The Crystal Keepers: 19

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"The whole base was destroyed?" I exclaimed in horror. "How long ago?"
"Some of the fires are still burning," Sidekick said. "It must have happened between breaking Joe out and coming here. Googol would have warned us if oldbase was under attack. We were all supposed to meet there."
"Did you see any patrolmen?" I asked.
"There are some on the surface," Sidekick said. "A few underground. I didn't actually enter the base. I accessed the system from outside. It shouldn't have still been running. Good craftsmanship. It's over eighty percent down, but there were enough camera feeds still up and recordings I could access to piece together what happened. They hit old-base hard. Blew the place apart. We can't get through this entrance, and if we did, you couldn't do much more than warm your hands over the smoldering rubble."
I rubbed my eyes. Everything was going wrong.
When would we catch a break?
"No word from anybody?" I asked.
"Nothing," Sidekick said, and I swore. "This is disastrous. City Patrol has never come to Old Zeropolis in force. We all began to feel like it was out of bounds. Our one safe zone. Apparently not."
"This is about Secret," I said. "The High King would burn down all of Zeropolis to find her."
"I might believe you after this," Sidekick said. "With oldbase gone, I'm not sure what our next play should be. The resistance was already reeling. This might be the killing stroke. Who knows what else got hit? What are your goals?" I took a deep breath and thought about the question.
"Well, I need to find Jace, and everyone else of course." I said. "We need to make sure they're okay."
"We definitely need to reconnect with the surviving members of the Unseen," Sidekick agreed. "Anything else?"
I stared at the little robot. Right now Sidekick seemed like my only friend in the universe. He was a secret weapon designed by the leader of the Unseen in Zeropolis.
I decided to trust him with everything.
"I'm looking for friends who were kidnapped with me from Outside," I said. "And we're trying to find Constance Pemberton."
"Wait a minute," Sidekick said. "As in the Constance Pemberton who died in an accident decades ago? One of the High King's daughters?"
I nodded.
"Hold on," Sidekick said, his six legs fluttering so quickly it looked like he was trying to tap dance. "No way. If Constance is actually alive . . . that means . . . it can't be."
"What?" I asked.
"Secret is another of Stafford's daughters," Sidekick said "I couldn't figure out what target could mean so much to the High Shaper. She's just a young girl. But now I get it. Their deaths were a sham, maybe all five, but at least two. Judging from Secret's appearance, the girls have barely aged. And now the resistance is rounding them up."
I was astonished by his accuracy. "You got all that by knowing we're looking for Constance?"
"Reconnaissance is one of my primary duties," Sidekick said. "I piece things together. Secret is too young to be Honor or Elegance. So she must be Miracle or Destiny. You slipped earlier, and believe me, your not the first of your friends to have done it, but you started to say Secret's real name, which began with 'Mir.' The resistance knows that these daughters have a real claim to the throne, and have been wronged by their father. A powerful revolution could take shape by rallying the populace around them. These girls could be the key ingredient the resistance has lacked all along. And Stafford knows this. You're right. Under the present circumstances, he would burn down all of Zeropolis to find his daughters."
"You're a scary-smart machine," I said.
"Don't spread that around too much," Sidekick said. "Thinking machines make Zeropolites twitchy."
"Because they think you'll try to take over?" I asked.
"It's happened before. I'm a lot safer when I pretend to be a simple cleaning bot. If City Patrol knew half of my abilities, they would dismantle me immediately."
"Should people be worried?" I asked.
"People could have all the same worries about one another," Sidekick said. "Bots aren't the only beings to have gone bad and run wild. People have done that since the beginning. Any person who gains too much power can become very dangerous. Look at Stafford Pemberton, or Abram Trench. The same can be true for some bots. It was true for Aeronomatron when he devastated Old Zeropolis.
"But I was carefully designed by a good person. I operate within clearly established parameters. I know who I am, what I want, and who I should protect. I can adapt and learn. I can make leaps of logic. But although my neural processors can reach out to sort vast amounts of data, the thinking part of me is clearly defined. I like who I am, and that identity is more firmly established than the personalities of any people I have observed. If people understood me, they'd know I exist to help, not to cause harm."
"Except to robotic drones," I said.
"Robotic drones attacking my friends," Sidekick clarified, remaining serious. "I'd harm an enemy to the causes I defend. So would many good people. I want to protect the common good. But try getting Zeropolites to understand that. Thanks to Aero, all thinking robots are considered rampaging terrors spawned by madmen."
"I'm on your side," I assured him.
"That puts you in the minority," Sidekick said. "But I appreciate the support. Let's return to the problem at hand. We want to find Googol and the rest of the Unseen, you want to find some enslaved friends, and we all want to find Princess Constance. Finding is the theme. We should probably try Datapoint."
"What's datapoint?" I asked.
"Datapoint is a person," Sidekick explained. "A woman"
"A member of the Unseen?"
"No, though she has worked with the Unseen a lot. Datapoint contracts with anyone but the government. She's better at finding people than anybody in Zeropolis. Chances are good she can tell us which Unseen hideouts have been raided. If they took out Forge's place and oldbase, who knows where else they might have targeted?"
"Would they have targeted her?" I asked.
"Possibly," Sidekick said. "But since she's not a formal member of the resistance, she's probably safer to visit than one of the other Unseen hideouts."
"Lead the way," I  said.
A short cord with a little grapnel on the end shot out from Sidekick's body and draped over my arm.
"Hold on," Sidekick said. "I'm going to douse my lights in case we have patrolmen in the area.
"Are any nearby?" I asked.
"I saw a few on the oldbase video feed," Sidekick said.
"They re stationed near some of the entrances. Be glad I used one of the most secret entryways. They don't seem to have discovered it yet. Makes sense. The emphasis was apparently on blowing up the place."
"Can we get around the patrolmen?" I whispered.
"Here near oldbase? Should be easy. There are lots of hidden tunnels nearby. Stay quiet and keep close."
Sidekick led me through the blackness. I felt like I was holding a leash, but it was definitely Sidekick taking me for a walk. I concentrated on not making noise and not tripping as I shuffled forward through the darkness.
Now and then I could tell from the acoustics that they had entered a narrower place, or a more open place, but I seldom passed over uneven ground, and I never bumped into anything. Sidekick was an excellent guide.
The strange sounds in the darkness bothered me less now that the robot was with me. I trusted Sidekick to track anything dangerous.
Without sight, it was difficult to tell how far they had gone, but I knew I had taken thousands of blind steps.
After a long while, I whispered, "You can see without light?"
"At several other wavelengths and with alternatives like sonar," Sidekick whispered back. "We can probably turn the lights on soon."
When Sidekick switched his lights back on, they stood in a long, broad room with a low ceiling. It felt like a sprawling basement.
"Are we close?" I asked.
"No, but we're out of danger from the patrolmen who leveled oldbase. We can get most of the way to Datapoint underground. Old Zeropolis is built over labyrinths of subways, sewers, and tunnels."
"Sewers?" I groaned.
"Don't worry," Sidekick assured him. "Most of the sewers here have been dry for years. This is the corpse of a city-not a functional one."
"Corpse sewers sound so much better," I grumbled.
"We'll avoid the most direct routes." Sidekick said. "My goal is not to see another person until we reach her building."
We proceeded along many tunnels, sometimes plunging down stairs to darker, colder hallways. Without Sidekick, I knew I would be hopelessly lost.
After we had traveled a good distance, Sidekick slowed beside a blockaded subway tunnel. "Know why this is sealed up?" the robot asked.
"Cave in?" I guessed.
"This tunnel leads underneath Sector 20," Sidekick said. "It's the part of Old Zeropolis controlled by Aeronomatron. A large portion of the city."
"Really?" I asked. "Why are we so close?"
"Because Datapoint established her lair near Sector 20."
"Why would she do that?"
Probably because nobody wants to go near Sector 20," Sidekick said. "Aeronomatron killed more people than any disaster in the recorded history of the Outskirts. If you want to hide, setting up camp near his domain is a useful tactic.
The Unseen have a couple of smaller hideouts near Sector 20 for similar reasons."
"Are all the tunnels under Sector 20 sealed up?" I asked.
"All of them," Sidekick said. "People were quite enthusiastic about the project. Same with raising the enormous wall that surrounds his territory." Sidekick continued onward, leaving the sealed tunnel behind.
"What if the tunnels were unsealed?" I asked. "Could Aero send out trouble? Robots or something?"
"He did at first, back before everything was sealed," Sidekick said. "Eventually the bots stopped coming. Once the patrolmen severed Aero from all outside ties and sealed up Sector 20, the world stopped hearing from him."
"He could have robots in reserve," I said.
"If so, he's very patient," Sidekick said. "The wisest course of action with Aero seems to be what they took cut him off, and leave him alone."
"Could he have run out of power by now?" I asked.
"He controls a large portion of the old city," Sidekick said "If he diverted all the remaining energy crystals to himself, I'm sure he could keep running for thousands of years."
"What about upkeep?" I wondered. "You know, if he starts to malfunction."
"He might have some maintenance bots running," Sidekick said. "Or maybe he shut down long ago. Nobody knows. Nobody wants to risk finding out."
We reached a silent, dusty subway station. I could picture how it once must have bustled with people. Daylight seeped down a stairway.
Sidekick killed his lights. "This is where we head up. Be careful what you say to Datapoint. She has a photographic memory, and lives to assemble information. If we tell her about Constance, the chances are good that she'll jump to the same conclusions I reached. Let's start small. First we'll try to get in touch with Googol."
I followed Sidekick up a long flight of stairs. At the top I slowly turned in a circle. I had never imagined such tall buildings and such wide streets looking so completely abandoned. Old Zeropolis wasn't a ghost town, It was a ghost metropolis.
Off to one side loomed a concrete wall so high that it dwarfed even the tallest crystal-and-steel skyscrapers. I felt like I was at the base of an enormous dam.
"That is a serious wall," I said.
"To contain a serious threat," Sidekick said. "This way."
The robot led me along a couple of streets. The setting sun bathed the ruins in golden light. I noticed overturned trash cans, abandoned vehicles, and dry fountains. Down one street I saw a mangy dog limping along.
"Not many people," I observed.
"Not this near to Sector 20," Sidekick agreed. "Other areas of the old city have a little more life. A few districts can get almost boisterous."
Sidekick approached a stately stone building that looked like it could have been a museum or a bank. We climbed a set of broad steps to reach the large metal door.
A peephole in the door slid open, revealing a set of wide eyes. "A girl and a bot," a voice said. "What business brings you here?"
"We've come to see DP," Sidekick said. "I'm a repeat customer."
"It's been a rough day hereabouts," the doorman said. "She's not seeing any more visitors. Same goes for tomorrow."
"Better check with her," Sidekick said. "Tell her Sidekick is at the door with vital data from the most exclusive sources."
The doorman licked his lips. "You know how to tempt her. I'm not sure it's going to work today, little bot, even with me remembering that you've come round before. But i'll take your message to her."
The doorman closed the peephole and left. We waited in silence. Eventually the peephole slid open again.
"Any chance you were followed?" the doorman asked.
"None," Sidekick assured him. "This is what I do."
"Who is the girl?"
"An important asset," Sidekick said. "The rest is for Datapoint to know."
The peephole closed and the door opened. The doorman was tall and veiny with buggy eyes and trembling hands. "You must have stored up some trust with DP. She really didn't intend to admit visitors for the next couple of days."
"Probably taking pity on me," Sidekick said. "I'm not what many would call an attractive bot. She's in her lounge?"
"As usual," the man answered. He nodded to a woman and a man holding trapguns. The pair escorted me and Sidekick down a wide, carpeted hallway with framed portraits on the walls.
"What was this building?" I asked. The inside didn't match up with a bank or a museum.
"Used to be a government building," Sidekick said.
Neither of the guards commented. We reached a set of tall, bronze doors. The male guard pulled them open.
"Come in," chimed a high voice. Across the carpeted room, I saw a small woman with a short, neat haircut seated on a large white sofa. She wore a gray dress with white stockings and black shoes.
The woman rose to her feet. "Good to see you again, Sidekick."
The doors closed behind us. "Nice to see you, Datapoint."
Her high voice, short stature, and slender build made her seem young. But judging from her face, she had to be around forty.
"Who's your friend?" Datapoint asked with a small scowl.
"I don't recognize her."
"She's new to Zeropolis," Sidekick said.
Datapoint folded her arms. "Looks like she's had a recent makeover from Roulette. She has such distinctive handiwork. Is she a fugitive? Is she part of the group Abram Trench is looking for?"
"This is Harley Smith," Sidekick said.
Datapoint laughed and clapped her hands. "Definitely a makeover. Did Forge do the name?" She narrowed her eyes and stared at me. "Who are you really?" Then she glanced at Sidekick. "Who is she really?"
"She's from Outside," Sidekick said.
"And you're her bodyguard?" Datapoint asked with a giggle. "Did Outlaw take a sick day?"
"Outlaw has his own problems," Sidekick said. "Are you up-to-date on what City Patrol has been doing?"
"Not just City Patrol," Datapoint said. "The Enforcers too. It's why I rolled up the welcome mat. Everything is upside down. The old rules have been erased. You have interesting news?"
"You know oldbase is destroyed?" Sidekick asked.
Datapoint rolled her eyes. "You have to do better than that. And eastbase. And lowbase. And at least four lesser hideouts here in Oldtown. Not to mention zerobase the other day and Forge getting evicted."
"Did Forge get captured?" Sidekick asked.
"Not that I've heard," she replied.
"What about Nova?" Sidekick inquired.
"Nova?" I asked.
"Is she for real?" Datapoint asked.
"I told you, she's new," Sidekick insisted. "Nova is the leader of the Unseen in Zeropolis."
"It doesn't appear Nova has been picked up," Datapoint said. "Look, I want some good info or you can scram. I don't talk to anybody under false pretenses. Sets a bad precedent."
"Googol found a girl the City Patrol wants," Sidekick said.
I immediately tensed up. Sidekick had guessed too much about Mira. How much would he reveal to this woman? Even if she didn't do business with the government, she traded secrets for a living.
"Okay, this is closer to interesting," Datapoint conceded. "I've seen her picture. Maybe eleven or twelve. I've seen two of her companions, neither of which is Harley here. Who is she? Why are the Enforcers so interested?"
"Googol hasn't revealed her identity," Sidekick said. "He calls her Secret. Apparently finding her is one of the High King's top priorities."
"And Googol has her," Datapoint said.
"Yes," Sidekick confirmed. "I've seen her. So has Harley."
"Who is she, Harley?" Datapoint asked blumily. Tell me that, and i'll give you two all the help I can."
"There's a rumor she's an escaped slave," I said. "A personal favorite of Stafford's."
Datapoint scowled. "That doesn't add up. No way would the High King put this much effort into an escaped slave. Abram Trench wouldn't show major interest. Plus, you look like you're telling a half truth, which means you probably know the whole truth. A word of friendly advice? When deception is required, let Sidekick do the talking."
"Her identity is a major secret," Sidekick said.
"Googol hasn't trusted me with it."
"But Harley knows, whoever she is," Datapoint said. "Come on, Harley, spill and my resources are yours."
I took a deep breath. "If I tell you this secret, you're going to end up tortured and dead."
"You know the secret," Datapoint replied. "You're alive."
"Barely," I said. "You've seen the fun that follows us. It's why all those bases were attacked."
Datapoint gave a slow nod. "At least now you're being sincere. Maybe I don't want to know. Do I, Sidekick?"
"Nobody wants to know this one," Sidekick said.
Datapoint scrunched her nose and rubbed her hands together in front of her lips. "I never pictured a show of force in Old Zeropolis like we saw last night and today. Certainly not all at once. How long have they known about those bases? Why move now? I believe that your secret is dangerous, Harley. Do not tell me for now. I reserve the right to inquire again. I've had suspicions about what was behind this offensive, and your information has confirmed some of my guesses. Your turn. Why did you come to me?"
"I wasn't sure what bases had been compromised," Sidekick said. "Our comms are down. We're looking for Googol or Nova."
"Isn't everyone?" Datapoint said. "I don't believe they were captured. But they are in deep hiding. If you know a most secret retreat they hold ready, check there first. They've stopped using any comms I can intercept. They've gone dark."
"What about Secret?" I asked. "Or the boys who were with her?"
"Friends, I take it?" Datapoint asked. "They've not been captured unless it was done with uncommon discretion. Joe McFarland seems to have made a clean getaway as well. Anything else?"
"I came to the Outskirts a few months ago with some friends," I said. "We were kidnapped. We were taken as slaves. I have some names. I'd like to find them."
"Try me," Datapoint said.
"Jenna Hunt," I said hopefully.
"No," Datapoint said.
I paused. "Are you sure?"
"Information is my trade," Datapoint said. "It's the most valuable commodity in an advanced society. I don't forget a name or a face."
"Sidekick told me you have a photographic memory," I said.
"It was an understatement," Datapoint said. "Think high definition three-D memory with surround sound. Nobody named Jenna Hunt entered Zeropolis over the last year, save or not."
"Could they have used an alias?" I asked.
"Possibly," she said. "Do you know any likely aliases?"
I shook my head. "What about Lacie Clark?"
"No slaves by that name in the past half a year," Datapoint said.
"Blake Daniels?" I tried.
Datapoint furrowed her brow. "Are you playing games? No, it fits; he arrived in the Outskirts according to the timeline you described. He came here from Junction."
"That's probably him," I said, feeling encouraged. Finally some good news!
Datapoint gave a small smile. "Small world. Blake works for me."

The Outskirts: Thé Crystal Keepers (Jace x OC)Where stories live. Discover now