Chapter three

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I refrained myself from listening in on their conversation. I knew it wasn't my place. I looked around and noticed that everyone was here but Ethan. Weird, he must have Econ.. I look at the time and it's 10:00. I saw Chad walk into the dining room with Mindy. "No one in this room hates you." I heard him say. I got curious and walked in.

"Okay? We have all been through some fucked up stuff, and we are coping with it differently." He said. "Chad is right. We understand that you're very stressed right now, but we are all here to help you. We love you Sam." I added. "Exactly. I mean, we moved here together for very one specific reason. We're a team." Chad said. "We are the core fucking five." Mindy smiled. "Thank you very much." Chad exclaimed. Everyone in the room started smiling. "I cant believe you said that." I laughed. "Ah, I hate myself." Mindy said. "You said it." Tara smiled. "That is what I'm talking about! It's the Core Five." Chad laughed. Mindy looked at me, "Say it." She nudged me "I'm not gonna say it." I pushed her smiling. "I mean, yes, we're a team, but.." Tara got cut off. "It's got a nice ring to it." "C'mon say it!" Chad and Mindy said overlapping.

"I've been sleeping with cute boy from across the hall." Sam said thinking we would be disappointed. We all looked at Sam then I looked across at Tara. "BOOM!" I shouted. "I fucking knew it!" Tara exclaimed. " I knew it, I knew it." I pointed at Tara. "You called it." Mindy said. " I knew it from the day you had that hickey." Mindy added. "I feel like we should high five or something." Tara said. "The core five high five-- may we, please?" "Don't call it that, but we'll do a high five." I said before Chad finished. We all high fived. I'm super happy. I love my friends and family. This is probably the closest I've felt to them in such a long time. Since last year events I haven't really been able to call them friends. We were all in different stages and coping differently it was hard to bond with each other. But this was it. This is when it finally was feeling right. 

Soon Sam got a call from someone. Tara looked at the phone in shock. "Uh!" She took the phone from Sam and showed it off to all of us. We all started reaching for the phone. Tara put the phone up to her ear pretending she answered the phone. "Hey, so what are your intentions?" She joked. We all bursted into laughter. "No, it's fine. Ill call him back." Sam said grabbing her phone back and declining the call. We were caught off guard by the noises coming from Quinn's room. Probably having sex with another dude. "Oh my god. Quinn and her gentleman caller are back at it again." Tara smiled. "She's getting it too? Okayyy." Mindy said. Suddenly our phones started beeping and chiming. We all decided to look at our phones to look at this mysterious text.

It was a picture of Quinn's mutilated body with Ghost face next to her. The tension in the room rose and we gave each other a look of concern. We all rose out of our seats rushing to Quinn's room. Chad stopped us all before we entered. Soon enough her door opened and Quinn's body came flying towards Anika hitting her. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I screamed. Chad and Tara exited the front door while we were stayed next to Quinn's body. I was so scared. I held on to Mindy's arm as we looked up and saw Ghost Face standing in the door frame of Quinn's door. "Oh, fuck." Mindy said. We tried to make a run for it but Ghost face slit me and Mindys arms. "OW. Holy shit." I screamed. "Mindy!" Anika yelled. "Y/N!" Sam yelled after. "Stay the fuck back!" Anika yelled. I was fighting for my life and soon me and Mindy were able to get away from him. Anika was his next target.

Ghost face ran up to Anika and pushed her against the wall soon shoving his knife into her stomach. Mindy screamed out for Anika while me and Sam were trying to figure out how we were gonna get the hell out of here. There was no time for me to let anxiety take over me right now. As much as I wanted to, I knew I had to be strong like I was last year. Sam ran into the kitchen getting a knife but they were all missing. We are so fucked in the ass right now. This ghost face seemed much stronger than Amber and Richie.  There is no way we were gonna be able to kill his ass in this moment since we had no weapons and no way to get to them. We had a plan to get all of us Quinn's room. Sam looked across the window and saw Danny(Cute boy). He was holding out a ladder for us to climb.

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