Chapter two

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I get out of the shower and grabbed my towel to start drying myself off. I examined my body in the mirror one last time before I head to my bedroom. When I opened my door I see Mindy and Anika peacefully sleeping on my bed. I sighed as I thought where I was going to sleep since I didn't want to wake them. I looked at the time and it was 11:58, almost midnight. I opened my closet as quiet as I could and grabbed my pjs. I took them back to the bathroom to change in there. Once I was clothed I made my way to the living room. I see that Sam and Tara aren't back. I'm not going to sleep in their rooms incase they do. I finally decided to make myself comfortable on the couch.

I woke up to Mindy and Anika trying to wake me up. "I'm sorry we fell asleep on your bed kid. I hope you were comfortable." Mindy said. "Oh no, its okay. I'm just glad you guys stayed here. Did you guys sleep alright?" I said. "Yeah we did, thank you. How about you?" Anika asked standing over me. "Pretty good actually. The couch was more comfortable than I thought." I said. Mindy handed me a glass of water as she sat next to me. "So Sam and Tara were attacked last night when they left, but they're okay don't worry. They made it out alive like they always do." Mindy said. I choked on my water a little. "Holy shit. Where are they now? Are they for sure safe?" I asked desperately. "They are at the station right now. They're being asked questions about the murder with the guys from film studies." She answered trying to calm me down. "Okay, I'm glad they're okay." I said.

"We better get ready for school. Hopefully they will be there." I said. Mindy and Anika agreed and we all got up from the couch to get ready. I went into my room and picked out some clothes. A purple crop top that makes my boobs look huge and some black ripped baggy jeans. You can see my stab wound scar but I decided to say fuck it and just embrace it since I've been dying to wear this outfit. and I hope to get a reaction out of Ethan. I grabbed my socks and put on my favorite black vans and started heading out my room. I checked on Quinn since I haven't heard from her in awhile. I gave her a quick call, "Hey y/n, what's up?" She answered. "Hey Quinn, I'm just checking in on you. I haven't heard from you in awhile and just wondered where you were at?" I asked her. "Oh my god, I was at this boys house and oh my you will not believe the abs on this man. He is just gorgeous." I can practically imagine her twirling her hair. I giggle and ask her, "Please tell me you're gonna be at school today?" She giggled and said, "Yes, I will see you later hun. Bye, love you!" and hung up the phone. Mindy texted me saying that her and Anika already headed to school. Great I'm gonna have to walk to school by myself.

I walked out the building and saw Ethan heading my direction from the right. Just fucking great. Ethan rolled his eyes. "Great, am I gonna be stuck walking with you to school?" He asked. "You know another option would to just drop dead." I said smirking at him. "You wish sweetheart, but that's never gonna happen." He snickered. "Who knows, with ghost face around you might be the next victim." I said pretending to slit his throat. "Like I said last night, you're not funny." He said seriously. "Never said I was." I said. I got a text in the group chat from Mindy that she wants us all to meet at our spot for a small "meeting". I sent back a thumbs up and put my phone back in my pocket. Ethan pointed at my stomach and laughed, "Woah, that scar and belly sure does not suit you. Maybe you should have not worn this." He said trying to pull my crop top down. "You know it wouldn't hurt to just be nice once in your life." I said smacking his hand away. "I am nice sweetheart, just not to you." He said while turning around pointing at me. "I know. You're literally 'perfect and such an angel' to everyone else but me. and that's why I hate you so much." I said doing a high pitched voice. "Awh, does little miss y/n wish I was nice to her?" He said in a high pitched voice mocking me. "I wouldn't be shocked if you were dying to get a piece of me." He said changing tones. I may have threw up a little.

I started to speed walk away as fast as I could. Just kind of letting my legs take over out of anger. I heard Ethan shout for me to wait for him but I am not stopping for that dumbass and my legs are already moving. I finally arrived at the university headed to our spot. I spotted some of the group waiting for the rest of us to arrive. It looks like its only me, Tara, Sam and Ethan that has to arrive. I see Tara and Sam and I start walking faster so I could walk the rest of the way with them. "Hi Tara, Hi Sam." I said as I hugged them. "I'm glad you guys are okay." I said. We saw Ethan panting as he had just ran over. "That girl. Has. Some. Fucking power. To her. Holy shit." He said pointing at me out of breath. "Well maybe if you weren't being such a dick then maybeee I would have walked the rest of the way with you." I said. He just side eyed me as he sat down.

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