Malfoy Manor

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"Well?" Bellatrix asks as she is holding Harry so Draco can identify him while snatchers are holding the others.

"I can't be sure." Draco says as he is trembling slightly.

"Draco. Look closely son." Mr. Malfoy says as he goes over to Draco.

"Now we won't be forgetting who actually caught him I hope Mr. Malfoy?" One of the snatchers asks as Mr. Malfoy looks at him.

"You dare to talk to me like that in my own house?" Mr. Malfoy asks as his wife calms him down while Bellatrix brings Draco over to Harry who is still unable to identify him because of his face as they think a spell was cast on his face.

"Give me her wand. We'll see what her last spell was. Ah. Got you. What is that? Where did you get that?" Bellatrix asks as she sees one of the snatchers holding the sword of Gryffindor.

"It was in her bag when we searched her. Reckon it's mine now." The snatcher says as Bellatrix begins to attack the snatchers.

"Are you mad?" A snatcher asks as Bellatrix attacks Hermione and flips her onto the floor.

"Go! Get out! Take the rest to the dungeon! I want to have a conversation with this girl." Bellatrix says as she goes over to Hermione while the others are put in the dungeon and locked in.

"What are we gonna do?" Alexis asks.

"We can't leave Hermione alone with her." Ron says.

"Ron? Harry? Alexis?" A voice asks as someone walks out from behind the pillar before Ron uses his deluminator to see it is Luna.

"Luna?" Harry asks.

"We have to do something." Ron says as they then hear Hermione screaming.

"And fast." Alexis says as the wand maker Garrick and Griphook the goblin come out from hiding showing they are trapped as well.

"There's no way out of here. We've tried everything. It's enchanted. that's a curious thing to keep in your sock." Luna says as Harry pulls a little mirror out of his sock.

"Help us." Harry says as he looks at the mirror while Peter comes to the cell.

"Let her go." Ron says as Peter opens the cell door while holding his wand.

"Shut up. Get back. You. Goblin. Come with me." Peter says as Griphook leaves with him while he locks the door before Dobby appears in the room.

"Dobby? What are you doing here?" Harry asks seeing him.

"Dobby has come to rescue Harry Potter of course. Dobby will always be there for Harry Potter." Dobby says.

"You can apparate in and out of this room? Can you take us with you?" Harry asks.

"Of course sir. I'm an elf." Dobby says.

"Works for me." Ron says as Harry looks at him and Alexis.

"Me too." Alexis says.

"Dobby I want you to take Luna and Mr. Ollivander-" Harry then gets cut off by Ron.

"Shell Cottage on the outskirts of Tinworth. Trust me." Ron says.

"Whenever you're ready sir." Luna says as she looks at Dobby who looks at her surprised.

"Sir? I like her very much. Meet me at the top of the stairs in ten seconds." Dobby says as he leaves with Luna and Ollivander while Harry, Alexis, and Ron get out as Peter opens the door before he falls to the floor.

"Who gets his wand?" Dobby asks while standing at the top of the stairs as Alexis, Harry, and Ron look at Peter before making their way to where Hermione is and begin a fight with the Malfoy's and Bellatrix before grabbing Hermione and escaping with Dobby.


"Hermione. You're alright. We're all safe." Harry says as he gets up and goes over to Ron and Hermione after they reappear at Shell Cottage.

"We're not all safe." Alexis says as she is sitting with Dobby who has a knife in his chest as Harry comes over and he collapses in Harry's arms as Alexis pulls the knife out and drops it in the sand.

"Dobby. No just hold on. Hold on. Look just hold on okay? We'll fix you. Hermione will have something. In your bag. Hermione? What is it? Help me. Alexis can't you do something?" Harry asks as Alexis and Hermione both shake their heads at him.

"I'm sorry Harry. He's losing too much blood and it's too severe of a wound for someone his size. There's nothing Hermione or I can do for him." Alexis says as she looks at Dobby sorrowfully.

"Such a beautiful place to be friends. Dobby is happy to be with his friend Harry Potter." Dobby says as he passes away while Luna comes over.

"We should close his eyes. Don't you think? There. Now he could be sleeping." Luna says as she closes Dobby's eyes.

"I want to bury him. Properly. Without magic." Harry says sadly as the group then bury Dobby and mourn for the loss of their friend.

Wild Heart Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Harry X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now