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Harry just had the longest of days and really had no patience for whatever bullshit was going on.

Conversation erupted in the room as if Emaline weren't even there.

"She fainted," Jo explained.

Harry rolls his eyes, "I leave for a few fucking hours. You can't keep the girl on her goddamn feet."

"I'm fine!" Emaline sits up, immediately reminding herself that she was still very dizzy.

"We suggest she eats something sugary, sir."

Harry runs a hand down his face, "Yeah. Whatever, get her whatever she needs."

Harry snaps a finger and all of the sudden, it's just him and Emaline.

"Care to explain?" Harry stands over her.

Emaline could now clearly see all of his features. It looked as if Harry were just playing paintball with exclusively red paint. Red splotches and dirt covered his face as well has his impeccably tailored suit.

"Explain why I passed out...?" Emaline questioned.

"No. God you're such a fucking idiot! You're not so bright for having one of the most clever men in the world as your father," Harry just had one hell of a day and his patience was running thin.

Emaline just looked at Harry with a confused expression. She really had no idea what he was talking about. She was very tired and dizzy. All she wanted was to rest.

"Explain the fucking note that Liam just showed me," Harry covered his mouth with both of his hands, containing his anger.

Emaline was beginning to form a splintering headache, "I told Jo, I don't know where it came from. I've never seen it in my life."

Knock Knock Knock.

"Come in," Harry pursed his lips.

A guard tentatively entered the room with a lollipop and glass of water in hand.

"You're let off the hook. For now. We'll be talking about this after you rest, Emaline," Harry turned to exit the room.

Emaline had a burning urge to stop him and ask what she has been wondering this whole time, "Harry? Why are you covered in dirt and blood?"

Harry just scoffed, "None of your fucking business."

Harry may have avoided her question. But his response answered what Emaline really wanted to know. It is blood that stained his features and suit. 

And with that, Emaline was left alone to rest.

Her eyes felt heavy with sleep. She gave into the feeling, drifting off for a long nap.

Meanwhile, Harry got into a burning shower, scrubbing the marks of red off of his skin.

He hummed softly to himself, rubbing chunks of hair through his fingers. He watched as red residue swirled down the shower drain.

Harry still felt the adrenaline rush of today burning through his core. He chest was buzzing with possibility.

He was almost glad that Emaline needed to rest today. He didn't have the focus to analyze the note found in her jewelry box.

Harry needed to release the energy pumping through his veins.

After a nearly 45 minute shower of constant scrubbing and reapplying soap, he dried himself and changed into a simple, comfortable outfit.

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