Chapter 5: Starting Point

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"Let me out, let me out. Let. Me. Out!" Naruto thrashed about in his restraints, screaming at the top of his lungs at everyone stationed in the room.

After coming out of his second round of sedation, the moment his mind cleared, he was back into the full throttle of his outbursts and even death threats. The staff had no choice but to resort to more restrictive measures to keep Naruto strapped down, having had to use the thickest ropes to tie his torso down instead of simply using wrist restraints, as they saw they were starting to bend to the force Naruto yanked at them with.

Tsunade had witnessed the particular phenomenon first, seeing how the boy's rage caused the restraints to crack at one point as he tried to tear his hands out of them, having her rush to order him to be placed in reinforced ones. Even though others in the room were oblivious to it, she had a pretty good hunch that Naruto was subconsciously drawing on the fox's chakra and strength to break them.

She huffed out a long breath when she exited his room, after making sure Naruto was secured and wouldn't be going anywhere, she needed a few moments to collect her thoughts. How the matter stood, she had no idea how to get through to Naruto, her only option at the moment was to let him scream his head off until he realized no one would be letting him go, until he got treatment.

"Lady Tsunade?" She heard, prompting her to lift her gaze, meeting Shizune's.

"How's everything with Naruto? I've been hearing he hasn't quite settled in yet." She wore a saddened expression, and TenTen who was snug in her arms wore a matching one.

"That's an understatement." Tsunade scoffed, leaning back against the wall, "He's been fighting tooth and nail since he's gotten here, and I'm worried we won't be able to get through to him. I'd hate to put him on a feeding tube against his will."

Shizune sighed, "But, there aren't many options left, he's going to have to be force-fed if the need is dire, regardless of Naruto's rebellion."

"Well, yes but that'll only be a temporary solution, he has to want to get better or once we get him to a healthy weight and discharge him, he'll go straight back to starving himself to death." Tsunade clenched her fists, knowing that she couldn't just force her hand here, it wouldn't do her or Naruto any good.

"Maybe he'll see reason, I know Naruto is rather stubborn but I'm sure he'll eventually see that all we're trying to do is help him." Shizune watched her Hokage, seeing how it was starting to get to her.

"For his sake, I hope you're right. Anyways, I'll be checking in on him in a bit, I need a break from his tyrant behavior, it's wearing on my nerves." Tsunade felt the beginnings of an annoying headache coming on. "Besides, I have to start working on a new chakra seal for Naruto."

"Huh? But isn't the one you placed on him during his sleep effective enough? I heard his loud shouts and complaints about being unable to use his jutsu from through the walls." She chuckled nervously.

Tsunade glared at the ceiling as she looked up, "It works for Naruto's chakra network, but I hadn't realized the kid draws on the Nine Tails. Ugh! I blame Jiraiya, that old fool shouldn't have taught Naruto how to use the fox's chakra and abilities at his age. Now, it'll only prove as a royal pain in my neck!" Tsunade spat in annoyance.

"Don't stress about it too much, milady." Shizune frowned in worry at how worked up Tsunade was.

"Hah! You of all people telling me not to stress and worry, where's the Shizune who's always cracking the whip about getting my paperwork done? For once, I'm agreeing with you, I need to get this done and figure out a way to get through to Naruto, or this treatment and therapy will be completely useless!" Tsunade looked at her. "I'll find a way somehow."

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