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Terrance ran, he didn't know where he just knew he ran. He heard footsteps following but he didn't care. He heard his name, but it sounded like he was underwater. His breathing picked up, black spots danced across his vision, his chest felt like it was constricting.

Whoever was chasing finally caught up to him, hand caught his shoulders and spun him around. His breathing picked up even more for a second, The black spots disrupting his vision made it hard to see who was touching him. He was pulled into a bone crushing hug. He knew this hug, it was familiar. His breathing slowed and he breathed in the familiar cologne. He knew this, he had bought this. Slowly his vision cleared and he could see green hair. Finally he slumped and let Zed hold him up. "You don't have to tell me, you don't have to say anything." Zed brought them to the floor in front of the lockers, so Terrance's legs didn't give out. "You're going to be okay, you're safe, no one's mad at you."


As promised Zed didn't make Terrance explain himself he just let him latch on to him for the rest of the day especially when the wolves came near. They moved in a pack so Wyatt was always with them. He didn't want Zed to be upset, he heard the growl when he did not correct Wyatts nickname for him. It was what triggered his panic. Zed of course wasn't told any of this, he would be beating himself up for weeks for hurting Terrance.

"Zed for prez! Vote Zed for prez, because I'm a zombie, not a zom-can't-be." Terrance shook his head at his boy friend's cheesy slogan.

Eliza smiled and checked her clipboard, "Okay, here's our platform. We fight for zombie toppings on pizza in the cafeteria."

Zed nodded, "Right."

"Get Zombie tongue taught as a second language."

Terrance shrugged, "literally easiest A ever."

His boyfriend nodded, "I mean you already understand it and can read it and it's only been about eight maybe nine months."

"Za, zer ga zes, manga." Yeah, like I said, easy. Zed stopped in his tracks and looked at Terrance who kept walking with Eliza.

She looked back at her best friend whose cheeks were tinted with a gray blush, "I think you broke him," she giggled. "How does a 'how to overthrow your oppressors after school club.' sound?" He gave her a look, "Sorry, right. Don't over promise."

Zed made his way back over to the two and held Terrance tightly to his chest giving him an exaggerated kiss before pulling away. They got weird looks, but Zed was the star football player, so no one wanted to say something and throw him off his game. "Most importantly, we allow zombies at prawn," he said, wrapping his arm around Terrance's shoulders and leaned his head down on his.

"Good luck, Mr. Future President," Addison smiled, skipping up to them.

Rapid footsteps made their way towards all of them, Terrance pulled Eliza out of the path of the human bulldozer known as an excited Bree. "Hey Zed, did you hear? Addie and TJ are being tested for captains, and they even get to run cheer practice tomorrow."

"It's not a big deal." Addison waves it off and Terrance shrugs. Brees eyes widened in disbelief, "Okay, it's huge."

"A huge chance to fail!"

Terrance looks at his nails, "How much do you think my nail polish will chip if I punch them in the mouth?" he asked, gesturing to his green nails.

Eliza shrugged, "a few nails."


"If Addie and TJ ace this practice, oh my gosh, they're so going to be cheer captains once Bucky wins. He's so gonna win, because you know, elections, they're just like these big old popularity contests. And Bucky is super popular. So..." Zed clears his throat, "what?"

At A Crossroads  (Z-o-m-b-i-e-s Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now