Chapter Six

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Anna arrived at Starbucks late in the evening and was standing under a big oak tree. She searches around the quiet neighborhood. It looked peaceful. Her attention was focused at the town house with the number 104. Three minutes passed, and she was still standing and observing the atmosphere. She noticed no one has gone out or entered the house. Anna didn't forget the knife hidden inside her backpack. Sooner, she saw a blue compact car that maneuvers and stopped in front of the house. A lady in her mid thirties came out of the vehicle holding a shopping bag.
'Be patient.' a voice spoke to her. She watched her unlock the door and went in. 'just a few minute.' the voice said again to her. Anna sticks around for nearly two minutes before striding to the door. She rang the doorbell twice and got a response.
  “Who're you.“ The dark skinned lady asked throwing her gaze on Anna's face. She was the replica of Mrs Smith. Anna wondered if she is ever married.
“I am Juliette and I'm here looking for Justine.“
Justine looks at her upward and downward and She uttered. “I'm Justine. May I help you?“
“I've come for housecleaning. I was called a few minutes ago.“ Anna said.
“I'm sorry, you're at the wrong house, honey. I didn't call for housecleaning.“
“Is this not number 104, Starbucks street.“
“Yes, you are at the right location. But your employer must've mistaken here for another.“
“Perhaps another person that lives here called for the service? Your husband or child?“
“I live alone, honey. I'm not married. Not yet.“
“Okay.“ Anna nodded and was moving away but stopped. “Can I have some water. I'm thirsty.“
Justine didn't hesitate. She says. “Yes, sure. You're so young. Where is your place of work?“ She was engaging in a conversation.
“Western location of gilbardo.“ She'd told her Juliette's home address.
Justine didn't utter a word for somewhile. “That address is familiar. “ She said, setting a glass of water on the table before her.
“Thank you.“ She sipped a little. “Ever heard of the address?“
“I think so.“ She sighs and sat on a couch the opposite direction. “I must've chanced on it somewhere.“
“Definitely you have. Think deeply.“ Anna's voice was switching.
Justine noted something strange occurring to her. “I'll remember maybe later.“
“No, I command you to think deeply!“ Anna snapped.
“What's going on with you?“ Justine was puzzled and was beginning to fear.
“You should know the home address of a girl murdered on the night of gilbardo by six untrustworthy teenagers!“ She roared In anger and pain.
“Juliette?“ Justine whispered and was staring in fright. “How…?” she was surprised, gazing at the teenage girl.
“You don't have to be amazed.“ Anna mutters when she noticed Justine's astounded look. “I'm inside of her and I'm not going to leave until I'm done with what I possessed her for. You girls thought that you could kill and go scot free? You were all wrong. I'm here to avenge my death.“ She told her. “For twenty years, I roamed around the dark world, waiting for the day of my revenge, and I was granted my desire. I'm going to kill the six of you.“ She declared with spite.
“No, please don't hurt me. I didn't kill you. I haven't killed anyone.“ Justine was pleading. She tries to run but a mysterious force brought her on her knees.
“Where do you think you're going to?“ Anna spat and slaps her hard across her face.
“Please don't kill me.“ Justine was in tears.
“Your mother had to die because of the sin of her daughter. Poor grey woman.“ Anna smirked.
“You killed my mother?“
“By breaking her neck. I'm surprised you don't know yet. The body of your mother must be stinking real bad now. You're my first victim, the others will visit you soon after.“
“I didn't do anything to you. Please don't hurt me.“ Justine was scared.
“And what makes you think I would stop now?“
Justine's lifeless body laid on the dining table. Her two arms were cut off and was sitting on a tray.
Anna was laying eyes open staring at the ceiling. Her head and whole body hurts very bad, and she felt weak. She was trying to understand the terrifying nightmare that had occurred in her sleep. It seemed strangely real. 'what a wicked sight.' she wondered. Few minutes, she was up and was wearing her pyjama.
“Hmm, chicken paprika.“ She reached for the fork. “I see you're ready to go somewhere?“
“A business meeting. I'm confident to get a salary raise. Hopefully, I should be promoted.“ Jolie said, placing the jug of fresh juice down.
“That would take up most of your time.“ Anna shoved a morsel of meat into her mouth.
“I don't care as long as it provides for us.“ She showed her set of white teeth.
“Is there something I should know?“ Jolie was intruding on Anna's thoughts after observing her minute calmness.
“Mum I dreamt a frightening scene. It had felt so real and…” she was planning on how to explain it.
“You know I'm running late,” Jolie checks her wrist, “but I'll have time to listen to all you're going to tell me. I'm all ears.“ Jolie focused her eyes on her.
“In my dream, i saw a lady crying and pleading that she doesn't want to die. Something strange accused her of murder. I think it was going to kill her to take revenge. The voice was so loud and sounded horrifying and it also sounded like that of a teenage girl in agony.“ She stopped.
“Hmm.” Jolie thought and said. “It's indeed a scary dream. You don't need to panic or be disturbed.“ she assures, taking her Gianni Versace bag from the table. “I'm promising you honey, when I'm back we will talk about this more. Don't skip lunch.“ She was saying to her.
“I saw her dead body on the table. Her two arms were separated and was on a stainless tray.“ Anna said.
“What did I hear you say?“ Jolie was trying hard to believe.
“Yes, mum. I think the ghost of a girl did that to her. I saw the woman call her Juliette.“
“Yes. The strange voice had said something about a girl murdered on a night of gilbardo by six teenagers.“ Anna reminiscined.
Jolie's eyes were widely open in shock. The bag fell out of her hands.

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