Give Praise, For He Has No Equal

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[??? POV]

Opened my eyes, I get up as I been greeted by a beautiful blue sky and white snow that serrounding me. Yet, I don't feel cold at all. Is it because of Lucilius's body or this clothes I weared.

 Is it because of Lucilius's body or this clothes I weared

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Lucilius: Interesting.

I said as I notice that I even has Lucilius's voice. This surely add to my amused.

I thought as I also noticed how calm I am in this situation. Is it also because of me having Lucilius's body.

While I think about it, a blue screen apprared in front of me as I already known what it is.

[Installing the System… 1%… 3%… 7%… 13%… 19%… 37%… 56%… 75%… 91%… 100%]

[Starting the System]

[The System began an analysis to the Host]


[The System has detected an Unknown Skill]

[The System entered "System Defensive Mode"]

I raised my eyebrows in amuse as another voice spoke and I fully recognized it.

Lucilius: *amuse* Hoh. This quite amusing.

<<Unique Skill, "Great Sage" has been acquired>>

<<Notice. Unknown Skill has detected>>

<<Unique Skill "Great Sage" attempt to contain the Unknown Skill "System">>



<<Unique Skill "Great Sage" attempt to sacrifice the Unknown Skill "System">>





Lucilius: *amuse*

[The System request the Host's permission for an update from System to Advance System]

<<Notice. Unique Skill "Great Sage" request individual "Lucilius"'s permission for an evolution from Unique Skill to Ultimate Skill>>

Lucilius: *amuse* This is quite something.

I said in amuse as both "System" and "Great Sage" requesting an update and evolution at the same time.



Lucilius: "Hm"

[Host, your answer]

Reincarnated as Lucilius in Hoyoverse Where stories live. Discover now