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Harry had been calmer than he has been in weeks for the majority of the day. Yes, he was stressed; but he wasn't snapping at everybody for everything.

Harry rarely had days off. Today was rare. And maybe his day off included shopping for work related matters... But that wasn't the point. Harry's mind was slightly relaxed for the first time in who knows how long.

He also felt like there was some sort of progress being made with Emaline. She was opening up, not fighting herself to give information. Harry could tell she was internally conflicted. On one hand, wanting to protect her dad. And on the other being absolutely furious with him for her upbringing. Harry understands that feeling. Deeply.

Today wasn't necessarily about that though. Harry noticed Emaline beginning to crack from the pressure — and that wouldn't be good for anyone. Whether he liked it or not, she was the MVP of this whole operation. Without Emaline, there was no point. 

So today was really about a mental reset for her. And maybe for Harry too. But he would never admit that. 

The point is, Harry has been feeling relatively calm for most of the day.

But the second Harry saw Louis, something snapped. And he just fucking lost it.

Harry was pretty used to Louis being fucked up by now. He had been struggling with substance use every since Harry could remember. And it was never an issue to anyone else; drugs were just apart of the culture and lifestyle. Even Harry would partake on occasion. But the worse that Louis got, the harder it became for Harry to just stand by and watch.

Harry watched addiction completely consume people, ever since he was a little boy. It was something he always had trouble stomaching. Killing someone with a bullet through the skull was nothing. Watching someone poison themself slowly was a whole other ball game. Seeing it take ahold of his friend made his mind spin with anger and sadness.

He stood frozen in the bathroom, breathing heavily with adrenaline. He stared back at his reflection in the mirror, hardly recognizing himself.

Slowly, the trance faded and Harry's vision became clear again; his hearing wasn't as drowned out.

He washed Louis' blood from his fists with a twisted satisfaction. He was disgusted by himself.

Harry wishes he could punch the disease, without Louis' face blocking his target.

Harry splashed cold water over his face, resting his forehead against the wall for a moment as he attempts to ground himself.

Once his breathing became steady, he shook himself loose. He exited the bathroom and made his way towards Emaline's bedroom.

He raised his fist, getting ready to knock against her door, when he heard quiet sobs from behind the barrier.

Harry's head fell back as he took a sharp breath in. His eyes rolled uncontrollably as he dropped his fist and turned to walk back to his room.

As Harry dragged his feet through the hallway, Zayn caught his figure while turning a corner.

"Haz," Zayn whispered.

"Hmm?" Harry looked up at Zayn and paused his steps.

Zayn signaled his head towards a small reading room beside them, silently asking him to talk.

Harry followed Zayn, closing the door behind them.

The pair sat down across from one another, waiting for the other to speak.

"You guys get into the apartment?" Harry broke the silence.

Zayn shook his head, leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees, "No, man. Wouldn't let us in."

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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