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Emaline would have told Jo and Harry anything at this point to get them to stop playing this god awful song.

She was close to fabricating an entire story of where her father is and his plan from here on out. However, she knew that giving false information would only screw her in the long game.

The worst part was she couldn't even attempt to cover her ears or block out the song.

Emaline was confident that she could now perform the entire song with a gun to her head, without messing up.

She had no idea how to make it stop. She had screamed and thrashed in her spot for what felt like days now. Her head was pounding and her throat was sore.

Emaline has never felt so defeated.

At some point within those two and a half hours, hot tears started to stream down Emaline's face. The whole situation made her laugh deliriously.

She was crying because she was strapped to a bed, being tortured for information she doesn't have, by listening to The Real Slim Shady on repeat.

If that isn't the most fucked up thing you've ever heard.

For the next hour or so, Emaline was on and off crying, screaming and laughing. She was hitting her brink of insanity.

When the door of the small room opens to reveal Harry and Jo, Emaline smiles out of some sort of twisted relief. Her capturers are back to do who knows what, but at least they are going to stop this fucking song.

Jo pauses the song and Emaline practically whales, "THANK YOU!!!"

Emaline probably looked crazy. She could only imagine the mascara streaking down her cheeks paired with how red her face must be. She also assumed her hair was frizzy and out of place.

She immediately felt self conscious and embarrassed.

She felt weak in front of Jo. It's fucked up that Emaline still cares what Jo thinks. She desperately wants her approval, even now.

Emaline watches Harry smirk — a twisted display of satisfaction of his work.

"Ready to talk now?" Harry is bluffing. He know's she has nothing to say, but he gives it a shot anyway.

Emaline throws her head back in frustration, "No! I don't know anything. I already told you everything I know."

Harry raises a brow, looking unimpressed.

Harry approaches Emaline, with a knife in hand. He presses the knife to Emaline's cheek, "Don't think The Real Slim Shady is the worst I can do. I'm just getting started."

Harry makes a quick movement, making Emaline swallow hard. Just when she thinks he is going to make a cut through her skin, Harry swiftly cuts off a small chuck of her hair.

Harry walks back to Jo, placing the hair in a small plastic baggy he had stored in his pocket.

Jo shoves Harry's side aggressively making Harry scowl.

"You're such an asshole," Jo whispers to Harry and returns her gaze to Emaline, "We know you don't know anything about where Luca is."

Emaline suddenly feels nauseous from all of the emotions flooding her system.

She is relieved, confused, but mostly scared.

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