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Terrance didn't show up at school the next day and Zed couldn't blame him, not only were his friends basically dying but he was outed as a monster. A dangerous supposedly evil one. Word got around fast. 

Zed and Eliza decided to go to the den after school to see if there was anything or anyone they could help. They had gotten in touch with Moe and heard Wyatt in the background asking for some blankets and water. They weren't prepared to see the once proud fierce wolf pack kneeling and in pain, Terrance tending to Wynter, Moe to a couple of pups, Wyatt and Willa making their rounds despite being sick and shivering.

Zed and Eliza sat them down doing their rounds for them and taking care of them on top of it. "I can't believe they destroyed Seabrook power." Eliza sighed, wrapping a blanket around Wyatt's shoulders.

"I know," Zed sighed, "You guys are fierce proud werewolves."

"Well now were nothing," Willa coughed, "and they think we're monsters."

"We are," Terrace said, getting a crazy idea. "We all are." 


They all would go to prawn together banned or not. Werewolves, Zombies, humans and a Kitsune walked up to the school building, all dressed up, ready to crash prawn.

"'It's Zombies," Bucky realized.

"And werewolves," Jacey added.

"In formal wear," Stacey Sassed

"They look good," Lacey admitted.

Bucky picked up his pride, "you guys can't be here there are laws against this."

Zed shrugged, "Bad laws are meant to be broken."

"And monsters don't follow the rules," Eliza added Zed high fived her, "Zombies are a part of Seabrook Bucky and we deserve to be here."

"We're a part of Seabrook too," Wyatt added. "The originals in fact."

Terrance leaned on his boyfriend, "My kind got here long before yours did."

"Someone's gotta stop you," He tried to pull the Z-Alert only for Willa and Terrance to growl at him fangs and claws bared. He screamed like a little girl. "Welcome to prawn," he relented, walking inside with his lackeys. Lacey looked back at Terrance and Zed, she hesitantly reached out and took Staceys hand in hers. Said girl jumped and looked at her, a dark blush dusting her cheeks. She smiled and ran her thumb over her knuckles.

Wyatt ran forward as Willa started coughing, ushering her inside. Most of the pack was weak, immediately sitting down. Some were linking arms, Bonzo and Bree walked off to dance. Zed led Terrance to the floor, "I am so glad I met you."

"Even though I'm a monster and not the human you fell in love with."

"Darling I fell in love with you, you've always been a kitsune we just never knew. You make me accept the fact that I'm a monster. I'm just glad this monster," he brushed his fingers against his cheek, "got to live in a brighter place than the rest of us."

He took his hand placing it on his shoulder and he did not hesitate, he didn't care how many people were around, he hadn't cared for a while actually.


You're from the perfect paradise
and I'm living on the darker side


Ohh I had a feeling
if you get to know me


Right from the start you caught my eye
and something inside me came to life


Ohh I had a feeling
now you really know me


Someday this could be this could be Ordinary.

He leaned his head on Zed's shoulder.


Someday could we be something extraordinary.


You and me side by side


Out in the broad daylight


they laughed we'll say


We're gonna be someday


Someday, Someday

They both looked over at the weak werewolves.


We're gonna be someday




Someday We're gonna be someday

They leaned in for a kiss but were cut off when a tremor ran through the building. "This way," Zed told him, the zombies and werewolves all followed, he was trying to get them out of the building or at least away from falling objects.

A fault line opened up in the middle of the hall, seemingly traveling in from outside; Zed was able to jump to one side as it finished opening, pulling Terrance with him. "The energy from the moonstone must have created the fault line. If we follow this crack, it may lead us to it," Zed said.

"So, it's only buried and not destroyed," Addison exclaimed.

The school trembled again, "We have to get to it," Wynter cried.

"Quickly while we still can," Willa added the rest of the back following them underground. Terrance tore his hand away from Zed and dropped down into the fault next to Wyatt.

"It's this way," Willa called, " I see the light. It's coming from Seabrook power. Here," She grinned seeing the huge moonstone in the middle of the cave.

They pulled off their necklaces charging them, their eyes glowed a bright yellow and they all growl louder than they ever had. Their stones glowed blue as opposed to the sickly yellow that had plagued them the day before.

The building shook more violently, "we have to get it out of here," Willa told them pinned her necklace on.

"Legend says that together our pack can move the stone," Wyatt told them. He looked to Terrance, "you're included in that. The last kitsunes are always referred to as pack members."

He nodded, grabbing the bars, his own eyes glowing brightly.

"All of us lift!" Willa snapped. She was clearly stronger than the rest of them since she was the Alpha and Terrance had a significant impact on how far they moved it. Even so they couldn't move it a few inches.

Wynter sighed, "It's too heavy."

"There's not enough of us," Willa cried.

"Then maybe you need to expand your pack," Addison, Zed, the cheerleaders and the zombies came rushing into the cave despite the danger.

Willa squinted a little suspicious, she had no reason to help them not after how they had treated her.

"We came here to help; come on everyone we've got this." Everyone grabbed a bar of the stone, "Hurry before it's too late. Together lift."

A particularly violent tremor hit, a slab of concrete fell in their way blacking them in, "the chambers collapsed, we can't carry the moon stone through," Wyatt panicked.

"You Z-band it's still broken Zed take it off lift the slab," Eliza told him.

He was understandably hesitant, "Zed you can do this."

"I'm not ready, what if I can't control it." 

At A Crossroads  (Z-o-m-b-i-e-s Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now