The Crystal Keepers: 26 (extra) *

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Jaces POV:

A few minutes after I went into the boys room, Cole came in, and I knew I was about to get a lecture.
"So," Cole said with a smile. "You finally made a move."
I smiled to myself. "I did."
"Okay, listen." Cole said. "I don't care if you guys are together, and even if I did there's nothing I could do about it. I know how much you love her, and how much she loves you. So I guess all I'm asking is, take care of her. Be there for her. Watch out for her. Don't let her down."
I nodded once. "The last thing I would ever do is hurt her."
Cole smiled, but it looked a little sad. "I know we don't get along all the time, but I'm really glad that she's happy with you."
I frowned. "Why are you talking like you'll never see her again?"
Cole sighed. "When we—well, if we find a way home, I don't think she'll go back. She really likes it here."
"But," I paused. "What makes you think she'll stay?"
"She found friends here. Family, even. You, Mira, Roulette. Do you really think she'll leave you behind?"
"I was hoping she wouldn't." I mumbled. "But I'd never try and talk her into staying. It isn't her home."
Cole smiled. "And I respect you for that. But as much as she loves Jenna, and her family, she has a home here now. Trillian told her that if we go back, our memories of this place, of you guys, will all fade. So I guess the thing is," he paused. "She'll always have them. Memories of her real family. But if she leaves, she'll forget everything we've done, the places we've been, the people we met, including you. I don't think she'd be able to give that up."
I soaked it all in. I had thought it would be bad if Kendal left the way it was. Now that I knew she'd forget me? A thousand times worse.
"But if we can take over the king, and end slavery," Cole started. "She would love it here. I mean, knowing Mira and saving the Outskirts is already enough, but her power could really take her far in Elloweer." He sighed. "I've known her for seven years. And I don't know if she's even thought about it, but I think if it comes down to it, she'll stay. So that's why I'm especially thankful she met you."
I gave him a sad smile. "As much as I hope you guys find a way home, I'm going to miss you guys. All of you."
Cole smiled, then clapped me on the back, before heading off to bed.

Kendals POV:

I met Jace in the commons at midnight. We laid on the couch and talked for what felt like hours. I felt like I could tell him anything, and he would listen.
When I finally looked at the clock, I did a double take. "It's one thirty." 
I looked over to Jace. He looked exhausted.
I frowned at him. "Why didn't you tell me to stop talking? You look exhausted. We could've went to bed."
He shook his head, trying-and failing-to stifle a yawn. "I love hearing your voice." My face flushed, and he smiled. "I love that too."
"What?" I asked.
"You're cute when you blush."
That only made me blush more. Jace smiled and pulled me closer to him.
"So," I hesitated. "You really have liked me since Skyport?"
He hummed. "Since the moment I met you." He smiled to himself. "You were in a shirt ten times bigger than you, and you had dirt smeared across your face, and you were still the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. And then I got to talk to you, and I just knew. I knew that it was going to be you."
I tried as hard as I could to bite back my smile, but I couldn't help it. "When I first met you, I really liked you. I wanted to be with you all the time." I glanced over to him with a smile. "I guess I got my wish."
His arms snaked around me, and I laughed. "You're stuck with me now."
I hesitated. "You know . . . when I heard you met up with Roulette . . . I was kinda worried that maybe you and her would . . ."
Jace snorted, cutting me off. "Are you kidding? Roulette? The same one that is completely in love with Trickster?"
I glanced at him sheepishly. "Well I don't know. I didn't think so, but I mean I would be lying if said I wasn't at least a little bit scared."
Jace shook his head, a smile on his face. "How could you possibly think I would like anyone else?"
I sighed. "I don't know Jace. Maybe it's because you're super good looking and funny, and an amazing scout. Like come on. You know all the girls wanted you back at Skyport. I was there for less than a week and I saw it."
"They aren't you." He said softly. "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. How could I not love you?"
I scoffed. "Sure Jace."
"I mean it." He waited until I looked at him. "You are amazing. In literally every way. Would you like me to start listing them?" When I said nothing, he continued. "You're an amazing scout. You're fast, smart, and insanely good with that sword. You're fun to be around, funny, sarcastic, you always have a quick comeback. You're beautiful, your eyes, and your hair . . ." He smiled. "Heck, the first time you smiled at me, I knew I was done for."
I couldn't keep a smile off my face. Jace really loved me?
I linked my pointer finger with his. It had kind of become a thing between us, and I loved it.
I ran my fingers through his messy hair. "You know, as much as I love the blonde, I miss the brown."
Jace snorted. "I'm glad you like it, but as soon as I get the chance, I'm going back to the brown. The blonde kills the bad boy vibes."
I laughed. "Trust me when I say, it doesn't. You give off the baby boy vibe, even when you aren't trying to."
"Oh yeah?" He smirked. "How so?"
I stared at him. "I don't know! It's like the . . . the brooding expression, and the sarcasm, the rope, and the—the fact that you're willing to die for me, even if I hate you for it."
He smiled sadly. "You mean too much to me. If it comes down to it, I will always choose you over me."
"But I don't want to lose you." I said softly. "I love you." I kissed the tip of his nose, and his face went nuclear.
I giggled. "Are you actually blushing right now?"
When his face went even redder, I smiled. "This is the one thing I never thought I'd see."
"Yeah well," he mumbled. "It's you. What did you expect? Don't get too cocky, if we're going to play this game . . . " he paused, and his lips brushed my ear. I shivered.  Jace smiled. "You know I'll always win."
I rolled my eyes, but I knew he was right.
"We should—" I yawned. " . . .  probably go to bed."
He nuzzled his face into my hair. "Let's just stay here. I'm comfy."
"Jace," I said. "We shouldn't."
"Why not?" He asked, and I couldn't give him a valid answer, so I got up, grabbed a blanket, then laid back down next to him, spreading the blanket over the two of us.
"I love you, Kendal Anderson." He said sleepily.
"I love you too Jace." I mumbled, closing my eyes.
Jace put his arm around my torso and pulled me close to him until I was flush against his chest. I wrapped my arms around his midsection and sighed in content.
And it was the best I had ever slept.

The Outskirts: Thé Crystal Keepers (Jace x OC)Where stories live. Discover now