🌃 How you met part 2

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"Hey, is this seat taken? Name's Hawks by the way."

Y/N was daydreaming, lost deep in his own head. He kept thinking about the hero at the bar, he just couldn't help it. For some reason his mind just wouldn't let him think about anything else. So when he suddenly heard the voice of the man he was thinking about, his first instinct was to look over his left shoulder, to where he knew Hawks would be. But instead he only saw Star, who smiled and pointed to the right. Y/N narrowed his eyes, confused momentarily by what she was doing.

"Over here."

Y/N spun back around and blushed as soon as he saw who was standing right next to him. A major factor for that was because he had made himself look like an idiot by looking in the complete opposite direction. But that certainly wasn't the only reason why his cheeks got warm.

Hawks chuckled. "Don't worry, that's nothin' to beat yourself up about."

He can read minds apparently? Y/N sure hoped not.

"But I am getting a little tired from standing, mind if I sit with you?"

Y/N shook his head, and Hawks took the chair across from him that Star had been in earlier. Star. She put him up to this! She must have. She was now sitting exactly where he had been, so they must have been having a drink together. Y/N knew Star had some hero friends, he didn't know the number 3 was among them but evidently he must be. And if those two were socializing over a drink, based on their earlier conversation Y/N was certain she had sent him over here just to make Hawks squirm. She was an old friend, but she certainly pushed her limits in times like this.

"So, pretty big party, huh?"

'Okay, come on Y/N. He's just a guy, you can talk to him.'

"Yep, pretty big party."

'That's seriously the best you could do?' Y/N cursed himself internally, his poor choice of words making his cheeks redder.

"Yeah, personally it's not really my thing. That's why I was over at the bar trying to hide. Turns out that's not the easiest thing to do with these big wings." Hawks joked, carrying on with the conversation in an entirely casual fashion. "Anyway, what's your name?"

"Oh, sorry, I'm Y/N."

"Y/N huh? We only just met and we're already on a first name basis, I have to say I like where this is going." Hawks flirted with a smile. The smile partially due to Y/N's flushed reaction. It was just so damn cute.

The two kept talking, Hawks mostly taking the lead. He had to since Y/N's thoughts were preoccupied by his internal freak out at the insanity of the situation he was in. But as they talked about how they both knew Star, Y/N soon came to feel like he was talking to a perfectly normal person, someone he had known his whole life. There was no indication of a status barrier of any kind, and that put him at ease a bit more.

Time passed incredibly fast, and before they knew it the main events for the evening were beginning.

Hawks looked at the stage as the other attendees filtered past their table, and he sighed. "Uh oh."

"What's the matter?" Y/N asked with genuine concern.

Hawks laughed a little and smiled again. "Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you. It's kinda silly really. I'm just a little embarrassed to head over there, that's all."

Y/N couldn't believe it. Hawks never appeared to have a shortage of confidence, not on tv or throughout their conversation. Whatever he was embarrassed about, it must have been pretty big.

"What for?" Y/N asked.

"Well, you see, I never really learned how to tie a tie! I avoid them like the plague, but whenever I've gotta wear one, I grab a clip on. I know it's cheating, but it saves me from situations like these." Hawks explained, laughing at himself as he pointed to his knot.

If he hadn't said anything, Y/N doubted that he would've noticed it. But now, judging by the way it was tilted to the side and bits of it jutted out irregularly, he could tell it definitely wasn't a common knot by any means.

"That's kinda why I was hiding in the corner. I mean, compared to you I look pretty sloppy if I'm being honest." Hawks continued.

"It's really not that bad."

"Aw, come on, don't give me that. I can tell by your tone it's definitely bad."

"Well, if you want, I can re-tie it for you." Y/N shyly suggested.

"Really? That would be awesome!"

Before he even had time to think about the situation, Y/N found himself tying the new knot. It didn't take him long either, which made Hawks remark on how easy he made it look. And throughout it all, despite being so close to someone this important, his social nervousness had dissipated.

With his attire fixed, Hawks and Y/N joined the others for the proceedings. And through it all, they stuck right next to each other's sides. They listened to the speeches together, watched as some final donations were presented, and celebrated together as the sufficient funds for the hospital were announced. All in all, it was a good evening for the charity, and also the two men who now stood outside.

"I really had a nice time getting to know you Y/N. I'm glad you came out of your shell."

It was an extra clear night. A little chilly maybe, but with the beauty of the stars overhead and the glow of the moon, the temperature didn't bother Y/N. Especially not when he was in the presence of someone whose face still glowed under the dark of night.

"I was really glad to have met you too, Hawks. Sorry If I was a bit distant at first, I just get nervous around new people. And to be honest, I didn't really feel good enough to talk to someone like you. But I wanna thank you for coming up and talking to me."

"Don't worry about it, I understand more than you think. And from now on, just call me Keigo."

Keigo? His first name... Y/N liked where this was going.

"Sure thing, Keigo."

Some more guests started exiting the hall, taking away from their private moment under the stars. They both glanced up at the doors, and then back at each other. Y/N looked right into Keigo's golden eyes, they were so captivating. He sighed, and so did Hawks. They both knew it was time to go, but neither wanted to be the one to say it. They didn't want to take their eyes off of the other, to break the connection they both felt but hadn't addressed vocally. But at the same time they didn't really need to.

"I hate to cut our evening short, but I've got an early morning. Hero work, you know how it is. But hey, you've got my number, so let's get together again sometime soon."

Y/N happily agreed, and after one last goodbye, or really just a see you later, he watched the red winged hero walk off into the night before those wings took him up into the starry sky. If he had told himself a few hours ago how the gala would turn out, his past self might have been less reluctant to attend. In all honesty he probably just wouldn't believe it.

But regardless, Y/N in the present moment was very grateful to have gotten the invite. That evening would be one he would not soon forget, one in which he got to meet someone he hoped to be seeing much more of.

And, he forgave Star.

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