pain as I pull away from him, sucking his Chi out. All the humans gasp at the sight of the blue light coming out of Philipe's mouth into mine as his skin begins to turn ashen, the veins in his skin turning black. I pull back, breathing happily, my eyes still luminous blue as the French Poltergeist dropped to the floor, dead.

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