The Crystal Keepers: 14 (Extra) *

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We all sat down in the biggest hammock.
"Wait, what's happening?" Mira asked.
"Kendal has some boy problems." Roulette said with a smirk.
"Is is about Jace? That's my favorite boy drama!"
Mira squealed.
"Okay. Spill." Roulette said.
I sighed, accepting my fate. "What do you want to know?"
"Everything! How you met, when you started liking him, everything!" Roulette said.
I groaned. "I'm sure Mira can explain how we met better. Maybe you should tell her."
Mira squealed and started talking about the day I got to skyport, and gave her the full story up to present day.
"They flirt all the time. Like one time she offered to help him up when he got stuck in a ball pit at Brady's wilderness, and he pulled her down with him. I've caught them together so many times. The first time was when they were on the roof together. And then there was that time in the autocoach when Jace had his head in her lap and she was playing with his hair. Or that time you guys were arguing about getting the last word in the Silent Woods. Heck, the day they met they were flirting. Jace was all 'You're my new best friend, I was supposed to scout today' and—"
"Okay, that is not what he said." I said, my face bright red. "And how do you even know about that? You weren't even there!"
She grinned and shrugged. "I have my sources. Anyways, and then even today when we came in the room while they were getting suited up, and he pulled her aside and was flirting with her." Mira said. "And he's always finding excuses to be with her. They're adorable."
Roulette squealed so loud I had to cover my ears.  "That's so cute! Today on the walk over here, Jace was like 'Leave the flirting to me, all the girls love me. Right Kendal?' and then he put his arm around her shoulders, and it was so obvious that he likes you."
"Guys listen." I said. "That's great and all, but something else happened."
That got their attention.
I ran them through my conversation with Jace.

"Beautiful day for a walk isn't it?"
"What are you up too?"
"Nothing. Can't I enjoy a walk outside with a friend?"
"What? More than friends, then? Friends that like each other? How about, friends that know they like each other, but pretend that they're just friends, even though they know they're more than that?"

"Like, did he just admit that he likes me? Or did I totally read that wrong?" I sighed.
A smile grew on Roulettes face. "I think that's exactly what he meant. He just admitted that he likes you, without actually admitting it. And you didn't reject him, so that's good."
"There's more." I said. I explained everything about our list about how he's not bad looking, and the jokes.
"So today," I continued. "He asked me if I thought he was good looking, and I jokingly said sure, even—"
"Even though you think he's totally hot." Roulette put in.
I swallowed. "Right." I sighed. "I don't know guys. I really like him. He's just . . . he's always there for me. No matter what. And it's like he can tell when I get nervous, and knows how to calm me down, and I just . . ." I trailed off.
Mira had that goofy grin on her face again. "You're in love."
I sat up straighter. "What?"
"Kendal Anderson, you are totally in love with that boy." She said matter of factly.
I thought about it. "I . . . Oh god, maybe I am."
Mira squealed again, and I was certain everyone could hear her.
I assumed correct, because a few moments later, there was a knock on our door, and Jace and Trickster poked their heads in, with Cole and Dalton behind them. I groaned. This could not be happening.
"Uh, is everything alright in here?" Trickster asked. 
"Yeah," Jace said, "We heard squealing."
"Oh nothing, I just learned that—" Roulette started, but I clamped my hand over her mouth.
"I swear Roulette, do not finish that sentence."
Her face went pale, and I could see the worry enter her face when I glanced at Trickster.
"We good?" I asked her, my hand still over her mouth.  She nodded vigorously and I slowly removed my hand.
"You're kind of scary sometimes, you know that?" Jace said.
I stared at him, my stomach in knots. Did he really know?
Mira and Roulette exchanged a glance, and began pushing the boys out the door. 
"Okay, we're good you guys can go now bye!" Roulette said before shutting the door.
"You know that's supposed to be a secret, right?" Mira said laughing.
"Yep. Got it." Roulette said.
"So, back to what we were talking about—"
"Wait." I cut her off. I silently crept over to the door, and leaned against, listening. Then I slammed my shoulder into it as hard as I could.
I heard a loud thump and groans from outside the door. I opened it, revealing the boys in a pile, groaning in pain.
I leaned against the door frame and smirked, with a Roulette and Mira doubled over laughing behind me. "You guys done eavesdropping?"
"Yes ma'am." Jace said, his voice strained from where he laid under Cole and Dalton.
I bit my lip, trying not to let on how much I liked the 'ma'am' part.
Jace's eyes gleamed, and I knew he knew. "Carry on." He said with a wink.
I laughed, and then shut the door. I waited for their retreating footsteps before I turned to the girls.
"Okay," I said grinning. "Enough about me and Jace. What's going on with you and Trickster?"
Roulettes face turned bright red. Me and Mira stared at her until she sighed.
"Fine." she said. "Sometimes I think he likes me, but then during missions and stuff he totally ignores me, or he's super protective. And sometimes he's so serious and obsessed with the missions that he's no fun."
"He definitely likes her." I said. "Did you see them at the gaming hub?"
A smile grew on her face. "I did. And I agree. He definitely likes you."
"Yeah Yeah, Whatever." Roulette said, her gaze turning to Mira. "Your turn." 
"I'm not interested in anyone." Mira said, but I wasn't convinced.
"Oh come on Mira." I said. "We've got four good looking guys with us, all around our age. Not a single one of them stands out to you?"
"Nope." She said. "I'm more concerned about finding my sisters. But you guys do you."
Roulette yawned. "Okay. I think I'm going to go to bed. I'm exhausted."
Mira nodded. "Me too."
"Goodnight guys." I said.
I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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