Chapter thirteen

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Sleep never came easy for Dani, but it became a little easier with Bill at her side. He was warm, sweet. He was there for her and he always will be.

The silence was warm, not awkward whatsoever. He enjoyed her company just as much as his band's.

"Did you sleep okay?" She asked, making him aware that she had woken up.

"Yeah, wasn't the worst. You?"

"Not horrible. I think if you weren't here I wouldn't have slept at all."

He held her close as her half-awakened body wrapped her arms around him.

"You're going to be okay. I know you are. You're the strongest person I know." Bill whispered to her, holding the back of her head softly. Holding her reminded him of being held when he was a kid. Almost like he was in her place not 10 years ago.

"Can I- Can I ask you a pretty weird question?" He asked quietly, breaking away from the hug.

"Of course."

"What was your first impression of me? Like when you saw me in the class because I look a lot different to other people." She smiled at his question, holding the back of his neck.

"I thought you definitely looked different, but that was the reason why I talked to you in the first place. When I first heard about two exchange students, I thought they would be a copy-paste of everyone else here. How wrong was I, huh," She laughed quietly, making him smile. "But then again, I thought you were going to be really distant and cold. Instead, you are seriously the most loving person I have ever met. Sweet, and would do anything for anyone."


"Yeah, absolutely."

She smiled and sat up a little more, letting him sit up himself. His hands made their way to her waist, as per usual.

"My first impression of you was that you were mean. This overly pretty girl, probably dating a popular guy. Always making fun of people, but you were the opposite. Other than being pretty, you really are the opposite." She laughed a little at his compliment, however, she was smiling.

"You help people that need it. You're strong and overall one of the best people I have ever met. And you're so pretty, it's unbelievable, like a goddess. You always seem to turn up looking the best, even though it's school. Your love for theatre is something I wish everyone had, and your voice is angelic. There are so many other ways I could describe you, but there are not enough words under the sun to explain how beautiful, funny, loud and amazing you are, and there never will be enough words."

Her eyes were glossed in the dim light as she sniffed and opened her mouth to try and reply.

"Fuck, I..." As she stuttered, one of his hands moved to the side of her face.

"It's true. I could not have met a better person."

She felt the tears run down her face, finally letting them flow out as she smiled.

"I love you so much, Bill. I love you a lot, more than anyone else. I just.. I don't know how to explain it."

"Then don't. I know what you feel. I love you so much, Dani."

She smiled, wiping the tears from her skin.

"God I am way too emotional right now" They both laughed and she hugged him.

"You're not, I promise. You can cry, laugh, smile, pout all you want and I'll still be here."

"You fuckin' better, I can't live without you now that I know you" She laughed, pulling away from the hug and being inches away from his face.

"Thank you for being here for me" She whispered, looking into his eyes momentarily.

"Thank you for letting me be there for you."

She smiled and held the sides of his neck while his hands, which were previously wrapped around her waist, held onto her hips.

"I never want you to leave." She whispered.

"I'll never leave you. Ever."

Those words convinced her more than any other sentence she has ever heard. She glanced at his lips before finally closing the gap between them. His lips were soft against hers, melting into the kiss as soon as she moved close. Bill's hand trailed up to her face as he tucked it behind her hair beside her ear, holding one side of her face. The small pop sound seemed so loud as they pulled apart, opening their eyes a moment later.

Dani smiled with a glimmer of euphoria, happy to finally have someone that truly loves her. The same goes for Bill who smiled at the fact that he had just kissed, in his eyes, one of the prettiest girls on Earth. The universe, even.

"Can we- uh... Can we agree to keep this quiet for a while? News spreads around school fast, and I'm not sure I'm ready for that." She whispered, closing her eyes in slight embarrassment.

"I was about to ask the same thing, except with the band."

She nodded, opening her eyes and seeing his soft smile once again only made her smile back. Her cheeks were dusted with a light pink, which Bill thought was one of the cutest things in the world. The girl that got into the most fights was so comfortable around him.
She kissed him again, slightly quicker than before but still filled with as much love as the first. She had truly hit the jackpot with him, and she couldn't be happier with her winnings.


Surprise, wanted to give you guys something with less tension.

Deep talks >>>

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