The Crystal Keepers: 23

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I stirred my soup around in its bowl. I was so worried about Jace and Roulette that I had lost my appetite.
I sat on a slim chair that looked flimsy but felt sturdy. Googol, Forge, Cole, Dalton, Blake, Mira, and Sidekick shared the room. Rainday was nothing fancy, just a collection of connected underground rooms. The walls, ceilings, and floors were all made of gray cement, rough and unadorned. I hadn't seen many electronics, but there were plenty of crates and storage shelves.
Me and Blake had just explained how we found each other, and Sidekick helped detail their encounter with Aeronomatron. Googol had listened soberly, asking minimal questions. Now he turned his vision gear toward Blake.
"You still recall how to make a crystal that can contact Aero?" Googol asked.
"I'm trying to forget," Blake said nervously. He looked uncomfortable.
"It's hazardous knowledge," Googol said. "But you learned it through no fault of your own. Will you vow never to create a crystal with those harmonics for any reason?"
"I can do better than that," Blake said. "I'm going to forget how to do it. It'll just take a little time. Focusing on other harmonics should help."
Googol nodded. "Your ability could provide just the help we need as we try to get our comms back up."
"I'm happy to pitch in," Blake said. "Do you have any bonded crystal that I can use as raw material?"
"An ample supply," Googol said.
"He also remembers many of the harmonics he used working for Datapoint and City Patrol," Sidekick said.
Googol grinned. "We can definitely put you to work."
A door opened, and a woman with short white hair entered. Of medium height with a somewhat heavy build, she limped and used a cane. Her loose, unbuttoned sweater hung long, flowing behind her like a cape.
Googol rose. "I'd like you all to meet Nova, leader of the Unseen in Zeropolis."
I stood up, as did the others.
Nova shook her head. "Please, sit down; I'm a freedom fighter, not a dignitary. I'm glad you all found your way here. It's hardly a palace, but at least nobody is kicking down the doors yet."
Nova moved one of the vacant chairs and sat beside Mira.
The rest of us sat down as well.
"Forge, well done bringing Secret here," Nova said. She laid a hand on Mira's wrist. "You are our hope."
"I only brought trouble," Mira said.
Nova shook her head. "This trouble has been coming for a long time. We were clearly more vulnerable than we realized. In a revolution, some lessons are only learned through bloodshed. We had grown complacent here in the old town. We should have anticipated this."
"Is the revolution doomed?" Blake asked.
Nova regarded him in silence for a moment. "We've suffered major setbacks lately. We lost good people and important resources. But our people know their trade. More have slipped away into hiding than you might guess. Many of our most vital operatives remain free, some in solitude, some in quiet hideaways like this one. The fight will go on."
"Nova has weathered worse than this," Googol said. "While she's standing, the revolution is in good hands."
"Which means I better not lose my cane," she said with a wink.
"Do you think the government is using a smart computer?" Cole asked.
"I know what you learned from Aeronomatron," Nova said. "I've been following this conversation, though I wasn't in the room. Bad habit, maybe, but it's what happens when you're hosted by spies. The use of a manufactured intelligence would help explain their sudden increase in efficiency. As would Blake's power."
"I was their slave," Blake said defensively. "I'm not from here. I did what they told me. I thought I was catching criminals."
"You were, according to their definition," Nova said. "You're still not sure whether you want to be here with us. Don't deny it I can tell. Furthermore, I can understand.
You're far from home. You've already been displaced. Why should you also join a losing cause and give up the comforts City Patrol provided?"
"It might have crossed my mind," Blake admitted guiltily.
"You played a major role in helping our enemies access our secrets," Nova said. "Your ability blindsided us. But it could also help us fight back."
"It's not too late?" Blake asked.
Nova shook her head. "Our enemies are hitting us so hard because they're scared. We still have enough people to regroup and fight back. Secret and her relatives could heat up the revolution from a brushfire to an inferno. But the government will try to stamp out the blaze before it can spread. We're on the verge of a real opportunity to gain popular support."
"We have to find who I'm looking for," Mira said.
"Exactly." Nova said. "Googol and I have conferred, and I've just reached a decision about how we'll do that. It involves your friend Cole. You told me that you trust him completely?"
"Yes," Mira said, looking distressed. "But I don't want him in more danger."
I turned my gazed to Cole, who looked as confused as I felt.
"I'm going to have to ask the rest of you to head to the other rooms." Nova said. "This is between me and Cole."
The rest of us filed out of the room. Forge and Googol went to another room with Sidekick to try and contact the other members of the unseen, leaving me, Mira, Dalton, and Blake alone.
The boys immediately grabbed a deck of cards and began playing games, while me and Mira sat on the sofa.
As I sat there watching the boys play cards, I couldn't shake the feeling that something had happened to Jace and Roulette.
"Hey," Mira said softly, so the boys wouldn't hear us. "He'll be fine."
I shook my head, trying my best not to cry. "It's been a week, Mira. They would have made it back by now."
"Kendal," she said, waiting until I looked at her. "We were all supposed to meet at old base. If they went all the way there, only to find out it's been destroyed, they'll probably start checking other bases. They have no way to reach us. It could take them a while to find us. Jace is streetwise, and he's a survivor. Roulette is with him, and she's a complete genius, and she knows where all the bases are. They will make it back. Give them time."
"You don't get it." I said. "I was planning on telling him after the mission, and now I might never get to."
She seemed surprised at first. "You will get to tell him Kendal. They will make it back."
I regained my composure. "Yeah. They will. I just . . . need some time alone."
She nodded sadly, and I went to the sleeping quarters, where I stayed until I feel asleep.

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