🌘 He sleep talks

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2:43 AM.

Y/N could barely make out the red digital numbers that were blurred by his half closed eyelids. But he smiled and breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he read the first number. Just moments before as his eyes blinked open, he had anticipated that it would be time for him to leave the warm covers of the bed and get ready for work, a thought that did not spark joy. But the happiness felt after finding out that he had multiple more hours to sleep was like no other. Though it was odd that he woke up at that hour.

Closing his eyes, Y/N settled back down with ease. He listened to his boyfriend's calm breathing, but quickly lost focus of that as his mind slipped back into sleep. Y/N's breathing became slow and relaxed too, and his senses lost track of the world around him. Soon he'd be asleep again and-

"Not that..."

Y/N's brows furrowed, his eyes still closed. Maybe he wasn't the only one who woke up at that hour.  "What's that Keigo?"

Just before he had fallen asleep, he was certain he heard Keigo say something. It was more of a mumble, so Y/N wasn't quite sure what he heard him say, so he thought he should ask. But, he got no response. Maybe in his own sleepy state he only imagined it. In any case he was too tired to stay up and find out what it was, so Y/N tried to go back to sleep yet again.


THAT was definitely Hawks, and Y/N was certain he hadn't imagined it that time. Somewhat frustrated, he opened his eyes and turned over to look right at Keigo, ready to scold him for fooling around in the middle of the night. But before he could say anything, he saw that the hero looked to be asleep himself. He was laying down in his normal sleeping position, covered up in blankets. And most importantly, his eyes were closed and his face completely relaxed.

Could he be... sleep talking?

Y/N smiled a little at that thought. Keigo had never done it before, not that he had noticed anyway. But it would explain why he woke up at such a weird time. If he was, Y/N was interested. Apparently people say all kinds of weird things when they sleep talk, things that offer insight to their subconscious. Not wanting to miss it, he layed back down, this time facing Keigo as he scooched up closer to him, listening intently.

But nothing happened. Y/N waited patiently, but on a work night there was only so much patience he could have. Minutes ticked by, but it felt like forever. Discouraged, he sighed and decided he should try to get more rest.

"I... Need it..."

Y/N perked up at the sound of Keigo's sleepy voice. He was mumbling and slurring his words a bit, but Y/N was able to tell what he was saying. And it was so cute it almost made him giggle.

"What do you need, Kei?" He whispered, playing along with whatever dream the other was having.

Keigo was quiet for a few more moments, but Y/N eagerly waited for him to speak again.

"Give it to me..."

Y/N laughed a little. "Keigo... Not right now-"

"I want..."

He wanted something... But what could it be? It could be something, or someone, literal like Y/N or a "service" he could provide. Or maybe it was something that would be seemingly random, but actually metaphorical and symbolized his deepest desire. Dreams worked like that, right? Whatever the end of this sentence would be, Y/N could hardly wait to hear it.

"...my chicken..."

And, that was his glimpse into the great and mysterious mind of Hawks. Even in sleep that man's craving never ceased. But Y/N was glad to have been cut off by Keigo's drowsy whine, as his misunderstanding of the dream was, well, less than decent. But that combined with the ridiculous chicken talk gave him a laugh that he could barely stifle. Aftering containing himself, he couldn't help but plant a kiss right on the other's lips, causing him to stir.

Keigo squinted, even the near absence of light being too much for his pitch dark adjusted eyes.

"Why are you... up?" He asked in his groggy voice.

"No reason. I just love you."

That didn't seem to register with Keigo as he only closed his eyes again without a word. But, while he offered no verbal response, he did wrap his arms around Y/N and pull him in close to his chest. His mind might not have been awake, but his heart was.

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