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Wand Type: 12" Silverwood with a dragon claw core

Wand's Appearance: Pic above

Inches: 12"

Wood: Silverwood. A extremely rare wood second to the Elder wood that is best suited to a wizard or witch with a strong heart and soul and like the Blackthorn only becomes bonded after the owner has gone through hardship. This wand is capable of being passed to a child of the owner and will need to go through a hardship with them to be able to be used effectively without fail.

Core: Dragon claw. A incredible rare material and exceedingly hard to work. Only one wand is known to have this core which is Alexis's wand.

Wood Characteristics: Brave and Loyal. Best suited to a strong heart and soul who has gone through hardships and stays loyal to that owner unless willingly given to a child of the owner then will bond to the child once they go through their own hardships. This wood has only been found in Alexis's home region of Avalaria and has been made by a wand maker by the name of Laxia Valencia a friend of Alexis's mother.

Core Characteristics: Unique and Heartfelt. A powerful and rare core being the only known one used in a wand. Is capable of being more powerful when the owner is feeling strongly in emotion and excels in nature and healing based spells.

How Received The Wand: Received it from mother after her mother had the wand infused with a giving it a second core. This wound became bonded to Alexis after she lost her family and only ever listens to others if she willing gives them her wand with a good intention in mind when doing so.

Known Spells: Aberto, Aguamenti, Apparition, Bombarda, Colloportus, Colloshoo, Episkey, Expecto Patronum, Ferula, Glacius, Hover Charm, Impervious, Lumos, Molliare, Nox, Obliteration Charm, Obliviate, Oscausi, Protego Totalum, Reducto, Riddikulus, Stupefy, and Vulnera Sanentur

Spells Alexis learned from her mother's spellbook( Yes I did get some of these from SVTFOE): Black Widow Calamity Cobweb( Traps the target's feet in a cobweb making it hard to move with no known counter spell but does wear off in an hour), Light Sword Spell( Generates a blade of energy from the wands tip), Bulla Spiro( Creates a bubble of air around the caster), Black Velvet Inferno( A curse spell that traps the target in an inescapable black sphere and engulfs them in searing white light), Dreamless Sleep( A hex that traps the target in a perpetual state of dreamless sleep), Low Self Asteem Nightmare Dream( A hex that clouds the target's brain with a sea of unwanted negative self-speak), Midnight Shreak( An offensive dark magic spell that blasts the target with screeching sound from a black spectral howling wolf head), and Spell With No Name( Turns the wand into a weapon of mass destruction. Generates a giant spectral skull face with butterfly wings that vaporizes anything and everything it touches. Can do this spell by saying "I call upon a spell with no name. My mother's gift from which she reigned. Eclipse my heart with rightful power. Stand before your queen and cower!")

Spells created: Living Nightmare( A hex that causes the target to think they are actually seeing their worst fears and has no counter), Ancestral Aid( Deceased family members of the caster are able to come in the form of spirits and help the caster in battle), Healing Song( a spell that calms the caster or target when they are anxious, panicked, etc) Show Me The Truth( A spell that allows the caster to see the targets true feelings and intentions), Color Skinera ( A hex that can change the color of the targets skin and usually wears off after two days), and The Transfer Spell( A spell that let's the caster give a target some or all of their abilities for a short time by holding hands but this does not take them away from the caster only weakens the abilities in some way)

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