Chapter fifteen

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The view of the studio was massive from the car, a proper talk-show-style studio. Dani was shocked when she saw it, she couldn't believe she had this opportunity.

They pulled up to the studio, a small swarm of paparazzi following them to the building with cameras flashing. It was overstimulating, but the boys didn't seem bothered. Bill was holding onto Dani's arm, making sure the photographers didn't grab her. They got into the building somewhat safely with one fan trying to grab onto Tom's arm but instead, she fell onto the floor face-first. 

The dressing room was really nice, the lights highlighting Dani's face as she walked in. Before the show, they were all sitting in the dressing room. Tom and Georg on the couch, Gustav pacing, Dani leaning against the wall and Bill sitting on the dressing table. He looked really cute when he was smiling. She got her phone out and sneakily got a photo, ensuring her flash was off.

"First interview be in wing F in 2 minutes" The intercom screeched, making Dani's ears hurt

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"First interview be in wing F in 2 minutes" The intercom screeched, making Dani's ears hurt. Since the shooting, everything seemed to be a lot louder and life just generally felt too much.

"That's us, let's head over." Georg smiled as Bill squealed and clapped his hands quietly in excitement.

The tech crew said that Dani could wait in the wings, as she won't be seen from there.  They were a little rude about it, as to say 'I don't want you here', but Dani had spent her fair amount of time around bitchy tech crews.

The show started and the host introduced the show, followed by the band and they were told to go on. Bill gave Dani one last hug before walking on, making her smile.

"So, you guys are a huge hit in Germany, but not so much here. Why is that?" The interviewer asked, his voice having a slight undertone of bitchiness.

"Yeah, well we are based in Germany, so that might be why." Tom replied, trying to be polite.

"Yeah, yeah, but we would like more people to know us in the US" Bill smiled, making the interviewer roll his eyes.

"You young bands want so much, dream of so much, I swear."

This stunned Dani a little, he didn't need to be so rude about the band having hopes.

"Anyways, we heard from the media that the high school you go to here went through a shooting, with you guys inside! How was that?" Gustav's face dropped at that sentence, and Dani gasped quietly at the sudden question from the wings.

"I- uh... It was scary." Bill spoke up, thrown off by the question. The interviewer seemed almost happy that it happened.

"I don't go there with them, so getting the call that they were caught in that was... pretty terrifying, I'm not going to lie." Georg frowned, making Bill turn to him and pat his knee.

"Well, we're okay." He spoke, turning to the interviewer.

The interviewer seemed to go on about the shooting for a while, stirring up memories that were still fresh in everyone's minds. Even Dani was uncomfortable from the wings, and she wasn't being interviewed. Finally, Tom asked to change the subject much to the interviewer's dismay.

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