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(Erik's pov)
I shrieked and held her in my arms she was so young. So beautiful. Why!? Why did she have to get sick.
"You could've done more!"
I growled at the doctor who stood in the doorway of the bedroom.
"S-sir, tuberculosis is u-usually fatal!"
He stuttered and gave me a stupid look.
"Go, now and leave me be!"
I growled at the doctor who practically jumped out of his skin as he ran. Tears started pouring down my cheeks as I clung to my angels corpse. She was gone and I couldn't get her back. Maybe I could. I had seen Faust. He sold his soul for love. What else could you sell it for? Looks? Immortality? Summoning someone from the dead? I looked down at my angel. I was going to do it. I couldn't live without her, and even if I killed myself we would not meet in whatever afterlife there was. She'd surely have gone straight to heaven and I am damned to hell.
As softly as one could I set my angel down on our bed and kissed her lips that were already running cold. I would go to the library and find out how to do this. I needed to have her with me, until the end of time.
"What would the consequences be?"
I asked out loud. There was always a consequence. I was already cursed with ugliness, what more could he-satan do? As I thought it over I realized none of these sounded as terrible as losing her forever. I looked back at my angel and nodded.
"Don't worry Christine... I'll get you back."

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