Chapter seven

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I stood in shock not knowing what to say. or how to react. my body froze up. i didnt know if i should stay hidden or come out. either way i knew that tara and sam weren't gonna go out with a fight. i look up when i noticed that ethan had sliced sam in the arm. what is happening. i need to do something now. i jumped out from my hiding spot and caught their attention.

"y/n! run!" sam yelled at me. "no! i'm gonna help you." i looked at ethan. he had a dark expression on his face. sam gave me a brick and i looked at it. am i really gonna knock my own boyfriend and best friend clean? before i could even do anything i got swiped away. "fuck!" a hand went over my mouth. "keep it down. shhh!" "hmhmnn" i tried to speak. i looked up and it was ethan. he pulled me into a room and sat me down on the cold floor. "ethan- fucking let go of me!" i shouted and kicked. "stop. stop! shhh be fucking quiet!" he put his hand over my mouth again. "i'm not gonna hurt you." i bit his hand and he let go. "what the fuck!" he shouted holding his hand. "what are you gonna do then?" i asked. "y/n i don't want to do this okay?" i looked at him suspiciously.

he walked closer to me and i backed away hitting my back on a shelf. "look, i know this is a bad impression but- i love you okay? i meant it. just let me explain, i don't have much time." i nodded my head for him to proceed. "i have never killed anyone okay? the only time i hurt somebody was when i punched a guy for looking at you-" i cut him off. "i'm sorry what?" i laughed. "that's a story i can explain another time. the other time i've hurt somebody was just now with sam. i didn't cut deep. i promise all the killing was my dad and quinn. when i said i was at econ, i wasn't lying." he pleaded for me to believe him. "your dad?" "did you miss the monologue?" he laughed. "yeah, i guess. i was just shocked that you were ghost face." "i promise you i am not and never will be." "well what do we do?" i asked. "go along with the plan. i promise i wont hurt you and i swear i won't hurt anyone." he always says i promise, i swear. i nodded my head and i ran out of the  room. i acted like i put up a fight with ethan.

"where were you?!" tara asked. "ethan pulled me into the room. i knocked him out before he could hurt me." i lied. ethan ran out the room and sam threw a brick at his head. "holy shit!" i winced seeing ethan fall to the ground. fuck i cant check on him. he got up holding his head with some blood running down the side. i mouthed to him, "are you okay?" he nodded his head wincing. he mouthed, "keep going with the plan." i nodded my head. "we have to escape somewhere." sam said. "up there!" tara shouted. we climbed up the ladder to the roof but i slipped. sam caught me but i couldn't hold on by how bloody her hands were. ethan was swinging a knife at my legs. i looked down like he was crazy. he nodded his head. "i always loved sticking things in you y/n!" ethan shouted continuing to swing the knife under my feet. fuck that was hot. "fuck you!" i shouted trying to hide my smile. "fuck you!" he shouted back.

i looked up at sam. "you have to let me go." i struggled to hold on. "what? no!" sam shouted. quinn was sliding her knife against the railing. sam looked away. "you need to trust me. give me the knife." i said. she gave me the knife and i dropped down. ethan dropped his knife and proceeded to catch me. i fell into his arms. "hi baby." i smiled. "hi cutie." he smiled back. he pretended to stab me. i screeched. we heard a gunshot, quinn was dead. i flinched at the noise. i grabbed ethan and pulled him into the room we were in. "you gonna stay here?" he nodded his head. before i left i ran back to give him a deep kiss. "keep that head in good shape. gonna need it later." i smirked. he smirked back and i ran back. sam and bailey were on the ground. i ran to help tara pick up sam. i looked at the case that had sams dads costume in it. "you know what you need to do." she looked in my direction and nodded her head.

we created a plan on how we were gonna kill bailey. "i thought ethan stabbed you?" tara said looking at me, noticing i don't have a single scratch on me. "i'll explain later. right now we need to kill this mother fucker." tara looked at me confused but nodded her head. we called bailey taking turns on who does the talking. we spooked the shit out of him. sam stabbed bailey plenty of times before finishing him off. ethan came out of the room and i handed him a gun. "Y/N! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" sam and tara shouted. "just trust me!" i pulled them back before they were gonna hurt ethan. ethan stood in front of baileys body and shot him in the head. "you have to shoot them in the head, or they always come back." he said. tara and sam looked at me in confusion. "he'll explain."

ethan explained everything to them. the cops and paramedics came. i made sure to stay with ethan when his head was getting checked out after i made sure sand and tara were alright. i have never witnessed someone do anything that ethan has done. "how are you feeling?" i asked him placing my head on his shoulder. "i think im gonna need therapy after this. not gonna lie." he chuckled. "you can say that again." i laughed. he started playing with my hair while i closed my eyes. this has been the most chaotic night of my life but i still turned out fine.


ethan and i have never been happier. we decided to move in together in a really nice place, still continuing our life's in college. sam and tara moved into the apartment next to us, including mindy and chad. we always have sleep overs together and dance party's. chad and mindy always show us up on board games but they could never beat me and ethan at just dance. in the end, we all are getting therapy and thriving.


"I'm glad you trusted me."

"You promised, Ethan. You swore."

The End.


who wants a sequel? 😈

You Promised Ethan, You Swore- Ethan LandryWhere stories live. Discover now