Chapter Eleven

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Kendrick walked in on his wife's call, he was going into the bedroom to inform her that dinner was ready when he heard her talking about Juliette. He stops to eavesdrop on her conversation with Danielle. He was surprised about what he heard.
'If only her mother knew that her daughter wasn't missing but dead.'
'Poor woman.'
'She forced me to. I was provoked. Wishing I can turn the hands of the clock and change everything that happened that night.'
'My conscience blames me everytime I hear her name. I'd betrayed a friend because of a boy.'
'No Danielle, She's gone and it's because of us. May her soul rest in peace."
Anna shoved two spoonfuls of tutti-frutti into her mouth and was wondering why the two women was staring at her. Danielle had dropped by with the ice cream. Her stomach was much bigger than before when she'd seen her. She had pulled off her thick duffel coat she complained made her sweaty and was wearing a cloth that exposed the tattoo just above her belly button. "Did I do something wrong." Anna asked when the gazes was becoming too much.
"We were wondering what you were doing at some oxfords estate." Danielle played the trick.
"What oxfords estate. I don't know where that is."
"You are right, I mean you could possibly not be the one we saw." Danielle was saying.
"Definitely I wasn't." She rolled her eyes. "Must be someone else."
"But we asked the security man at the place we went visiting and he told us that a young girl was the last person to visit Viviane. To cut the long story short, his description matches you. Dark hair waves and mauve lips."
"Wait, wait, hold up. It should be another girl that fits the description. I ain't the only young girl with dark waves and mauve lips. Step outside and you will find two thousand of 'em."
Danielle and Jolie had met with the guard again hours after he'd told the hurtful news and he told them about the last person who'd visited Mrs Santana. When they'd asked. He said it was a young girl and had described her. He said that he'd seen her off when she was leaving after her meeting with Mrs Santana, and he spoke that she isn't capable of killing Viviane. 'I mean she's only a teenager. So definitely it wasn't she.' He said.
"One more thing, he said the girl has a scar on her left shoulder. And looking at the scar it seems like you are the one he described."
"Like really, I don't even know where that place is." Anna looks at Danielle. "Why would I want to go to a place I'm not familiar with. And who the hell is Viviane?"
Danielle and Jolie looks at each other and Jolie said. " Anna you spoke about a ghost in the hospital that said something to you on the night of your disappearance..."
"Yes I did."
"Then there's a wide possibility that it's using you to take revenge. Since the moment that you asked who Juliette Lewis was, I spent hours researching and understanding everything. Now I see it."
"I...I don't understand." She'd stopped with the ice cream.
"Yes dear, you'd asked me what happened at the night of gilbardo and who Juliette Lewis was."
"I don't remember asking you about Juliette or whosoever..."
"I'm not surprised if you don't. It took me days to realize that it wasn't you that had asked but the spirit within you."
"What are you talking about? And who's this Juliette Lewis and what happened at the night of gilbardo." They could see she looked confused.
Jolie chewed on her lips in thoughts for moments. "Juliette Lewis was our best friend in highschool. She was the nicest soul but..." Jolie looked sober. "She disappeared on the night of gilbardo that's it." She just couldn't tell her everything that happened.
"And why does she seek revenge?" Anna says. "Mum... Danielle, it shouldn't be what I'm thinking or is it." Her eyes was widened in shock when they didn't say anything. "Did you hurt her?"
"No, no. We didn't hurt her." Danielle said.
"Honey, the nightmare you had about a lady who was killed and her arms on a tray is not just a dream, it's reality. Justine is her name. We suspect that the person who'd accused her of murder is no other person but Juliette.
"Yeah you'd told me before now. You said it was a revelation."
"It's not a revelation. Juliette is using you. You saw all that because you were present at the time it happened. Juliette manipulated you into thinking that it was only but a dream. She has control over your mindset and can make you believe anything she wants you to. She puts you to sleep when she wants to reveal herself."
"Wait, why would she want to use me?"
"I think because you are at the exact age she died and... you went missing on the place she disappeared. Gilbardo. She must've seen you as an opportunity to get back on us. Juliette possessed you. Only you is capable of making her leave your body."
"This sounds unreal." Anna wasn't having it.
"Anna you have to listen to us." Danielle said.
"I'm trying hard to believe all this but I can't."
"Anna if you don't listen to us you're going to hurt another person." Jolie said.
"The absurdity in all of this." She sighs.
"Honey I thought this through and I've fully realized everything, you have to listen to me."
"Wait, are you telling me that the voice I heard at the clinic is your ghost friend?"
Jolie took glances at Danielle. "Yes. And I'm afraid to say this but you are responsible for the death of two people, and if care isn't taken you could be arrested." Jolie says.
"I don't remember killing anyone."
"I know you don't, and the reason why is because you aren't doing so with your will. It possess you and carries out the job itself." Jolie repeated.
"I don't believe all of this. This is bullshit." She stands and takes the cup of tutti-frutti. "I will have this in my room." and she walks away.
"She doesn't want to listen to us, Danielle. What are we going to do." Jolie says.
"Lock her up."

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