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After Harry and Emaline left the vintage antique store with a beautiful dress and two new masks, Harry drove them back to the RV.

Emaline knew when they drove back to the RV, it would be in a different location, most likely parked in front of a large apartment complex or an extravagant house. Over the past week or so, they had stayed at some pretty amazing properties; when they weren't driving, of course.

Still, Emaline's eyes widened in awe every time.

Emaline had always been around money. She could remember some of her parents colleagues being decked out head to toe in Louis Vuitton, walking down the street in the shittiest neighborhoods, practically begging to be jumped. But she was rarely around old money. Most of the people with money that she grew up around were tossing all their cash at drugs, gambling and booze; barely saving enough for their monthly bills.

"This place is massive," Emaline stared with a wide eyed gaze.

She shoved her hands deep into her jacket pockets to warm her hands. To her surprise, she felt something in her pocket that wasn't there before.

She looked over at Harry, deciding if she should wait until she was alone to see what magically appeared in her jacket pocket.

Harry's phone began to buzz has he typed in the code for the garage.


"Fucking hell," Harry rolled his eyes, pressing the phone to his ear, "Is somebody dead?"

Zayn sat outside a dressing room, waiting for Jo to try on an array dresses, "What? No. Mate, where are you?"

"The house," Harry says blankly, leading Emaline inside, "Why have you called me?"

Zayn huffs, "Am I not allowed to call you or something?"

There was a beat of silence. Impatience radiating from Harry's skin.

"So was there a reason, or?" Harry hangs Emaline's dress up in the laundry room.

Emaline sat on the enormous sofa, picking at her cuticles as she listened to Harry.

He was so...


Whenever Emaline thought she had started to see through his hard exterior, he would close himself back up again. The glimpses behind his armor that she saw only intrigued her further.

Yes, he had been kinder. And yes, he showed her some empathy every now and again. But he was still so closed off and serious. He was all business, all the time. Emaline couldn't help but wonder what was behind all of that. Who Harry really was.

Emaline pretended to read her book, making herself look busy as she eavesdropped on Harry's conversation. Meanwhile she covertly reached into her jacket pocket to detect the object she felt in there earlier.

She discretely pulls out a small black flip phone, furrowing her brows and quickly placing it back in her pocket as Harry flicked his eyes towards her.

"Jo wants to know what color to wear tomorrow night," Zayn lied as Jo spun in her dress for him.

Harry scoffed raising his voice as he spoke, "You bothered me... After I specifically told you not to; unless of an emergency, to ask if we were planning on matching?"

A fashion emergency. Emaline thought and giggled to herself.

Before Zayn could respond, Harry started speaking again, "Tell Jo to wear whatever color she fucking wants. Shit brown for all I care. Please don't call me unless there is an emergency, I'm busy."

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