Worship Him, A God Has Been Born Unto The World

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[Lucilius POV]

After checking the System and get along with A.I and Raphael, I continued my journey as I keep walking try to find any civilization.

While walking, I just noticed that I never felt tired both physical and mental. Is it also because Lucilius or Lucifer's body or it is because my Astral Race?

I will think it later. By the way, A.I currently is singing because she told me she bored. So I recommanded her to sing.

A.I: *Nero's voice* Hashire Sori Yo~🎵 Kaze No You Ni~🎵 Tsukimihara Wo~🎵 Padoru Padoru~🎵

Lucilius: *chuckle*

Raphael: *sigh* …Noisy.


I can't help but amused at A.I personality that cheerful, energetic and easy going. Opposite to Raphael that is calm, emotionless and tired.

Lucilius: Hm?

With my "Enhanced Sense", my sense of sight, touch, smell, taste and hearing has became 10x better.

Because of those, I can see a city up ahead of me as A.I and Raphael immediately notify me.

Raphael: Notice. A city has been detected around 10 km from Master's spot.

Lucilius: Thank you for notify me.

Raphael: Understood.

A.I: Fun Fact! The city in front of us is named Nagazora, a central trading city located in the Far Easy a.k.a Japan. It is a world-class city that gather various elites from all over the world.

Lucilius: I see. Thank you for your fun fact A.I.


While walking toward the city, I decided to asked few questions to A.I and Raphael before enter the city because I can see a few guards guarding the entrance.

Lucilius: By the way, do I have any identifications or background in this World?

A.I: Worry not, Host!

Lucilius: Hm?

["Mischief God of the End has forseen this and prepared everything.]

[You has received (C) Item "Identification"]

[You has received (C) Item "Background Document"]

[You has received (UC) Item "5,00,000,000 Yen"]

Lucilius: Hoh?

I asked myself but ignored it as mine main focus right now is the my background of this world. I go to "Inventory" to see my background in this World as it than turn into a blue screen to make it easy for me to read while walking.

Lucilius: How convenient.

Anyway, base by the background here, my full name is Lucilius Ainsworth who borned at January 1st, 1996 on England Hospital.

Apparently, I am half Japanese as my "mother" is Japanese woman while my "father" is English man. My "parent" died in a calamity known as 2nd Honkai Eruption when I am 4 years old.

I later lived with my "grandfather" on Japan as it considered as save place. But unfortunately, he passed away due to old age when I am 14 years old. I than inherited all of my "grandfather" money that actually is my parent's money that he keep to gave it to me.

Lucilius: But that surely, a ton of money I gonna said.

5,000,000,000 Yen is not a small amount of money thought. If I have this much money in my previous life, I will go to Akibahara and go Otaku Spreee buying manga, video game, action figure and more.

Reincarnated as Lucilius in Hoyoverse Where stories live. Discover now