Chapter 10: "Acid Rain"

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(3rd Person POV)

Dan is sitting on the sidewalk where Meggy's body had just been.

The rain rages on throughout the city. So much so that a small amount of the blue ink in Dan's hair begins to wash away.

But he doesn't care. He just remains still, thoughtless, emotionless.


Realizing he hasn't checked his phone, he pulls it out to be greeted with seven missed calls from Pov, as well as a barrage of texts from her consisting of messages like "Are you ok?" and "Please answer me".

As he's scrolling through her texts, Pov calls Dan for an eighth time. This time, he does answer.

Dan: Hey-

Pov: *through the phone* Why didn't you answer my calls?!

Dan: *holding his forehead* Sorry it's just... something happened, that's all.

Pov: Really? What happened?

Dan: ...You'll find out soon enough.

Pov: Come on! I deserve to know after-

Dan: *direct* I'd rather not tell you, okay?!

Silence. Dan eventually realizes he may have thrown Pov off with his harsh tone.

Dan: H-hey. Um... I-I'll talk to you later... alright?

Pov: ...*quiet* Okay...

Dan: I-I lo-

As he's about to finish, he realizes that Pov had already hung up.

Sighing, he puts his phone back in his pocket and makes his way for his tent.

It's not like he has anywhere else to go...

(The Apartment)

(Meggy's POV)

I wake up, lying in my bed.

What the fuck happened?

I lift my head and look around. I notice bandages wrapped around my stomach. The white sheets under me are stained a light color of blood where my lower back is laying.

I suddenly hear the kitchen sink turn on. Someone's washing their hands...

Could it be Mario? Who else would take me to my apartment?

The sink turns off and, soon enough, I hear the sound of footsteps coming closer and closer to my bedroom, until eventually, he's standing at the edge of my room.

Mario: How are ya feeling?

Meggy: *cracking her neck* Pretty good actually. *smirks* You should consider becoming a doctor.

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