💧 You hurt his feelings

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Y/N felt awful.

He couldn't get it out of his head no matter how hard he tried. Each time the memory of what had happened earlier got to the forefront of his mind he cringed in embarrassment for himself. How could he have treated the person he loves so horribly?

The work day started out perfectly normal. Y/N got to his office building at his scheduled time, exchanged morning greetings with a few of his coworkers and then got to his desk. In a world of heroes and superpowers it seemed a little sad to be working an office job when the world held so much excitement. But someone still had to do it, afterall not everyone could be a hero. That was left up to others, like Hawks. Or Keigo to Y/N.

Y/N rested his head on his fist and played with a pencil, his computer screen blank. He was day dreaming, completely lost in his own mind. Keigo had gotten up in the early hours and left well before Y/N got out of bed, and so they wouldn't be seeing each other for the first that day until evening. And not seeing his golden eyes or sweet smile at all seemed to make the day drag on and on. He had only been there for 45 minutes but watched clocks never tick. It would be an eternity before he got to see his boyfriend.

At least that's what Y/N thought.

Out of nowhere, a ruckus of some kind was building at the other end of the office. Voices, whispers, excited yet hushed tones. It was enough distraction to shake Y/N out of his daydream, who then tried to get started on his work. But he couldn't stop himself from involuntarily eavesdropping.

"Wow, nothing this exciting ever happens here."

"What's he doing here?"

"Hey Hawks, I'm a big fan!"

Y/N kept typing. Whatever they were talking about, it probably wasn't any of his busin-

"Did they just say..." Y/N wondered, and before he could react he heard a very familiar voice. One that didn't belong in the office.

"Hey, there's the guy I'm looking for!" Hawks exclaimed with an audible grin.

Y/N spun around. He saw Keigo, all decked out in his hero gear, the big jacket, yellow visor and all.

He was glad to see him. Of course he was. He'd do anything to spend more time with the sweet, caring and handsome man he was fortunate to call his boyfriend. But it wasn't like they'd get quality time together at his job. Not unless Keigo wanted to pull up a chair and watch him type, which Y/N assumed he wouldn't. In fact, Y/N didn't want him too. He didn't want him to be bored out of his mind, and plus if the number two hero randomly showed up just to do that, the people around him might have a question or two. And as that thought crossed Y/N's mind, he realized that by Keigo being here just to see him was enough on its own to make people curious.

Glancing around the office, Y/N saw that everyone had stopped what they were doing. Every single pair of eyes were either on him, the winged man walking towards him, or directed at their neighbor who they were whispering with. He felt his palms become sweaty and his face heat up. He was never comfortable with too much attention, which was why he had opted not to tell anyone aside from a few trusted friends about his relationship with Hawks. If the media knew, or Keigo's massive fanbase, Y/N's normal life would be gone in the blink of an eye. And his office was being transformed into that reality he desperately wanted to avoid.

"Hi Hawks, what are you doing here?" Y/N asked casually, attempting to make himself sound confident but failing with a slight voice crack.

It only made Keigo chuckle as he stood in front of Y/N, hands in his pockets and his signature smile stuck onto his face.

"Well I didn't get to see you this morning, and since I was in the neighborhood I figured I'd drop in."

"Oh, you didn't have to do that." Y/N said, his attempt at politeness hiding the sincerity behind those words.

"Hey L/N, how do you know Hawks?" A man at a nearby desk asked, taking the couple's attention.

Y/N wasted no time answering the man's question, practically speaking up before he even finished.

"Oh, uh, we're just friends, really. Distant, old friends." He lied awkwardly.

He then looked to Keigo, with the expectation that he would back him up. But, as he did, as soon as the hero's face came into view, Y/N's own face dropped. Keigo's smile was gone.

"Yeah, just friends." Keigo spoke after a brief pause. "Anyway, I guess I'll see you around L/N"

Y/N's heart shattered as he watched Keigo leave the office. To anyone else his voice would have sounded the same. He was a good actor, he had to be to keep the people reassured. But Y/N knew when he was acting. And that was not a good performance.

As soon as Y/N got home, he saw Keigo standing there in the kitchen. His smile still gone.

"Hey-" Hawks started to greet, but was abruptly stopped when Y/N wrapped him in a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry Keigo. I love you."

Without hesitation Keigo reciprocated. "I love you too. And I'm sorry."

Y/N pulled back from the hug to look him in the eyes.

"No, you don't have anything to be sorry for. I'm the one who acted like you were nothing to me."

"Listen, I knew how you felt about getting attention because of me. I just wanted to see you so bad, I couldn't help myself. It was my fault for putting you in a situation you weren't cool with."

The two continued going back and forth, each claiming guilt for the incident until they laughed at themselves. They fell back into their hug, and stayed there for a while. With moments like that, they both knew they had nothing to be sorry for. Not when they had each other.

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