Chapter 4: Settling In

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Naruto is hospitalized The trek from Hokage Tower to the Leaf's hospital wasn't easy when your outraged genin was fighting tooth and nail to make it the most difficult job possible.

"Let me go! Let me go now!" Naruto's demanded, echoing through the streets, villagers turning to look on as they saw Naruto being carted by both Kakashi and Iruka, the kid was beyond caring about the looks and stares, all he was focused on was trying to break loose.

"You can't keep me here! I'll find a way out, just watch!" Naruto struggled more.

"It won't be that easy, Naruto. You're to be watched like a hawk. You won't be pulling any escapades any time soon." Iruka huffed as his grip on Naruto's legs tightened down, making sure the boy wouldn't be able to kick free. He didn't care if Naruto hated them after this, even if the kid never spoke to him again, at least he'd be safe and getting the help he so desperately needed, if how insanely light Naruto weighed was anything to go by.

They managed to pull him into the building finally, they couldn't even stop to sign him in as Naruto's struggles kicked up again. And the nurses had no choice but to order both ninjas to herd Naruto into the nearby room and along with them, a few orderlies helped to strap Naruto to the bed, amidst the blond's screams of bloody murder.

"Naruto, calm down!" Kakashi yelled at him over Naruto's high pitch squealing. And with no luck, Naruto kept screaming his throat raw at them. Kakashi turned a weary gaze onto one of the nurses. "Is there something you could give him, to at least quiet him?" He asked.

Naruto wasn't even listening to any of them at that point, his screams were enough to put the point past in their heads, that he was incredibly unhappy about this situation. He paid no one any mind as he tried to thrash in the restraints put upon him, his eyes were squeezed shut as he howled loudly, and he would keep doing it until he passed out from the strain. Well, that was his plan until he felt the telltale of his arm sleeve shucked up and a sharp pinch before he was suddenly so tired, his struggles had dropped now as his limbs felt strangely heavy, like lead.

His eyes slowly opened to see the nurse had been standing over him, as she discarded an empty syringe.

"Wha- nigh!" Naruto didn't feel coherent enough to produce proper speech, everything so blurred as the edges of his vision grew fuzzy. He didn't like this at all, and he couldn't even express how upset he was over the situation now as he felt very exhausted. The pull of sleep was calling him now and he could fight it much more as he saw Iruka and Kakashi watching him from the side. He hated them. Truly hated how Kakashi especially caused this. It was none of his business and he had no right to butt in, and now Naruto had to suffer.

He couldn't even manage a glare at the masked man before he gave out, the black taking him, and nothing but muffled voices could be heard.


He came to slowly, hearing before seeing as his eyes cracked open.

"How long has he been under?" Tsunade asked the nurse. She felt idiotic, thinking she'd come here expecting Naruto to be playing nice. It shouldn't have come as a surprise to her that she'd find him strapped to the bed and knocked out cold by whatever sedative the staff had seen fit to give him.

"A couple hours now, he should be waking up soon." The nurse replied, Tsunade nodded and turned to glance in Naruto's direction.

When she turned she noticed the small movements that indicated the boy was starting to stir. She braced herself for the fit that Naruto would pitch once his brain defogged and he realized what happened.

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