Chapter six

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Ethan was finally mine. As I felt I was about to fall asleep, I got a phone call making me jump. I look down praying to god that it wasn't Ghostface. It was Sam, thank god. I picked up the phone.

"Hello?" "Y/n. He got gale." Sam said into the phone. "What? I thought you guys were on your way to stop him?!" I panicked. "No we were a couple minutes late." She sighed. "Where are you anyway? I know you aren't with Chad and Mindy." "Uhh, I am with Ethan." I looked at him. He gave me a concerned look wondering how she would react. "You are what?! y/n you have a lot of explaining to do." "I will tell you and the rest when we all meet up again." "We're all meeting at Gale's apartment. Hurry up!" She yelled into the phone and hung up. Goddamn okay. Ethan and I got up and ready to go to Gale's apartment.

After I explained me and Ethan, we were all there just sitting there in silence until Danny came running in. "Hey. Hey. I got here as fast as I could." Sam looked up at him with a certain look. "Did you?" Tara asked. Oh are we all thinking it's this guy? "I'm scared, you guys. I really don't want to get hurt again." Mindy said zoning out. "Neither do I." Chad said. "I don't want you getting hurt again, either. or you." Mindy said to me and Chad. "I know." "I know." Me and Chad said. Chad and Tara leaned onto Mindy's shoulder. I held onto Ethan's arm and looked down at me as I leaned on him.

"So what do we do now?" Chad asked. Ethan sighed. "Maybe he gets to win this time." Sam said causing all of us to look at her with confusion. "He wants to punish me. Me. So maybe I let him." She said standing up. "I'll just give myself up. If this is what I have to do to protect you guys, keep you safe, it's worth it." Sam said tearing up. "No, we're not doing that, Sam." I said. "You went back to Woodsboro to protect me. Every single day, you make the decision to protect me. None of us would even be live if it weren't for you. You have to let us protect you this time." Tara said standing up. "No." "Yes. We're a team, remember?" Tara said. "Actually, we're family." I said. "Let's go! Core Five! Come on." Chad hyped putting his hand in the middle of us. "Core Five. Come on." Mindy said. "Core what?" Danny asked. "It's an us thing." Chad responded. Danny just chuckled. "He's gonna keep coming after us." Sam sighed. "Isn't there somewhere safe we could just hole up in?" Ethan asked.

"No, babe, he's just gonna keep finding us." I said grabbing his hand. He sighed, "Great." He looked down at me. "I promise I will protect you. I swear that I will never let a single soul hurt you." He whispered to me. I whispered I know to him and squeezed his hand. Then finally an idea popped up into my head. "We could use that, though." I said looking at everyone. I called detective bailey. "I'm getting my ass chewed out for not dropping the case and now you want me to do what?" He asked me. "We want to lure him to a secure location and trap him inside." I responded. "and then what?" "We execute him." He stayed silent on the other side. "Are you gonna help us?" Tara asked. "Let's kill that son of a bitch. Now, I'm stuck here, but Gale gave us the keycards to the theater. It's got heavy surveillance and security cameras, but we can use that against him. I'll tell Kirby to meet you there. I'll join you as soon as I can." he said. "Got it." I said.

"And remember, travel in public. The more people around you the less chance he has to take a shot before you get there." He said. We all went to the train station. There was a shit ton of people. I gripped onto Ethan making sure I wouldn't lose him. "Is this even a good plan?" Ethan asked. "You don't have to come if you don't want to." Tara said in response. I hit her arm. "No way, I'm not leaving y/n alone." He said. "She's fine without you." She said. I hit her arm again. "Let's just get to the theater." I roll my eyes. "Come on in here." Sam said. "Ah yes, because it'll be much less scary at the serial killer movie theater." Chad said wondering off with Sam, Tara and Danny. "Ah, fuck." Mindy said trying to race down the stairs to the rest of them. "Wait, hey, hey! Chad!" I said. "Hey! Fuck! Chad!" Mindy said. "Tara!" I said. They all pushed their ways into the train leaving me, Ethan and Mindy alone.

I gripped onto Mindy's shoulder scaring the fuck out of her. "Get you and your Ghostface boyfriend away from me." Mindy hissed. "What the fuck? Mindy I thought you said that you were convinced he wasn't Ghostface." I said. "Yeah, well I don't know who to trust in this situation so just stay back. Please." She said. Damn is my own cousin turning on me? She sectioned herself off to the other side of the pillar. I was just holding onto Ethan this whole time. He held on to me and kissed my forehead. "Just ignore her. I'm not sure what has gotten into her." I said.

We waited till the next train arrived and when we got on there were a bunch of people with Ghostface costumes. Are they serious? Do they think this is funny? The train lights kept going off and back on. It was honestly really creepy but I had Ethan so I was mostly fine. I told him to help me keep an eye on Mindy but she kept getting creeped out by Ethan. While we kept an eye on her someone in a Ghostface costume came up to Mindy scaring her. "Oh jesus." She jumped. "Haha, sorry!" that person said sitting down. She went to the back of the train where it was even more difficult for us to see her.

"You're taller than me. Can you see her?" I asked him. "No, not really." He said trying to look over people. More crowds of people left the train and we see Mindy on the floor holding her stomach. "Shit, Mindy! Fuck!" I yell. I grab onto her pulling her off the train. "Somebody call 911!" Ethan yells. Everyone was just standing there staring at us. "Come on people have more fucking sympathy!" I yelled out. "Are you okay?" Ethan asked Mindy. "Yeah, I'm so good." She said trying to hold back her pain. "You're gonna be okay." I kept reassuring her. "Goddamn it. I was wrong again." She said looking at Ethan. "Help! Help!" I waved down the staff members. The staff got medical assistance and Mindy was carried away.

Ethan and I tried to make our way to the Theater. We made it just in time for to catch up with detective bailey. He let me inside the theater and pushed me in without Ethan. "What the fuck."

Sam walked in with Chad and Tara saying some shit that Kirby is the killer and that she made this a kill box for all of them. As I was going to walk out when a Ghostface came jumping out behind the screen making Sam drop her knife. There is no way I am going to make my self seen. I need to stay hidden. Even if my friends are in danger. I will not get stabbed again and go through that torture.

Seeing both my cousins get stabbed was gut wrenching. I didn't want to lose them. I couldn't lose them. Kirby shot at the two ghostfaces that were about to attack Tara and Sam. I'm surprised they haven't noticed me yet. "Stay back. We know it's you Kirby." Tara said. "One of them knocked me out." Kirby said covered in blood. "Kirby stop! Get away from the girls!" Detective Bailey said. "What are you doing?!" Kirby shouted "Did you kill Quinn? Did you kill my daughter?" Bailey accused. "Jesus Christ! Whatever he's been saying to you, don't listen to him. He's probably the killer." Soon one of the ghostaces started walking up to detective bailey.

"Behind you!" Kirby shouted. Bailey shot her clean . "Great job. The both of you." Bailey said. The two ghostfaces stood beside him.

"You?" Tara said to Bailey. "Yeah, of course me. Frankly, I expected more from you the two of you after you did to us." He said. "What do you mean 'us'?" Tara asked. Ethan took off his mask reveling himself. Tears started to form in my eyes. "Ta-da!" Bailey chuckled. "Mindy was right. It was easy to juke the roommate lottery. I mean all I had to do to meet you was room with a conceited, condescending alpha literally named Chad!" He said. Why? How? I kept repeating to myself. "Hello, roomie." I looked up and it was Quinn. The two people I care about are Ghostface? I felt my whole world come crashing down. It didn't make sense. I had such a close bond with Quinn and I am literally Ethan's girlfriend.

What do I do..

well. hi..
i'm sorry i took a huge break but i just graduated high school like two weeks ago. onto big and better things and hopefully more motivation to keep this book going. so what should y/n do? please leave suggestions.
this is a threat. leave suggestions.

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